WoW Start Over?

Just about to start WoW again after a 3 month break. I see that Eonar is a recommended server, but what about faction? Are you all going the same or different?

I quite fancy alliance as I've played 3 high level Horde characters in the past.
Rudeboy said:
Just about to start WoW again after a 3 month break. I see that Eonar is a recommended server, but what about faction? Are you all going the same or different?

I quite fancy alliance as I've played 3 high level Horde characters in the past.

It's pretty much split 50/50 on Eonar, some are ally and some are Horde. Take your pick.
My character is a lvl56 Undead Warlock called Mnemica on Agamaggan

Just trying to get to 60 then straight to Molten core with my guild for some felheart gear
Started a Dwarf Hunter too. Never played a hunter before, so wanted to start something different. Currently lvl4. Name is "Crosshair".

Also started a human warlock named "Demonix", but not had a chance to play him yet.
Rudeboy said:
Started a Dwarf Hunter too. Never played a hunter before, so wanted to start something different. Currently lvl4. Name is "Crosshair".

Also started a human warlock named "Demonix", but not had a chance to play him yet.

With a hunter, you won't be dissapointed. My favourite class of all time, truly amazing!
Rudeboy said:
Started a Dwarf Hunter too. Never played a hunter before, so wanted to start something different. Currently lvl4. Name is "Crosshair".

Also started a human warlock named "Demonix", but not had a chance to play him yet.

I'm in the "Made in England" Guild, and I think you are too dude :)
0gami said:
I'm in the "Made in England" Guild, and I think you are too dude :)

Indeed you are.
All 3 of my new characters are in the same guild.

I've now got 3 lvl 7 characters. They are.

Demonix - Human Warlock
Katana - Night Elf Warrior
Crosshair - Dwarf Hunter

Finding the guild quite good at the moment. Was chatting to a few of em last night and for a change they're not all 12. Most are around 30 and married with kids :) Should cut out a lot of the childish problems that I've seen with other guilds in the past. Reset also got our tabbard last night. Sadly I'm no where near to having a spare 1g per character to be able to buy one yet :(

Will be on lots over the weekend. Will be sure to look out for you.
0gami said:
What do the Tabbards actually do?

And yeah seems like an awesome clan :D

Tabards are just a piece of cloth that goes over whatever your chest-piece is with a "logo" which represents your guild. They cost 10g for the guild master to make, and then 1g for each member to buy. You only ever buy one though, and the image changes if you change guild, or if you're guild-less then it's just grey (in which case I don't wear one).
w00t, just dinged 60 on Vek'nilash :D

The moment of joy captured with FRAPS:

Rudeboy said:
Indeed you are.
All 3 of my new characters are in the same guild.

Finding the guild quite good at the moment. Was chatting to a few of em last night and for a change they're not all 12. Most are around 30 and married with kids :) Should cut out a lot of the childish problems that I've seen with other guilds in the past. Reset also got our tabbard last night. Sadly I'm no where near to having a spare 1g per character to be able to buy one yet :(

I've started on this server too. Name Jetsetwilly. My wife and friend are also on the server. We are aged 27-30 and would really appreciate an invite to a mature guild.

My main is a level 60 Warrior on another server, but the wife was desperate to play so the Eonar server seemed right.

Some of the players in WoW need to get an attitude check, even those claiming to be "mature". Had a couple of "interesting" comments from players who claimed to be old about events in the game.

For example, a player complained to me that I didn't "finish a mob" when I only had to kill one creature to get to the quest objective? :confused:
send a \w to myself (Ogami), Reset (Guild Founder) or any of the other Made in England Guild members, we are all about the Fun aspect of WoW, mixed in skills and mostly married with kids :) (Though there are a few young ones) - We have quite a few females (about 7-8) so your wife will feel at home.

I'm usually on from 8pm - 10pm.

Hope that helps :)

- Ogami
0gami said:
MiGSY What UI is that?

It's the standard WoW UI interface with a few addons including:

Titan Panel
Nurfed General + Nurfed Unit Frames (These must be extracted manually from the full Nurfed UI compilation)
CT MasterMod + CT BottomBar
Energy Watch
Scrolling Combat Text

And a few more which aren't visible in that screenshot.
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