WoW Start Over?

bakes0310 said:
my character:
name: Decayedone

Im really enjoying being a evil player and having a cool imp following me around. I spent my first point on my summons to make him stronger and i hope if i keep spending points on him ill have a new summons.

Oh yeah i just had my first ride on a bat :)

You get new summons by levelling up.

Level 1 - Imp
Level 10 - Voidwalker
Level 20 - Succubus?
Level 30 - Felbeast
Level 40 - Felsteed
Level 50 - Infernal?
Level 60 - Dreadsteed?

I think that's how it goes anyway :rolleyes:
cool cant wait, the one i want the most and probably is the last one. Is that giant green fiery rock guy dont know his name but i know he kicked ass in carcraft 3
Thats the infernal you get at 50 plus there's the doomguard you get at 60 . Both those might look cool but they are fairly weak and break away from your control and attack you fairly regularly

You'd probably be better off putting your early talent points in instant corruption - something you'll use a lot in the lower lvls and then look to reducing your shadowbolt casting time .

While you are leveling i'd recommend you put points in things that are immeadiately useful to you rather than aiming for an end game standard build - you can always respec at 40/41 or wait till 60
ok ill do that then cheers :)
Im level 11 at the moment im not in any rush im just playing the game the odd hour. On my day off on friday ill be playing all day so hopefully i might get the next summons and maybe about level 20 if i play for about 8 hours :)
Decided to go on Kilrogg - newest PvE server.

1-60 in just under 14 days (~9 days /played), running BRS/Strat/Scholo now for kit.

The guild i'm in - Surreal - hope to start ZG in a week or two.
After not playing it for a few days im only lvl 12 but now im slightly thinking of starting a new character like a preist as there apparently aint many of them and then ill be asked to do quest with other ppl what do you lot think?
Should i carry on with my fun warlock and get to lvl 60 then start a new character.
If i do im a bit worried it would take me along time to get to lvl 12 again so im not really sure.

PS how do you change servers/realms cause i want to go onto eaonor. :)
bakes0310 said:
After not playing it for a few days im only lvl 12 but now im slightly thinking of starting a new character like a preist as there apparently aint many of them and then ill be asked to do quest with other ppl what do you lot think?
Should i carry on with my fun warlock and get to lvl 60 then start a new character.
If i do im a bit worried it would take me along time to get to lvl 12 again so im not really sure.

PS how do you change servers/realms cause i want to go onto eaonor. :)

lvl 10 is usually around 4 hrs of gametime.
lvl 20 is around 24 hrs of gametime.

Think I'd rather swap sooner than later if you catch my drift.

Why not play both at once? You can rest one while you play the other and that way during the later levels you will pretty much always be playing with the rested XP bonus (quicker levelling).
I you are worried it will take a while to get to 12 again i wouldnt worry what it will be like at 60 mate.. its AGES away yet if at all :)
so r u saying i should go at being a preist.
If so i would like to be alliance so i can join in on a clan im trying to get into.
I know preist are mainly for healing but do they actually have any good damage spells so i can protect myself.
You want to go Shadow if you choose priest, at least until you reach about 60. That way you can do big damage and still be a good healer as you level up.

Im really enjoying my human preist im only lvl 6 but he seems nearly as good as my lvl 14 undead warlock :)

Ive already been asked to team up with this other guy to kill this bandit leader and ive been asked by others too, also if i see a player i always heal them and they say thanks :)
Here on Vek'nilash our guild (Deviant, Horde) have cleared ZG and are up to Ragnaros in MC. We've also downed Onyxia :)

Hoping to get the first horde side Ragnaros kill this weekend.

Meanwhile a number of Alliance guilds have already cleared BWL :rolleyes:

We're totally outnumbered by Alliance :( Can't complain about the 1 second BG queues though :D
MiGSY said:
Here on Vek'nilash our guild (Deviant, Horde) have cleared ZG and are up to Ragnaros in MC. We've also downed Onyxia :)

Hoping to get the first horde side Ragnaros kill this weekend.

Meanwhile a number of Alliance guilds have already cleared BWL :rolleyes:

We're totally outnumbered by Alliance :( Can't complain about the 1 second BG queues though :D

Started My Dwarf Priest last week on Vek'nilash am lvl 34 atm. My first alliance for a year, was horde for ages. We do seem to out number you a lot BG queues are just stupid sometimes.

And some of the AH prices are just stupid 1G 20S for 20 silk cloth. Tis Stupid but im not complaining have 94G already. :)

BTW, Migsy if you see me dont gank me.
We are all still working our way to 60, a lot of us have wifes and kids so we're taking our time, we will crack Onyxia sometime though :D
Starzy said:
Started My Dwarf Priest last week on Vek'nilash am lvl 34 atm. My first alliance for a year, was horde for ages. We do seem to out number you a lot BG queues are just stupid sometimes.

And some of the AH prices are just stupid 1G 20S for 20 silk cloth. Tis Stupid but im not complaining have 94G already. :)

BTW, Migsy if you see me dont gank me.
How the hell can you get to lvl 34 in one week i started my human preist about 8 days ago and im only lvl 9. I play about 30 mins-1 hour a day. Ive got some days off soon so hopefully ill get a good few more levels :)
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