WoW Start Over?

Well we may aswell get a character list up of who's going to be what etc. :)

So just post your:

So we have an idea of what is available and what we need.

I guess i'll start off...
Race : Night Elf
Class : Rogue
Proffessions : Skinning / Leatherworking
Talents : Cold blood + Prep.
Race: Human or Dwarf not sure yet
Class: Priest
Proffessions: Ultimately Tailor/Enchanter
Talents: Shadow :cool: to level then Disc/Holy or whatever 1.10 brings.

Xavier its a pvp server but its the newest released 1 only a few 60's atm ive just started on alliance the next pve servers wont be for a few months so id suggest we may aswell start on this one

Nightelf Rogue.
Two choices at the moment, can't decide between Druid and Priest :(

Race: Night Elf Female
Class: Druid
Talents: 14/32/5 levelling, Resto at Lv60.

Race: Hume Female
Class: Priest
Talents: Shadow levelling, Holy Disc Lv60
Jokester i've chosen human priest for you by the way. And Vai, you're a druid. Thank you, come again. :)
Guys, is anyone playing on Quel'Thalas on the alliance side. i couldn't wait for the new realms and it isn't overly full. I didn't see much point in waiting for the new realms if all servers will get upgraded.
mrk1@1 said:
Guys, is anyone playing on Quel'Thalas on the alliance side. i couldn't wait for the new realms and it isn't overly full. I didn't see much point in waiting for the new realms if all servers will get upgraded.

Cassio, Night Elf Warrior, level 43.
Lt. Manlove said:
I have just this second got home from town to purposely buy WoW. Now where do I start?

Install the 5 disks, create an account, download the 300mb + patches, restart a few times. Then when the option comes and it places you on a server over ride this automatic assignement (probably khadgar if you play pve) and choose Quel'Thalas and alliance if you want to join the few of us on it.
Got room for another Jokester?

I wouldn't mind giving WoW another try, I got to about level 10 but got bored as I didn't really know anyone that was playing. Pick-up groups are always a bit hit or miss. :(

Hopefully the guild wouldn't be to hardcore or anything, i'm not one for grinding and rushing through the game. Hated PvP, so a PvE server would be great!
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