WoW Start Over?

Judging by the amount of posts on each of the PvE (1.5 pages) and PvP (11pages) realm forums, ten times as much people will roll on the PvP server as they will on the PvE server.


Frank Butcher said:
Guild is going to be called Nightwatch, gonna be a pve guild, the GM and Officer's all have experience of BWL/MC/AQ20/40/ZG so looking to do the same now with an Alliance perspective. Just got in from work and the server isnt up which is a good thing :D

I'm in Pandemonium, see you about!

Jokester said:
Judging by the amount of posts on each of the PvE (1.5 pages) and PvP (11pages) realm forums, ten times as much people will roll on the PvP server as they will on the PvE server.



Best news ive heard all night :)

Jokester said:
I'm in Pandemonium, see you about!

Post back when youve aquired your name and il add you to my friends list when the server eventually comes up!
Tute said:
They're the same people who were whining a few days ago...

"On3 s3rva???!11 OMGBL1ZZ w3 N33D m0R3 peeveepee!!11eleevn!!"


Yep, unfortunatly WoW has seemed to aquire a large population of kiddy counterstrike rejects. In my experience though they usually stick to PvP servers thank god :p
Frank Butcher said:
Yep, unfortunatly WoW has seemed to aquire a large population of kiddy counterstrike rejects. In my experience though they usually stick to PvP servers thank god :p

Exactly why I decided to go PvE this time. I've found the players to be more mature on the PvE servers.

A quick update for you all.

"Update 05/04
Due to the preparations needed for the new realms we are now planning to open them tomorrow, Thursday April 6th. We realize players are very eager to start playing on these new realms and would like to assure you that all best efforts are being made to open them as soon as possible.

Additional update, to not keep people up all night: the realms will at best be up early afternoon."

[Edit] Migsy posted the first bit, i'm merely drawing attention to the bottom paragraph.
So, who's going to be up spamming refresh on the server status page at 12? :D

I've even painstakingly manually pre-configured my interface through the files in the WTF/WTB folders so I don't have to bother setting it up after I've logged in and created my character, thus saving me time so I can level up faster :D

God I'm sad :eek: :D
MiGSY said:
So, who's going to be up spamming refresh on the server status page at 12? :D

I've even painstakingly manually pre-configured my interface through the files in the WTF/WTB folders so I don't have to bother setting it up after I've logged in and created my character, thus saving me time so I can level up faster :D

God I'm sad :eek: :D

No no, I think you crossed that line when you made a sig for a character that you haven't created yet.

Power-levelling are we? :D
Eonar is LIVE!

So is Vek'nilash, as far as I can tell, it's far busier there though.

I'm Nelinde, Night Elf Druid, level 5.

Jokester, what about you?
OMG!!! That was so funny, about 400 people in Northshire, apparently Coldridge Valley was worse. They are lowering player caps now! :(

For example:



It got a lot worse :(
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Hmmm, looks like they have taken them down.

I didn't even get on at all because I was still asleep. WHY DOES MY GOD FORSAKEN ALARM CLOCK NEVER WAKE ME UP! GRAAAAAHHHHHHH :mad:
Well I was really hoping to get a good start, as I have work 14.30-20.00, but I guess i'll have to be happy with level 5.

Bit disappointed tbh. :(
The preparations for the new realms are virtually done. Due to testing the realms were visible for a short time. They will be shut down now.

As announced, we look forward to opening the new realms officially in the early afternoon.

Wonder if we are made to start at level 1... :confused:
Ah right, so they weren't actually officially opened. I guess that 'test' was to get a rough idea of how many players would be logging on once they opened them up.
I'm thinking about starting a new character tonight on one of the two new servers, and joining you guys. Which server should I join and will there be a guild? If so will it be Alliance or Horde?
Finally managed to create my horde character on Vek'nilash, after 10 minutes of "Retrieving character list".

Now the world server is down, sigh...
Now I can't connect at all. <3 Blizzard

EDIT: It would now appear that they've taken the servers down....again...

Second EDIT: Woohoo! I'm connected! Oh.... there's a queue...of...1070...


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