WoW Start Over?

Spike_UK said:
I can't even log in tonight, yet alone getting stuck in BG's

They seem to be fixing the battleground issue by shutting the servers off, thus stopping the whole population from playing :rolleyes: They might as well have waited 'til Wednesday when the realms are off anyway. Gah!

I'm just bitter because I've been trying to loot VanCleef for the Cruel Barb for 4 days with no success :p
Lt. Manlove said:
Anyone noticed serious downtime with the account pages and forum?

Yep, the account pages in particular. It took me three days to get into the account management page so I could renew my subscription.

It would be helpful if everyone going PvP (Vek'nilash) could post their character name, race and class.

Pholus - Orc Rogue
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Just out of curiosity I wonder how many irate players cancel their subscriptions in protest during a shutdown such as this only to re-subscribe once the servers come back online :D
Starting on Eonar tommorow as a Dwarf Warrior. Hopefully going to be part of a successful new raid guild being run by some of my current Horde guild.
Frank Butcher said:
Starting on Eonar tommorow as a Dwarf Warrior. Hopefully going to be part of a successful new raid guild being run by some of my current Horde guild.

Way hey, might see you about in game, what's the name of your guild?

Jokester said:
Way hey, might see you about in game, what's the name of your guild?


Guild is going to be called Nightwatch, gonna be a pve guild, the GM and Officer's all have experience of BWL/MC/AQ20/40/ZG so looking to do the same now with an Alliance perspective. Just got in from work and the server isnt up which is a good thing :D

Blizzard said:
Update 05/04
Due to the preparations needed for the new realms we are now planning to open them tomorrow, Thursday April 6th. We realize players are very eager to start playing on these new realms and would like to assure you that all best efforts are being made to open them as soon as possible.
Lt. Manlove said:
The amount of hate mail on the forum, I cannot keep up with the pages!

Heh, it's crazy. Actually reading all the hate mail has made me feel a little better. Some of the lines people come out with are absolutely hilarious.
I'm utterly disgusted with the way people are reacting on the World of Warcraft forums. I mean it's a game. Yes, people are disappointed, but learn to live with it, things happen.
I hope the entire European team hand out lifetime bans and account deletions for the people who repeatedly post threads in the general forum with swear words / offensive language.
Maybe they should let Spie and the OcUK team have a go, my god, think of the carnage once Otacon gets his banhammer!

I'll probably be rolling an alt on Eonar tomorrow, i've almost got my main to 60 on Moonglade though so i'll keep my main on there. To add to that, no offence guys, but i'm not sure why Blizzard are rolling you out *another* PvP servers when I can see at least a DOZEN of them on the realms list on low population. :rolleyes:

Anyhow... back to Moonglade... :)
Frank Butcher said:
I really hope those posters on the WoW forums are rolling on the PvP server!

They're the same people who were whining a few days ago...

"On3 s3rva???!11 OMGBL1ZZ w3 N33D m0R3 peeveepee!!11eleevn!!"

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