WoW Start Over?

Well there's about 1200 people in the unofficial PvP server's IRC channel so that should give you an idea about how busy that will be. I think Blizzard will probably want to create another couple to cope with the load. :eek:
Well, blizzard DID say that they were reducing the server capacity for the release so the starting areas wouldn't be so crowded. That explains why the queue is so huge. Although queues will still most likely be present after they've returned to the normal capacity, they surely won't be as large.
I'm 675 in the queue at the moment :(

Which server are you on Lt.Manlove? Don't tell me you went Alliance on Vek'nilash! TRAITOR!
I'm position 2351 to get into Vek'nilash XD .

I'll be making a Tauren Hunter when I get in though :) .

Name will be Paschendale if available.
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Yay :) :D :o :eek:

Yay :) :o :eek:

Edit : Oh yeah, wait time of 137minutes at 2000.

Edit 2 : The wait time has gone up too 257minutes :(
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425 in the queue, estimated 384 minutes :(

One thing's for sure, once I finally get in, I'm NEVER logging out :p
Lt.Manlove, are those your screenshots? If so, could you message Trixxie on alliance side and ask him if he's from Laughing Skull as a Shaman? :)

Me and him have some interesting history together, we were pretty much sworn enemies of the PVP world :p

Edit : My eye has suddenly begun twitchen and i'm strangely doing unvoluntary body movements. I've just been disconnected from the server at 150th in the queue. :mad:
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Looks like they are starting to increase the player capacity on Vek'nilash. I just went from 300th to 200th place in the queue in a few minutes.
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