wozza2k's pursuit of vanity

Thinking of resetting squats from 60kg, recorded 4th set of 100kg and it was slanty/wonky as hell. Clearly I really need to tackle my imbalances which is much worse than I thought :(

60 5 5 5
80 3 3 3
100 5 5 5 5 3

40 10 10
50 10 10
60 5
62.5 5 x 5

Bar 10 10
40 10
50 5
60 5 x 5

Cable rows

Pull ups
5 5 4

Tyre Flips (80kg)
3 x 1 min

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Do you not think I should reset the squats? I'll re-add back in the off-set work and make sure they're first thing I do for every session now.

And I've got 3 pairs of trousers which are waiting to be repaired and I don't even lift
Woke up with DOMs today after going bouldering last night, ironically one of the climbs really punished my hamstrings which is one of my weak points.

Got to prance around in my Adipowers today definitely something to get used to in a good way.

Swapped Bench to OHP as the bench was being hoarded and I need to test/push the shoulders to report back to my physio.

mrthingyx I'm not sure whether I love or hate you for introducing me to DBSS....

60 5 5 5
80 5 5
100 5 x 5

40 10 10
50 10 10
60 5 x 5

Bar 10
30 5 5
35 3 4 3 3 3

Cable row

3 x 10
Actual LOLS in the gym tonight, crossfitter vs deadlifter over space and dropping weights etc ah the joys of a commercial gym.

Back to regular scheduling, so yeah my squats are still wonky but they appear better not sure whether I'm bracing better or the upgraded footwear but I'll stick with 100kg max until that's tidy.

Deads I figure I just need to be more tight during the lowering phrase.

60 5 5 5
80 5 5
100 3 x 5

60 5 5
80 3 3
120 2 2 3

25 10
30 10 8
35 5 x 5

Cable rows

3 x 10

I apologise for the music in the videos but thankfully I don't hear any of this thanks to my earphones....

Hard to describe it but basically I basically try and do the belly full of air and then tighten :confused:

I'm not sure whether my core is just weak hence the rolling as it seems to get progressively worse with each rep.

The frustrating thing is all was good about a year ago :(
So I found out today my office chair is wonky and I've been sitting on a wonk for the longest time so not sure whether this is why when I hit the bottom position I twist.

60 5 5
80 5
100 5 x 5

40 10 10
50 5 5
60 5
62.5 5 x 5

40 10 10
50 8 5
62.5 5 x 5
Had a PT come compliment me on my squat form not sure if they were serious or whether I've magically resolved all my issues...

Deadlift numbers are going up but grip is holding me back so will just drill more and more of it to improve.

BSS 3 x 10 feels strangely comfortable but need to work on balance so will still with just BW for a session or two.

60 5 5
80 5 5
100 5 5 3 3 3

60 5 5
80 5
90 5
110 5
120 5
130 2 3

3 x 10
exercise of the devil :D

He doesn't lift with double underhand....at least I hope he doesn't.

No I don't double underhand, I'm not you :p


So my squats do look tidier but there is still some wonkiness to it but it only occurs at the top which is interesting, it looks as though I’m struggling to get tight or I lose the tightness but at least on the way down/up it there.

BSS when I my right leg is in front/leading I feel a massive stretch in my left leg so I guess I should work on this a bit more in addition to mobilising the hell out of it.

All in all I’m happier as at least I’m moving some sort of progress

60 10 5
80 5 5
100 3 x 5

Bar 10 10
40 10
50 5 3
62.5 5 x 5

40 10 10
50 5 5
65 5 x 5

Pull up
8 4 3 3

Cable row

3 x 10

Right leg lead, left leg stretch felt.

2nd set of 80kg

3rd set of 100kg
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So I’m keeping a straight/straighter back when actually in the squat movement but I’ve noticed my right ankle is still playing tricks on me. My right shoulder is clearly giving me grief hence the inability to set up straight.

For deads I seem to lose the tightness as I go on and then form goes to pot, grip is better but I’ve been using the Oly bar which is a thinner (I apparently have small hands). Also I did notice when setting up (as well as my bad habit of looking up constantly, my right shoulder doesn't/won't pin back as far as my left shoulder)

Messed about with sled pull/drags after everything and I’ve identified that I’m much stronger as well as preferring one leg over the other.

BSS I need to work on balance still.

60 5 5
80 5 5
100 3 x 5

60 5 5
80 5 5
100 5
120 5
130 4 3
120 3

Cable row

Bar 10 10
30 5 5
40 4 3 3 3 3

3 x 10

Nordic curls

Sled drags
20kg x 40m
40kg x 40m
73kg x 20m

1st of 2 @ 80kg

1st of 2 @ 130kg

2nd of 2 @ 130kg
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Mobilise that shoulder!



Shoulder is better after doing some work on it here and there, need to put in some proper time mobilising that and the ankle, squats are getting better but again its the top position which there is a wonk.

Deadlifts 130 felt ok but I need to get more comfortable maybe slow things down and keep my head neutral (stop looking up!).

BSS strength isn't the issue with this so much anymore but its the balance which i need to work on.

60 5 5
80 5 5
100 5 x 5

60 5 5
80 5 5
100 5
120 5
130 3 3

3 x 10
Locker 261

Body didn’t want to squat today so only did 3 working sets :( I thought I’ve improved my ankle mobility slightly but looking at the bottom position it seems I still have work to do again shoulder/back is causing me to be lop-sided but this is only at the top position so will keep mobilising everything till I can keep the tightness throughout the movement.

Bench tonight was strangely comfortable but I guess I should be slightly wary if my shoulder is gaffed

Row lowered the weight after 3 sets to tidy/drill in form

60 5 5
80 5 5
100 3 x 5

40 8 8
50 5
60 5
65 5 x 5

40 10 10
50 10 5
60 5
65 3 x 5
60 3 x 5

Cable Row

3 x 10

And I am still failing to see any downside to this...? :D

Since I don't really lift, I guess I may as well become a comedian and provide some laughs :D


Interesting night, squat I felt ok with 105 but again the wonkiness is there, it looks like I lose my tightness just as I start the movement and regain it doing the movement, as I unrack fine (from what I can see in the videos).

Deadlift still searching for that start position which works for me, last set tonight definitely looks better in terms of movement from what I can see but I need to drop the hips down a lot more?

OHP was a no go as I was get a pain in my right wrist at the bottom position with just the bar so something have gone amiss, will get my physio to look into this next week.

Actually added load to BSS tonight (admittedly only 8kg KB each hand) and lord this have become the exercise of beelzebub himself! Balance is an issue and so is going the distance ;) Decided to do sets of 5 instead of 10 as the first set of 8 was a massive struggle. Will have to look into improving this over time.

60 10
80 5 5
90 5
100 5 5 5
105 3 x 3

60 5 5
80 5
100 5
120 5
130 4 3

Bar - No go

Cable row

BSS - 8kg KB
1 x 8
4 x 5

105kg Squat 3rd of 3 sets

130kg Deadlift 2nd set
For your deads (and I am a million miles from expert) your first rep hips coming up first. Last one best to me. Back seemed straight and a good angle in my book

Ha I thought the last one was the worse, but then I didn't notice the hips coming up first :S

Certainly bringing your bum up first.

Instead,think of moving as one unit, while you are straightening the legs, try and keep the torso in the same position,I.e. don't let it drop or not move up with the rest of your body.

I'll mess about and report back...
Session was right after physio session, stupidly didn't film any of my sets (admittedly it was busy as hell randomly). Physio said my shoulder was generally moving very well but I just have tight spots (mainly pecs and traps) which maybe impacting things, she did however tape me up in the hope I'll keep my shoulder in a better position.

Squats generally felt ok, just annoyed I didn't film to properly review things.

Bench struggled with 4/5th set and not really sure why.

Rows felt good, experimenting with a more lower position (more parallel to the ground).

Bar 10
60 8
80 5
100 3 x 5
105 3 x 3

40 8 5
50 5
60 5
65 5 5 5 4 4

40 10 10
50 5 5
60 5 x 5
Its hard to explain. Look up things like first and second pull.

I'v been reading the guide to deadlifting on the strong lifts website all morning/afternoon at work, it makes sense when I'm reading it but when I do it I just go bleugh! :D

There are some free slo-mo apps for your favourite phone OS that let you slow down videos - that really helps me see what's going on. On that note, I must record myself again and see how form is holding up!

Do it, everyone need to go full handsome on video and I'm sure there is a slo-mo function already built in on my phone... Need to investigate

You are lifting with your back: watch the beginning of your movement on the third rep of the last vid and you will see some flex in your lumbar, indicating all is not right.

Sink your hips down a smidge lower, try and point your bum up at the ceiling, big chest/chest up/whatever and heels.

I am the biggest hypocrite, mind, because I deadlift with only slightly bent legs (can no longer be bothered), so feel free to ignore. :o

I guess part of it, is lack of mobility or I don't feel secure dropping lower as I've always set up with high hips (not saying its right). I'll tinker about this week and see how it goes.
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