wozza2k's pursuit of vanity

Ugh left this to late to write anything of note, may update tomorrow....

60 5 5
80 5 5
100 5 3
120 3
140 1 1 1
130 3 3

40 10 10
50 8 8
60 5 5
65 5 x 5

40 10
50 10
60 10
70 5 x 5

Pull ups
6 6 6

Sled push
25kg x 2 x 20m
50kg x 2 x 20m
60kg x 2 x 20m
Boom! Back after 2 weeks out due to holiday and then a bout of food poison which was not fun at all.

Thought I take it easy today with squats at 100kg, even then I struggled to hit the 5 reps and got a massive leg pump/DOMs mid set.

60 8 8
80 5
100 5 x 3

40 8 8
50 6 6
60 5 x 5

60 5 5

Energy levels are not quite what they were, strength is definitely down, happy I still managed to pull the 140 deadlift but that did get me really light headed.

Conditioning work to finish.

Bar 10 10
30 5 5
35 5 5
37.5 4 5 3 4 3

60 5 5
80 5
100 5
120 3 3
140 1 1 1
120 3

Tyre flips 80kg
20m x 2

Sled push 20m
40kg x 2
50kg x 3
Getting there but still work to do, energy levels still not quite there yet.

60 10
100 5 5 5
110 3 3 3 2 1

Floor press
Bar 10
40 10
50 8 8
60 5 x 5

40 10 10
50 5 5
60 5 5 5 5 3

Face Pulls

Palloff Press
Happy with this session! Deadlifts was better than anticipated, pull ups was surprisingly good as well, sled work to finish for conditioning. Let's hope this continues :D

Bar 10 10
30 5 5 5
37.5 5 x 5

60 5 5 5
100 5
120 3
130 1
140 4 3

Chin ups
8 8 5

Sled push
40kg x 20m x 2
60kg x 20m x 2
70kg x 20m x 2
75kg x 20m x 1
Getting more volume with squats but feeling tight with the movement, will review next session to see whether I should drop the weight down and tidy up form yet again.

60 5 5
80 5
100 3
110 5 3 3 3 3

40 10 10
50 8 8
60 5 x 5

Floor Press
40 10
50 10
60 5
65 5 x 5

Pull ups
10 6 5
Still not hitting the reps on Deads pretty sure it's more psychological now.

Got the most disgusting leg pump from sled work :eek:

Bar 10 10
30 6 6
40 5 5 5 4 5

60 5
80 5
100 5
120 1
130 1
140 3 1 2
120 3

Trap bar DL
60 5
80 5
100 5
120 5
130 5

Pull ups
10 6 5

45kg x 20m
55kg x 20m
65kg x 20m
75kg x 20m
Not really sure what happened tonight but struggled from the start, need to work on form on Rows (need to be more 'parallel' to the floor when pulling).

Onto the next on I suppose

60 5 5
80 5 5
100 3 3
110 4 3 3 2 f

40 10 10
50 6 6
60 5
62.5 5 5 5 5 3

40 10
50 10
60 5
65 5 x 5

Pull ups
8 5 3

Battle ropes
Hmm I thought a slight calorie deficit whilst remaining on the same set/rep range would be sufficient, clearly I'll have to reconsider that.

Will be pump chasing then on non-deadlift day :)
Not sure what I think if this session, I didn't struggle as such with OHP but it was more i was being impatient between sets admittedly there is no way in hell I would hit 8 reps for this lift.

Deads I felt solid throughout but grip gives way on/after the 3 rep on the WS, will have to experiment and get used to hook grip for more gains.

Pull ups I was happy to hit 10 reps twice.

Bar 10 10
30 5 5
40 5 4 4 5 5

60 5
80 5
100 5
120 1
130 1
140 3 3 3
100 5 5

Trap bar DL
60 5 5
100 5 5
120 5
130 5
140 5

10 10 6
I think I can hack 6, but getting to 10+ is going to need a lot of work and I feel more food...

I imagine it would be a transition from 5 x 5, to 6 x 4 > 8 x 3 then eventually 10 x 3?
Struggled, did not like that extra 6th rep at all, do not like this weird leg pump feeling.

Admittedly floor press was the only one where I was really struggling so much I nearly had to bail on the last set but everything else was just a light grind.

60 10 10
80 8
100 2 x 6
105 4 x 6

40 10 10
50 8 8
55 5
60 5 x 6

40 10 10
50 10
60 6
65 4 x 6

Pull ups 10 8 5
YASSSSS! 155kg pulled, double overhand with hook grip :D didn't film it so have to use imagination :D

Other notes OHP is a lift I struggle with on volume but I'll press on (see what I did there).

60 10
80 5
100 5
120 3
130 1
140 1
145 1
150 1
155 1
140 3 3

Trap DL
60 10
100 5
120 5
140 5
150 5

Bar 10 10
30 10
35 8
40 5 6 6 5 1 3

Pull up
BW 10 8
BW + 8kg 4 4 4

Sled push
2 x 40kg x 20m
2 x 50kg x 20m
2 x 60kg x 20m
Interesting session felt like I really struggled but looking back it looks like I hit the higher reps ok :confused: Grind on for sets of 8s :s

60 10 10
80 8
100 4 x 7

40 10 10
50 8
60 4 x 7

40 10
50 8
60 4 x 7

Pull ups
BW 8
BW + 8kg 5 5 4 4
Another deadlift PB, although watching the video back I'm not sure it really counts due to the shoddy form (which incidentally needs a lot of work).

Missed out on OHP due to gym being stupidly busy so wasn't possible at the start and was too fatigued after deads to do them :(

60 5
80 5
100 5
120 3
140 3
150 1 1
160 1
140 1

60 5
100 5
120 3
140 3
150 3 3 3

Pull ups.
BW 8
BW + 8kg - 5 4 5 5

45kg x 20m x 2
70kg x 20m x 3

Squats were ok but really struggled with the extra reps on rows & bench. Wanting to eat everything I see these last few days. Must stay strong for the shreddies for summer/holiday :(

60 10
80 10
100 4 x 8
110 2 x 3

40 10 10
50 10 10
60 8 8 5 5 5

40 10
50 10
60 8 8 7 6 5

Pull ups
BW+8kg 5 5 3
BW 4 1 2

Tricep cable pull-down
Schedule got moved about this week due to weekend plans, the loss of that one rest day have massively impacted today as I still feel slightly sore going in today, really struggled with pulling 150 on deads and hitting the reps on OHP.

Oh I thought I'll throw in some bike work for conditioning....

20 10 10
30 8 8
40 6 4 5 4 4
30 5 5

60 10
80 5
100 5
120 3
140 3
150 f
140 1
130 2 1

Trapbar DL
60 10
100 5
120 5 5
130 3
140 3 3

Pull ups
BW + 8kg 5 5 3 3
BW + 12kg 4 3 2

Was supposed to be 20 on then 10 off for 2minutes. Was more like 20 on, 10 off, 10 on, 30 off, 10 on, 20 off, 10 on. Legs are stupidly pumped...
Really struggled through this session, hitting the extra reps was really taxing and hard to recover from, couldn't manage it at all on Rows.

Need to really floss out the right shoulder as I feel I can't 'pin' it down when benching and it clicks when overhead pressing with a dumbbell...

60 10 10
80 5 5
100 8 8 8 5 5

40 10 10
50 10 10
60 5 x 5

Bar 10 10
40 8 8
50 8
60 8 8 6 6

Bw + 8kg 6 5 5
Bw + 12kg 3 3 2
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