X-Com 2 - Announced

The story of an operative

You start after your first proper mission (post tutorial), ready to take on everyone


You kill an alien like this in close combat


afterwards you do not care even about the side effect of smoking

When you've lost an eye, smoking probably doesnt seem so bad ;)

Just starting the 3rd mission (if you incl the tutorial). I wish that when we'd done custom characters there was a way to save them as a template, not just a character. I'd like to be able to have a few specific looks and keep using them, without doing it all manually.

Im also seeing the odd 21:9 (aka ultrawide) related issue. The characters head/hair is often off-screen when doing customisation, some of the menus are 'centered' badly, so the 4-character line-up is offset and not under the correct characters, and the 'Aliens moving' type screen is a 16:9 type overlay, the extra width of 21:9 is missing that effect so it stands out and annoys you.
At least the cursor clicks in the right place in this version!!
One thing I hope they don't do is what they did with the last one.

Have a ton of bugs on release, have loads and loads of feedback, and only correct those bugs in a paid DLC (Enemy Within).

There were some pretty game-ruining bugs in #1 that they didn't fix unless you bought EW. That is shady practice, imho.
Runs poorly and already had a crash mid-cutscene :(

Though the actual game is pretty good! Will prob play some more tommorrow but for now I'll lurk the message boards, forums, etc. to see if there any any slight tweaks to make my overall experience better... gotta love that day-1 modding :p
There is too much confusion and it throws a bit too much at you without enough explanation. I just did a mission and was well chuffed that it seemed to go well. I evacuated my soldiers and it came up with 'mission failed'. There was no indication of what I needed to do!
There is too much confusion and it throws a bit too much at you without enough explanation. I just did a mission and was well chuffed that it seemed to go well. I evacuated my soldiers and it came up with 'mission failed'. There was no indication of what I needed to do!

Top left corner has the tasks for the mission, top right any time remaining to achieve the primary

Runs poorly and already had a crash mid-cutscene :(

Though the actual game is pretty good! Will prob play some more tommorrow but for now I'll lurk the message boards, forums, etc. to see if there any any slight tweaks to make my overall experience better... gotta love that day-1 modding :p

What you mean runs poorly? By default would run on MSAA 8x. Thats a lot. Lower it to 2x
Animations are glitchy, sometimes Nott showing them, but other than that no issues so far.

Concealment gives you so many more tactical options.
Top left corner has the tasks for the mission, top right any time remaining to achieve the primary

I know,and I could see there was an objective to do but I couldn't see how to do it in game. This isn't really a spoiler btw-
objectives to either kill or subdue a vip. I subdued him and the objectives were to evac and to evac with the vip. I saw no way to do anything with the vip when I went near the body (no extra commands or anything) so I just evacuated my team and assumed it would complete it but it didn't.

Loving the game. Lots of neat little changes. As I said though it does throw a lot at you too quickly!

Concealment and hacking ate both welcome additions.
I know,and I could see there was an objective to do but I couldn't see how to do it in game. This isn't really a spoiler btw-
objectives to either kill or subdue a vip. I subdued him and the objectives were to evac and to evac with the vip. I saw no way to do anything with the vip when I went near the body (no extra commands or anything) so I just evacuated my team and assumed it would complete it but it didn't.

Loving the game. Lots of neat little changes. As I said though it does throw a lot at you too quickly!

If you incapacitated him, you would need to carry, just like in the tutorial.
... I didn't do any tutorial where I had to do that!

Have I missed the tutorial? What happened in it?

Sounds like it,
Had to do exactly as you were told and It's a big part of the story line. Went through concealment, flanking, blowing up a wall with grenade and carrying an unconscious person.

Did you unclick the tutorial.
Without saying anything about the missions or whatnot...

The tutorial kinda follows on from the cut-scene at the beginning. You start with 2 soldiers and basically get forced into where they need to go, what they do etc, no freedom to do anything. However in there it does explain the mechanic Glaucus mentioned.
Sounds like it,
Had to do exactly as you were told and not much. Went through concealment, flanking, blowing up a wall with grenade and carrying an unconscious person.

That is very strange as there is no way I would have turned off a tutorial.

Oh well, guess I will learn as I go then!

A really nice little touch imo is the body language of soldiers after a mission depending on how well it went and if they are injured.
Im somewhat surprised at the difficulty. Im running Veteran (Rookie/Vet/Commander/Legend) and they're just so much tougher and more aggressive.

Ive had them flank me a few times, and im now wondering whether or not i'd be better off using oversight on a soldier and hope that they're aware and it helps protect from them freely making runs behind me. The problem is that oversight is pretty hopeless half the time, and taking a 50% shot which would kill seems like it'd protect you more than overwatch UNLESS that helped keep them back - if they still run, its probably pointless.

Anyone any general ideas? slow & steady seems fine for the missions where it'll let you.

Oh, and i've heard numerous reviewers mentioning being able to tell whether or not you had a light of sight on targets before you moved... where the heck is that located??
I chose Veteran and barely made it through the 2nd mission:

Also really hard on performance at 1440p but not a really a game that demands high FPS, hopefully an SLI profile will be around shortly...
My specialists keep dying :(

So many new enemy types aswell.Anyone having issues with the Ranger slash ablity,sometimes it just doesnt trigger for me. Can you not use it two turns in a row?(and i dont mean twice in the same turn)
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