X-Com 2 - Announced

Guys, did you manage to find the "Resistance Warrior Pack" soldier? If so, could you tell me how to obtain him, because I haven't found him.
My game got stuck on what I guess was the Tutorial bit.

After the mission to retrieve the power thing, on the base section I went to Engineering and built a med kit then went to Research and set the research to the weapons thing and then all I could do was go out of and back in to the research screen.

So after I did the steam game files verification it downloaded 11mb (2 files) and worked fine after that.

I was kinda up til 5 in the morning....doh
Guys, did you manage to find the "Resistance Warrior Pack" soldier? If so, could you tell me how to obtain him, because I haven't found him.

I have a solider with Bio 'veteran of old war' but otherwise was just a normal rookie with a slightly different armour skin with a faded XCOM logo. One of the characters I created in the character pool appeared with the same Bio and armour skin. Seems a bit pointless to me :p
I have a solider with Bio 'veteran of old war' but otherwise was just a normal rookie with a slightly different armour skin with a faded XCOM logo. One of the characters I created in the character pool appeared with the same Bio and armour skin. Seems a bit pointless to me :p

:( and I thought there will be at least a Sgt trooper. I have 30 troops atm but running low. Even with Lasers, and Predator armour the powercreep of the enemies is HUGE!!!!
This seems far too similar to Xcom: enemy unknown - what are the differences, because I haven't really found any.

It's just more of the same really. With tweaks, refinements and a shiny new coat of paint.

If you didn't enjoy Enemy Unknown / Within, then it's unlikely you'll enjoy this.
How are people finding it being more time forced?

I'm a much slower player and not sure how I would like that, I enjoy the odd times mission but having to rush everything doesn't hugely appeal.

If it's as moddable as I hear won't be long until someone removed time limits :p
How are people finding it being more time forced?

I'm a much slower player and not sure how I would like that, I enjoy the odd times mission but having to rush everything doesn't hugely appeal.

If it's as moddable as I hear won't be long until someone removed time limits :p

I think its a good thing. I was always extremely cautious and took my time, but that can get a bit boring, this adds some excitement and more of a challenge.
Not played it yet but loaded it up and judging by my FPS in the main menu this is too demanding for my system :( :( :(
Turn down some settings? :p

Get 60fps at 1440 on a single 970 by removing MSAA, DOF and SSAO

Ill get them back on when SLI profile appears :D
Seems to be a bug with line of sight sometimes. I've seen enemies shoot and move through walls a few times, where they shouldnt be able to.

Well if a wall is damaged enough, it will have holes blown in it that can act like windows, turning the wall tile into half cover and allowing both sides to see, jump and shoot through it. Great game mechanic imo.
Very curious to see if we'll get a Long War mod for Xcom 2 with the modding support, I think I heard the guys who made long war were hired by Firaxins for Xcom2 so we may not see an unofficial mod, maybe an official one?
How are people finding it being more time forced?

I'm a much slower player and not sure how I would like that, I enjoy the odd times mission but having to rush everything doesn't hugely appeal.

If it's as moddable as I hear won't be long until someone removed time limits :p

There's a mod that extends the mission timers up on steam workshop now.
How are people finding it being more time forced?

I'm a much slower player and not sure how I would like that, I enjoy the odd times mission but having to rush everything doesn't hugely appeal.

If it's as moddable as I hear won't be long until someone removed time limits :p

Not a fan at all. I dont mind the odd time limit, but it is used for too often and messes with the way I want one play too much.

I just did a mission where I had 2 soldiers next to each other in cover, suddenly, in one turn a civilian turns in to a faceless man and walks half the length of the map and crits both of them. How is that fun?
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Not a fan at all. I dont mind the odd time limit, but it is used for too often and messes with the way I want one play too much.

Must admit, I may download that turns mod mentioned above. I'm not a big fan of the time limit and how it makes me rush things along. In my opinion it removes some of the tactical strategy. Its why I dont like speed chess and other turn limited strategy games.
I just did a mission where I had 2 soldiers next to each other in cover, suddenly, in one turn a civilian turns in to a faceless man and walks half the length of the map and crits both of them. How is that fun?

The Faceless can be pretty annoying.

I was on a guerilla mission & the last visible civ turned into a faceless after I'd used all my ap getting to her. Luckily it missed with its point blank attack, so I though 'time to get some high ground on top of a 2 story building'. I'll be safer up here...

Cue much swearing when the faceless bounds up onto the roof beside me, swipes the floor away & I'm left with 1hp after falling back to ground level :mad:
My only complaints about this so far are the stupid limit on the amount of resistance cells you can make contact with. I didn't appreciate how important that would be early on and used my 3 contacts too soon. Now I'm stuck desperately trying to expand my facilities to allow for more contact unlocks. Meanwhile the avatar countdown is ticking away.

Also, there seems to be a bug involving walls sometimes. I had one of the serpent enemies drag one of my troops straight through a wall earlier, bit annoying.

Other than that, this is one of the best strategy games I've played in a long time. I love the base building and the missions are tense but rewarding. It can be very frustrating building up a soldier only to have him killed bye that's part of the strategy.
Haven't played as much as some but first playthrough on Commander is going okay so far... first few post tutorial missions went okay... lost one soldier on the mission with the faceless (though ironically not to the faceless) then had a bunch more decent missions up until one raiding a train for supplies... lost the whole squad... Think my remaining troops are decent enough to recover but we'll see. Either way I think I should be in a good position for a restart and give it another go
Just picked this up. FPS is really bad though on my 7970 so have to turn some settings down.
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