Adored the first Xcom game, going back further into history than that, I adored UFO:Enemy Unknown, Laser Squad and Rebelstar Raiders. I bought Xcom 2 at release, played it for a week or so and simply could not get on with it. Just didnt rate it at all. I shortly uninstalled it and never came back. With news of the expansion I decided to reinstall and give it another try.
Still hate it.
I just cannot bear the logic of the game, I am stood 1 tile away from an alien, either side of a knee high wall, I go to shoot him and I have a 34% chance to hit? I mean, hell, I have never held a gun in my life but I am pretty sure I would have a better than 1 in 3 chance of hitting someone 4 foot away. Yet the aliens almost always manage to hit me from like 9 tiles away. Its the nature of these games to have a degree of RNG about them but with this it simply feels way over the top and that RNG dictates more than anything else whether or not I get through a mission intact. The 2nd mission I go on is to retrieve some data from a network, its totally IMPERATIVE to get this data I am told. So, I land, I fight my way in, grab the data but take heavy casualties during the mission. I call for an evac, pull out , safe in the knowledge that I have the data. But thats a fail..and not just a fail..but the end of the game entirely, because I didnt kill every alien?? Where the hell is the logic in that? I was told before hand that the data was critical, I got that ! It would be like the British trying to get the Enigma machine in WW2 and then just giving up the war and surrendering because although they captured the Enigma machine they didnt kill every German on the way in and out. Utter bunkum. Its now been uninstalled for a 2nd time and this time around it will not get reinstalled, too many other games out and on the way out that my time would be better served spent on.