X4 Foundations

X4 is in much better shape now. I am just waiting for 2.6 to leave beta before I jump back in. Looking forward to 3.0 and the DLC, I'll definitely purchase it, I always lose hours and hours to these games.

There is an endgame - the wars between factions and the xenon sectors etc.

3.0 is meant to be bringing much more to this.

@Smokey Deza as CaptainRave said, in addition there is achievement for been double agent on for both warring factions.
Waiting impatiently for the final release :p

Looks good. Having already over 300 hours with 2.5, started playing with 2.6b2 & b3. (new campaigns to avoid bugs)

Straight away to see things are more alive. You get messages every few minutes for new stations been build, destroyed, or once saw a faction station been destroyed and Paranids took over a system.
And that in the first 2 hours of the campaign.

Ofc encountered a funny bug. Was going to do the boron mission and blow up the ridge. So with the ship without shield while looking the map bounced on the gateway.
Result in just 1 minute of spinning ended up 25500 km from everything in the middle of nowhere. But thats not only that. The what supposed to be empty space is full of spaceship!!!!!!!


Im in the process to do travel back (takes 3 hours), do a save and try to replicate the bug for egosoft to fix :)
2.6 Beta 4 is out today with few fixes
  • Beta 4 Fixed Xenon installations not having enough defences (fixes newly-built stations only).
  • Beta 4 Fixed ships trying to get equipment at equipment docks they cannot dock at.
  • Beta 4 Fixed pirate capital ships repeatedly trying to get equipment.
  • Beta 4 Fixed ships sometimes not finishing their movement.
  • Beta 4 Fixed station module recycling not aborting if module was destroyed.
  • Beta 4 Fixed wrecked station modules being recycled too early.
  • Beta 4 Fixed Remove Assignment button in order queue menu not functioning.
  • Beta 4 Fixed DPS calculations shown in encyclopedia and used for low-attention combat calculations.
  • Beta 4 Fixed ships repeatedly getting supplies at equipment docks and resupply ships (problem introduced in 2.60).
  • Fixed game becoming unresponsive if a ship in a superhighway moves to another ship in a superhighway.
  • Fixed several performance issues in specific situations.
  • Fixed several causes of memory leaks.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
  • Beta 4 Worked around known issue with NVIDIA Ansel to prevent troubleshooting page appearing when quitting the game.
Regarding the bug reported above, had a lengthy discussion with one of the developers.
Apparently they are trying to find someone with a save just a moment before this bug occurs since the close beta of the game last year!!!!!! :D

Is the hardest bug to figure out how it occurs.
Curious to see how my new system 9700k compares to my old 4770k. Will hopefully have it up and running around the time 2.6 leaves beta and ready then for 3.0.

It runs fine on the 3900X with the 2.6b4. I see 10 cores (8 cores 2 threads) been utilized nicely and more optimizations coming for better usage of higher core CPUs. (currently supports 16 core CPUs).
Make sure you have System Space Reflections off. The biggest performance hit option.

My 5700XT AE goes all way down to 53fps (2560x1440 maxed out everything with 2x SSAA), while when is off I get 73fps on the settings screen.
And does nothing, no visual changes from what I can see
So as is typical of my luck, I complete the upgrade in record time, install all drivers etc. Go to fire up X4 - nope, Steam says it is launching the game, then nothing happens. Just my luck.

Have tried a fresh install, verifying the game cache and deleting all of the old setup files that sync'd via onedrive. Other games seem fine. It must be a driver issue, maybe Vulkan related?

I don't fancy having to reinstall Windows, especially because it probably won't help.

Edit: Fixed by downloading https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=53840

Huge performance increase over my 4770k.
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We're happy to announce the release of the update 2.60 for X4: Foundations. The main changes and fixes include:

• significantly improved in-game economy
• better navigation, both for the player guidance system and for AI ships
• updated Logical Station Overview and Station Info menu
• added Russian voice recordings
• a whole host of smaller fixes and improvements

You can find the full change log here. We would like to thank you for your valuable and helpful feedback during the beta testing phase of this update.

We also need to inform you that the previously announced expansion X4: Split Vendetta and the associated big 3.0 update for X4: Foundations won’t, unfortunately, hit their original targeted release timeframe of Q4 2019. We're now targeting a new release date within the first quarter of 2020 for both the X4: Split Vendetta expansion and the 3.0 update. Once we get a little closer, we will be able to announce a more specific date.

We're very sorry about this delay and would particularly like to apologise to all owners of the X4: Foundations Collector's Edition, which includes the two future expansions. During the development of the X4: Split Vendetta expansion and the 3.0 update, a number of things have emerged that we really want to see implemented, optimised and fixed in time for the next big step forward for X4: Foundations in order to meet our own expectations as well as yours. We simply need a bit more time to do so.

In order to give you some more insight into the current development of our game, we will shortly be announcing a date for an AMA on Reddit with Bernd Lehahn, Managing Director of EGOSOFT, where you can ask your questions about the X series and specifically about X4: Split Vendetta and the 3.0 update. We're also planning to do another live stream on our Twitch channel (https://www.twitch.tv/egosoftofficial) with Bernd and other team members where we'll be showing off 2.60 and will answer more of your questions.

Watch this space for announcements of specific dates for both the upcoming AMA as well as the live stream.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.
2.6 is a huge improvement, even over the last patch. It is exactly where X4 should have been at release. The economy works, factions actively build up fleets and wage war, players can now build shipyard complexes that can also be used to sell ships to other factions. All the silly bugs have been fixed like traders not fully loading with wares. I still miss the visual splendor of X Rebirth, but I like that every aspect of this game is simulated. Bring on 3.0.
Wow, high praise indeed. Sunk so many hours into this from launch. Maybe time to fire it up again. I have too many games to play!

There are still areas that they need to work on and features that they could add, but at least we have a functioning game now with few bugs whereas at release there were many frustrations and features that needed workarounds.

One thing I love about this game is that after the initial setup of an empire you can take more of a passive role if you desire - I refuse to use SETA and my new shipyard complex will likely take a few days to complete. I quite enjoy watching what happens in the universe while it runs and I can leave it for sometime while I do other things and then come back to it. It will also run in the background, so I can also carry on with most things on my PC.
Dont try to play with old patch pre 2.5. Start a new game.

You can do though. Mine works fine. I suspect some of my Xenon sectors are a little more on the backfoot than they otherwise would be though, but all other changes have applied themselves (like the boosted economy) and are working well. What it does mean is that some of my older stations don't make as much money as some gaps have been filled (my arms complexes are still ridiculously profitable and my space fuel/dust/weed complex makes a killing now that the npcs actually buy that stuff from you saving me having to manually trade it).

For the time being I can't face starting a new game, I've invested too much time into my current one. Perhaps when future DLC drops.
You can do though. Mine works fine. I suspect some of my Xenon sectors are a little more on the backfoot than they otherwise would be though, but all other changes have applied themselves (like the boosted economy) and are working well. What it does mean is that some of my older stations don't make as much money as some gaps have been filled (my arms complexes are still ridiculously profitable and my space fuel/dust/weed complex makes a killing now that the npcs actually buy that stuff from you saving me having to manually trade it).

For the time being I can't face starting a new game, I've invested too much time into my current one. Perhaps when future DLC drops.

Ofc you can play with older versions, but weird things might happen :D
Need to try this game at some point, got an hour clocked in on my steam library from release. Decided to wait on patches then lots of other games came out, and it was forgotten.
Really enjoying 2.6.

My main project has been to build a huge shipyard complex that has no limit in how many ships it can simultaneously build. 1.5 billion credits, 10 days, nearly there. The flurry of supply ships to get the factory started has been fun to watch. Performance barely affected in system.




One of my favourite moments came when a xenon K attacked one of my factories, out of range of all of my weapons, that then started launching hundreds of drones in defence. Fortunately some allied ships flew in to assist.



FYI there is an AMA going on reddit atm

I will add to this post interesting things, and not have to read the whole thing

Question : Will there be some expansion in diplomacy field between factions?
Will relations between factions be more dynamic or static as before? Will it somehow impact player faction management?

Answer: Yes. This is indeed one of the main features of the story plot that comes with the Split Vendetta Expansion. The idea is to give very rich players the power to actually influence the factions of the game on a diplomatic level. That way we can showcase the dynamic universe AI and players can decide what X universe they want (as the answer to this depends a lot on the playertype and can vary greatly!)

Question : Generally speaking, how are Egosoft's finances since X4's release? Have you been doing better than expected, or worse? Many of us just want to know you can keep doing the great (and extremely rare) work you've been doing, and any kind of answer on this would be appreciated.

Answer : We are doing OK... As a developer you always wish for more as that would give us more freedom (e. g the possibility to hire more people), but X4 is (again) a real "long term seller" and we intend to keep it that way by making updates (for free) and keep in peoples minds.

Question : Are there any plans for adding more multiplayer content?

Answer 1: I assume you already know about our feature of online ventures... So yes we plan to improve on that by making more and also sooner or later allowing more targeted actions. This may eventually also include the ability to go after other groups of players etc. But all of this is not a top priority and everything we do is permanently balancing priorities. Online will improve but not as a very high priority

Answer 2: As we said when we introduced the Venture system, we do have plans to expand on that to give more mission types, rewards, and so on. However, we don't currently have any plans for "live" multi-player features.

Question : How far off are we in terms of VR support for X4? Is 2020 in the realm of possibility?
I loved the VR mechanic for rebirth!

Answer : We currently don't have any plans to explicitly support VR in X4. Our experience with VR under X-Rebirth showed just how much work was involved in doing this, not just in implementing the VR support and adapting the UI, but also in adapting the whole game universe design to make it work and perform acceptably. It was an exciting and interesting exercise, but unfortunately the cost of all that work far outweighed the income it generated, so there will probably need to be some significant changes in VR technology and/or the VR market for it to be viable for us to do it again.

Question : With the release of X4 you said modding tools will be made available. Is there any plan to release them soon?

Answer : Yes, we are preparing at least some of this at the moment (a special executable that will allow players to see more of what is going on behind the scenes for example). There is always more we want to do (for example tools to get your own 3D models into the game) but are a lot of work to set up and maintain unfortunately and therefore compete with our ongoing development work
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It sounds like they have a lot planned for 3.0 and beyond, especially for the end game.

I am pleased to see 2.6 turn the reviews around on Steam to ‘mostly positive’. At least we don’t need mods to turn it into a working game anymore.
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