X4 Foundations

So I built a shipyard in my main sector that can build all ships sizes; its currently got orders from all factions and is making 400m credits evey couple of hours... amusingly the ships are produced and then as they leave the station they start attacking other race ships that have been built and so there is a steady stream of ships leaving with hulls being damaged and destroyed in my sector, with the races then ordering more from me! Profitssssss
so my sector is rapidly becoming a grave yard! There are two paranid odysseus' right beside my ship yard that appear to have been tanked by Argon Behemoths that are situated not far away!
Might be worth restricting which factions can trade with your shipyard if it becomes a major problem with them constantly warring directly outside it.

You could alternate it once their fleet has moved on so they each take turns and don't cross paths until they're a bit further away.
Oh I don't mind right now, its keeping up the money coming in... I've got enough resources in the fields near by to sustain probably two ship yards and all the supporting component factories.
I can imagine it's quite lucrative... the faction buy their ships, they instantly get destroyed by an opposing faction, then they instantly buy a replacements for the ones that were just lost.
It'd probably only become a problem if you want to spend lots of time near that station as I'd imagine at some point performance might become a bit of an issue.
Oh I don't mind right now, its keeping up the money coming in... I've got enough resources in the fields near by to sustain probably two ship yards and all the supporting component factories.

Don't build 1 yard with all the blueprints.

Build multiples on factional space restricting them to that faction.
My miners are still broken. After much observation and experimenting, there's just something odd going on with my station.

When my station was small, all my miners were working fine. Later I bolted on some more modules and then the problems started.

Now the miner returns to my station, exchanges wares, undocks...But doesn't return to the asteroid field. Instead, it undocks then immediately goes to 'gathering resources', except it's doing it right next to my station. Like there's a big fat asteroid sat there.

This is happening 80% of the time and never happens at NPC stations. And whilst you can actually just drag the symbol thingy back to the asteroid field where they mostly sort themselves out, it's still quite a chore.

I can't see any other way to remedy this other than hoarding the resources the miners are supposed to bring. When I have full stock I can open for business again, and this should vastly reduce the rate in which they return to my station and go **** up lol.

Always wanted to try this but I messed up the install (had Mammoths floating about everywhere),what were those two factions all about?

No shortages of fights to pick in X4 if you were wondering.
Have you tried it recently? Well the last build anyway. Its very easy to install
Is there any way to 'fire' an AI builder? I hired one as my 3 builders where in use but stupidly didn't check the number of build drones; turns out it has only 20 and its taking me 3 days to build a simple 10 scanning array factory... Is there anyway to change builders once underway?
Is there any way to 'fire' an AI builder? I hired one as my 3 builders where in use but stupidly didn't check the number of build drones; turns out it has only 20 and its taking me 3 days to build a simple 10 scanning array factory... Is there anyway to change builders once underway?

No I dont believe there is, I looked this up before and lots of people complain about this.

On my example, I hired a third party builder in the same sector, instead of flying to the build site, it flew away into the unknown litterally for days, before it eventually decided to come back and start building.
Is there any way to 'fire' an AI builder? I hired one as my 3 builders where in use but stupidly didn't check the number of build drones; turns out it has only 20 and its taking me 3 days to build a simple 10 scanning array factory... Is there anyway to change builders once underway?

Move to previous save :P
To those using the 3.20 Beta. Please make sure you have copied your save files before you start playing with the Beta, especially yesterday's 397017 build.
Things go weird. From own builders been unresponsive including their pilots now allowing to take control, to AI ships changing type & faction!!!!!

The latter I saw ZYA Dragon Raider which was red closing to one of my stations, suddenly changed colour to blue and became a SCA Minotaur Raider.
The latter I saw ZYA Dragon Raider which was red closing to one of my stations, suddenly changed colour to blue and became a SCA Minotaur Raider.
I had that bug as well, I shot a red ZYA ship and it instantly turned blue and became part of the PAR faction.
Curious about station efficiencies again... Is it worth repeating the same base requirements such as minerals, gas' etc. per station or simply have large core collection stations with all the miners coming to it and refining to base products and then courier ships moving it around the sector?
Curious about station efficiencies again... Is it worth repeating the same base requirements such as minerals, gas' etc. per station or simply have large core collection stations with all the miners coming to it and refining to base products and then courier ships moving it around the sector?

Depends how fast you want to build and type of miners you use. There are 6 resources (Ice, Ore, Silicon, Methane, Hydrogen, Helium). To constant feed this, need 2-3 M miners per resource. However if you assign 9 gas miners, there is no guarantee that they will mine different resources. The manager will decide to fill up with Methane, then Hydrogen, then Helium to their allocation cap. By that time there would be hours passed before you have all 3 in stock and full production.

So a station like that needs 12-18 miners in total, plus 8-12 medium size freighters. So 2x M8 and 1x M3S6 docks just to start.

Imho because of this, I am big supporter of multi-station production. That way if I want to expand can do on multiple stations at the same time and not stuck on a 5hour long queue. Is easier to manage and organise if need to move excess to the trade hub to sell.
Yeah I've made this mistake with the larger factories and it seems as if some stations have more resources than others, I'm attempting to use my distribute wares fleet set to player only to move these around as well trader ships for each station... might work... will probably start to consolidate my productions lines I think... Can you tear down stations to get resources back?
@Panos Forgot I was finishing work early today so managed to jump on replicate the faction change bug a moment ago, I've shared my save with screenshots on the feedback forum as well now.
One of the mods has linked it with your bug post as well.
@Panos Forgot I was finishing work early today so managed to jump on replicate the faction change bug a moment ago, I've shared my save with screenshots on the feedback forum as well now.
One of the mods has linked it with your bug post as well.

:) I have reported it on my other bug with the builder getting stuck as the ship is there and can be seen on the map

Seems there is no need to interact with them either. Turncoats everywhere :P
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