X79 Overclocking Guide

Aloha MR muscles I have my rig build a for a few days now (4930k and rive with 16gb avexir 2400mhz) and I have update to the latest BIOS.

I find the amount of options in the bios to be astounding for sure.

Im hoping to get a 4.5ghz OC going on the 125 strap that you say works best can you instruct me please pretty please :)
129 x 35 on 125 strap. 1.35v Vcore, VCCIO and VTT 1.15- 1.2 XMP memory timings approx 2400 speed. Should be fine.
Ok ive tryed your settings and following the rest of the guide, It posted first time yay 4.5ghz ive started test but used prime (dont beat me lol only as a method to get the heat output up rather than the dreaded intel burn test).

and here how it looks


Can you tell me if im safe with all my settings if you need some bios shots let me know and ill accomidate im hoping since i put a few setting lower in the bios than you recommeded like 1.3v and the lowest 1.15v vccsa that i may fingers crossed have gotten a descent chip :)
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try 'em at 10-12-12-21-1t-7-196-7936-16-10-26

may need to up vtt and sa volts to say 1.18/1.2

i'd try cas9 first though, may need to up dram volts to around 1.75
easy for you to say lol im not sure about memory ocing lol so are my volts and settings for my 4.5ghz oc nick ?

Looks ok to me, using 0.04v less than i am for 4.5ghz

Oc'ing the ram is the fun part!!

Forgot to say set rampage tweak to mode 3 and latency boundary to nearer.

Best way i found is to set ram to 1.75v in bios and try 9-12-12-31-1t first, boot to windows, test, then run mem tweak it, alter a setting there and test, if it crashes it will just boot with your bios setting that you set/worked. Take a look at 8packs guide for the order that you tweak.
Guys, are you sure is safe to put a 1.65v ram to 1.75v?

As of my overclock, I went all way to 5292 at 1.46v, and the temps were as normal. No crashes etc either. However didn't dare to put more power to the cpu. And since 8Pack advices no more than 1.4v, I am staying at 4999. Which is now almost 3 weeks there without issues :D

I believe you can safely go 1.4 the cores, and get the speed up.
Guys, are you sure is safe to put a 1.65v ram to 1.75v?

As of my overclock, I went all way to 5292 at 1.46v, and the temps were as normal. No crashes etc either. However didn't dare to put more power to the cpu. And since 8Pack advices no more than 1.4v, I am staying at 4999. Which is now almost 3 weeks there without issues :D

I believe you can safely go 1.4 the cores, and get the speed up.

I don't reccomend overvolting dram for a system you intend to use every day - it just increases the degredation from electromigration for fairly insignificant gains - even with extra cooling ram tends to be more sensitive to this than many other components.

I'm sticking to 1.35v on the CPU for everyday clocks though upto 1.4 should be ok on decent cooling. 1.45ish is probably ok on decent cooling but your into the realm that Intel label "may result in permanent damage to your cpu".

I hit a wall on mine at 1.46 where I get 5ghz stable but anything above that hard locks within 5 minutes of booting no matter how much extra vcore I give it, requiring fine tuning of other voltages/settings instead. (probably the board rather than cpu but I didn't get it with the idea of shooting for monster clocks).
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Wouldn't agree more. The majority of Ivy-E are great clockers if you have good cooling.

And I believe 5Ghz is more than enough to be honest. It feels twice as fast than my old FX8350 at the same speed on everything. Including windows.
1.75v is fine on RAM for 24/7 yeah. 1.9 for benching short periods is also no problem.

Try 9-12-12-21 1t 5-124-7936-10-6-2-6-6-auto-7 for perf.

I have good Ivy E doing 5ghz on air no problem. 1.4v should be max core for 24/7 with 1.25 VTT and VCCSA.

I have a lot of instability issues lately, I swapped my Quad 7970 to Quad R9 290x and I can run everything at stock but cannot OC the CPU or memory (Overclocking the cards is fine). As soon as I try CPU at 4.5 Ghz and memory at 1333 Mhz it crash during games.

I want to know, what VTT and VCCSA voltages should I use at 4.6Ghz and 2133mhz with a quad GPU setup???

I have Drivers 13.12 WHQL and I'm running the cards stock.

I can run prime95 for around 8 hours with 4.6 Ghz and 2133Mhz with around 1.23v VTT and VCCSA and CPU at 1.39v. Memory is at 2133Mhz and 9-11-10-27 and 1.5v (Tried up to 1.65v)

Thanks for your time everyone.
Since you run prime for 8 hours, and is fine, what's your problem?

It crashes during game, I mention it in my post if you check correctly.

I cannot run a game, as soon as I OC the CPU or memory I get instability in games (PC hang with sound loop or game crash). Everything at stock is fine. I don't know what is happenning, I have had this 3930k for 2 years now at 4.6ghz without issue and it was "OK" with the Quad HD 7970.

I did a couple of runs with my R9 290x at 1200/1550 and CPU at 5ghz and Memory at 2400mhz but I get crash during games now at 4.6Ghz and 2133Mhz and/or PC hang with sound loop.

Everything in the UEFI Bios is set correctly according to Raja@Asus Guide ( I know that guide by heart since I printed it two years ago and studied it many times.

I really need help from professionnal, I hope 8 pack will help me.
I assume you have a PSU similar to this one. If not, there is where you should look for problems.


Quad CF with 290X, is pretty demanding.

You linked a 1200w PSU, Quad 290x need around that at stock even with a 4.6 Ghz CPU. I get around 1500W From the wall during games (with 88% Efficient PSU)

But I have a Lepa G 1600 psu and is one of the best PSU out there. I also bench with a EVGA SuperNova 1000W. Total 2600W for benching.

My problem doesnt lie there.

Please 8 Pack, can you just give me a hand.

What VCCSA and VTT should I use with Quad R9 290x and 2133Mhz memory? Also, which RIVE BIOS is the best for 3930k?

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