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X800 GTO2 Thread, post your mods and clocks here.

Memory won't go past 600 without artifacting. :(

520/600 gives me a score of 6194 now (which, don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with!).

How comes when you press 'Set Clock' in ATI-Tool it always changes the clock slightly by a couple of Mhz?
marka87uk said:
Memory won't go past 600 without artifacting. :(

520/600 gives me a score of 6194 now (which, don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with!).

How comes when you press 'Set Clock' in ATI-Tool it always changes the clock slightly by a couple of Mhz?

that's just the way the overclocking works.. for example mine always says 594 when I set it to 590.

anyway, have settled down to 540/590 now, which is pretty OK with me. When I get bored I'll what an Arctic Cooler in there and see if i can't run it at 570/600 all the time :)
Its due to the clock generator, it only supports certain jumps in clock speed. i.e. While ATi Tool will let you set on a Mhz basis in reality the clock generator will only allow 6Mhz or so increments.
Gengar said:
Just recieved my Connect3d GTO. Running it at 605/600 fully artifact free.
Not bad for £130! :eek:

Nice!! Are you using the stock cooler? Mine was hitting over 70deg at 570/570, slapped a Zalman on now maxing at 58 :) Best I've done is 594/590, will keep trying though, ridiculous performance for the price considering you can get them for £114. I'm beginning to think they are just a certain to unlock as the GTO2's.
No, I have a dangerden Maze 4 on it :) , I think thats my max 24/7 stable core speed. Not maxed the memory yet.

Yeah I think they are definate unlockables now. At time of ordering that place at £114 didnt have any in stock.
performance setting on TRIXX

with fan at only 30%

got 505.29 Core & 570.86 mem

this in my opinion is aweome.

is this anygood consering the max tmp at only 30% fan was 59oc
should i i try again at 60% fan and se what i get ?

or is it bes5 left as it is
OK, did some more testing with my card.

Fan set to go up to 100% at 45 C

Managed to get up to 594 Core 604 Mem. This is on Stock Cooling.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I am totally, UTTERLY, amazed.


3dmark05 - 6645 :D
3dmark03 - 12692 :D
Sure is. Moving from a tired old 9700 Pro to this has been like moving from a Fiesta to a Cosworth (to steal Crofter's analogy)

I received mine yesterday from OcUK. Flashed the bios and overclocked to X800XT PE speeds of 540/590. Not tested for any great length of time, but it seemed to be stable at core temps of 34'c idle and 62'c under load. Not going to push it any further just yet, it's the first overclock I've ever done. I'll see how it copes with FEAR when I get it.

Not bad for £167 delived.

Thanks to locutus for the bios flash cd.
Hi there

Our huge stock pile is now beginning to get low and unfortunately once gone its looking like we won't see these cards again, so if you want one do be quick. :)
Gibbo said:
Hi there

Our huge stock pile is now beginning to get low and unfortunately once gone its looking like we won't see these cards again, so if you want one do be quick. :)
I hate to say it but; Thank God it's about time. :D Maybe now these silly GTO² vs. GS threads will stop popping up.

Well done everyone who joined the GTO² club, you're a limited edition owner. ;) Wear it with pride.
Got mine 2 days ago, unlocked successfully (MANY thanks to locutus for the easiest first bios flash ever :))
Am going to do some o/cing later today or tomorrow so will post my 3dmark scores laters :D

/me wears GTO2 with pride!!
duvet77 said:
I received mine yesterday from OcUK. Flashed the bios and overclocked to X800XT PE speeds of 540/590. Not tested for any great length of time, but it seemed to be stable at core temps of 34'c idle and 62'c under load. Not going to push it any further just yet, it's the first overclock I've ever done. I'll see how it copes with FEAR when I get it.

Not bad for £167 delived.

Thanks to locutus for the bios flash cd.

What cooling did you have on it?

Are these still worth getting if you can get an x850 Pro for the same price?

Got those figures with the stock cooler. Like i said though, not tested it for long. Will perform an extended artifact scan tonight, then I'll play HL2 and CoD2 for a few hours and see what happens.

Seems like the bargain of the century to me. Granted, we're only 5 years into the century...

Just a warning...

What ever you do, dont use the Arctic Cooling ATI Sliencer 4, As i nearly had my Card die from Overheating. :mad:

Dont know why tho. Dont know the core temp at when it Actifacted.

Took it off now, and put the stock cooler back on and the Card seems to sit on a Comfortable 75 Degrees Celcius. under an extremely heavy load.

Has anyone actually managed to get this card to Lagg? cause i havnt >.<

And it looks like im sleeping on the floor tonight, as my PC is scattered across the Bed. (Took everything out, And i mean EVERYTHING)
Looks like i have an excellent core as clocked upto 600mhz now and all stable :D but the memory is pants on mine starts to artifact at 510mhz :( no matter what i have the core set to. thinking of either taking the cooler off and reseating it or buying an arctic cooler to see if its a heat issue. still more than happy with the performance though
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