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X800 GTO2 Thread, post your mods and clocks here.

Stranger and stranger :)

Got my card this afternoon and flashed it using the ISO image, straight out of the box. After removing drivers etc.. I have put the latest Cat 5.11s on the machine.

Find max core: 600 :eek:

Genuinely thought there has got to be something up with that, so I checked with 3dmark, SysTool, Powerstrip etc. No, it is actually running at 600. VPU recover kicked in when ATITool tried to take the core over 615.


Find max mem: 615 :)

Anyway... ran 3dmark 03 to test at 600/615. Well, clearly that was a little optimistic, but it only started to artifact at the Nature test. Score was 12800, but with quite a few glitches.

Spent a lot of time messing about lowering the memory in 10mhz drops (down to about 530) but was still getting artifacts, so I eventually dropped the memory to default and ran at 595 core, 490 mem - 3dmark03 score was 11400 with no glitches.

Decided to go the other way, so I lowered the core to 540, memory at 615 - 3dmark03 score 12405 (no glitches) http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=4405111 [EDIT]Turning on Fan control to 100% at 60C seems to have allowed me to go higher 570 Core / 600 mem 12548[/EDIT]

Will keep messing about trying to find a happy medium between core/mem and no artifacts, but all in all I am pretty much ecstatic with this :D

Further tests at 540C/595M:

3dmark05: 6285 (http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm05=1446365)
3dmark01: 21551 (http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=8792465)

Quake 4 (hwspirit demo) - 66.7, 72.6, 73.4, 72.7 (4 passes) @ 1280x1024 HQ
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dijon said:
Got my card this afternoon and flashed it using the ISO image, straight out of the box. After removing drivers etc.. I have put the latest Cat 5.11s on the machine.

Find max core: 600 :eek:

Genuinely thought there has got to be something up with that, so I checked with 3dmark, SysTool, Powerstrip etc. No, it is actually running at 600. VPU recover kicked in when ATITool tried to take the core over 615.


Find max mem: 615 :)

Anyway... ran 3dmark 03 to test at 600/615. Well, clearly that was a little optimistic, but it only started to artifact at the Nature test. Score was 12800, but with quite a few glitches.

Spent a lot of time messing about lowering the memory in 10mhz drops (down to about 530) but was still getting artifacts, so I eventually dropped the memory to default and ran at 595 core, 490 mem - 3dmark03 score was 11400 with no glitches.

Decided to go the other way, so I lowered the core to 540, memory at 615 - 3dmark03 score 12405 (no glitches) http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=4405111 [EDIT]Turning on Fan control to 100% at 60C seems to have allowed me to go higher 570 Core / 600 mem 12548[/EDIT]

Will keep messing about trying to find a happy medium between core/mem and no artifacts, but all in all I am pretty much ecstatic with this :D

Further tests at 540C/595M:

3dmark05: 6285 (http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm05=1446365)
3dmark01: 21551 (http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=8792465)

Quake 4 (hwspirit demo) - 66.7, 72.6, 73.4, 72.7 (4 passes) @ 1280x1024 HQ

Definitely keep your core as high as you can, mem comes next. 590/550 will perform noticeably better than say 540/595.
aye, that's what I'm thinking. I left ATITool scanning for artifacts overnight and came down to 62min since last error (was there for about 5 hrs). Not enitirely stable then, but pretty close! That was at 570 Core 600 mem.

I'll play around with it when i get back tonight, but for £165 delivered I'm (for want of a better expression) well chuffed :D
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Ok, a question...

I'm hoping to go down the cross fire route (eventually).

Can I buy two of these, update the BIOS as explained above, and then run them in cross fire mode (or whatever it's called).

I've heard about master and slave cards in cross fire mode.

Don't want to waste money on getting 2 if I can't use them like that.

Thanks in advance

Max Speeds.

Currently, i am running my GTO2 with the Modded Bios. Works well...

Core: 580Mhz
Mem: 630Mhz

Tempted to go higher tho.

Any suggestions?

Also, I have an Arctic Cooling solution on my GFX Card, and the Max Temp i Had was 73 Degrees Celcius, so i might need to change some of the fans in my case around >.<
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Exsomnis said:
Phrozen, I wouldn't worry about that overclock whatsoever. It's a monster as it is.

lol, This card is awesome, Its my first PCI-E Card, and just thought i would try it out with X850 Speeds. Runs at nearly 230FPS in Counter-Strike Source...

Will benchmark it sometime this weekend.

btw, that was a quick reply
I seem to be in the 520/620 batch. but from what I've seen I'm running just as well as some of those with higher Cores, who knows maybe some are just spinning their wheels.

The below was with 517/616 6333

Gonna bump up the Mem a bit see what happens. Prob only a couple points.

Either way I can't complain, paid well below what its really worth and before they jacked up the price. Sure beats the hell out of my ol 9800 Pro (XT'd)

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Oh and here's a possibility, Sapphire goes and buys a bunch of lesser quality (lq) chips =lower cost, makes a limited run of board, sells it el cheapo and then people find out its little secret. Board sells out, demand shoots through the roof, Sapphire has no more lower cost chips. Buys higher quality (hq) r480s, yes higher cost but the large demand=more sales will make up the difference. Soooo now if you get a later run GPU it has a hq r480 thus the better OCing. What do you think? To me it sounds like good buisness.
All GTO²s have an R480 core and 1.6ns memory, every single one. It's kind of the defining thing about them, and why they are limited edition.

Sure, the overclocking results are slightly different (and I mean slightly, usually between 480MHz and 550MHz on the core, with rare ones reaching 600MHz upwards) but the unlocking potential is pretty much 100% certain.
Right R480, however there are quality control issues that will create differences between production batches. Silicon purity/quality etc etc. If it's not up to exact spec but still usable you just sell it at a lower cost. Often the case with "value Ram"
My GTO2 with Arctic Cooler does 520/570. Was a little disappointed until i read what others in this thread have got from theirs. Seems it's a reasonable clock after all, so it'll do nicely for now :) . A quick run of 3dMark 03 scored 13274. Not tried 05 yet.
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