Think some have escaped on to this forum
Pretty sure we dont know the full story on all the details MS has given us, some things seem to be very restictive, some open for abuse or just a bit strange. Shame that MS have cancelled their pre E3 round table and many Post E3 1-1s with sites that would prob ask them the more difficult questions, all down to scheduling conflicts apparantly
All we know is with Sony they have said many times that you will not require an internet connection to play PS4 games, and they will not block used games, publishers may though much like they could do with the PS3. Now with no required net connection how will publishers enforce their DRM? I did wonder if publishers would enforce a new type of online pass but for the single player game, but how would that work without an online check? Hoipefully we will find out the answers next week, but i got a feeling all wont be clear till nearer launch.