**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Well i don't really want to go into more detail, but if you need to look into how you beat encryption, In order to get a handle on what I said. Go look into sniffing WPA, as thats the basic starting point.

It will explain why you dont need to decipher encryption inorder to spoof.

I understand that sniffing the WEP/WPA handshake can give you enough info for a brute force attack using rainbow tables but you are not spoofing at this point, you are cracking the encryption key which is key to the whole encrypted tunnel. No key - no entry and no data. Once you have that you set yourself up as a man in the middle decrypting the stream from the client, changing what you want (or just reading the data) then re encrypting the stream to the server. At this point you are spoofing as the server and host but you need to be able to read the data to do anything remotely interesting

MS arent going to use some basic encryption cipher (you would hope) to allow a simple brute force attack (one that doesnt involve a large computing cluster at least).
ha, Sorry if I sounded like I was being patronising. Sounds like you know more about it than I do, and I've been playing about with this stuff for years :p

I'm glad you agree with the Windows 8 kernel point, Definitely going to be the weak leg I think.
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They would probably make the assumption that, for example, 75% of PS4 owners would buy an XBox if Sony died. So loss of revenue would be smaller than you perhaps suggested.

Then they factor in increased profits from the XBox, due to 2nd-hand activations/ no 2nd-hand allowed.

So maybe, just maybe, the publishers wouldn't be too bothered if Sony flamed out. When SEGA died, I don't remember too many publishers crying over lost revenues. They switched to PS development instead.

But then SEGA had been on the wane since the 32x their decline was relatively slow and steady, the Saturn wasn't great and the Dreamcast although awesome had too few games, SEGA died a slow and Painful death.

Sony are at the top of the food chain, the PS3 has outsold the 360 despite a year head start by the 360, and looking at it it seems as if in hardware terms the PS4 royally wees all over the Xbone from a rather great height, so sony really are on paper in an incredibly dominant position, and one that Devs can't really afford to mess with.
I'm not sure how detrimental EA losses would be these days to a console. yes they are still a huge company, and a loss of COD and sports franchises would hurt. But for instance, take a look at the OCUK Games 2012 thread. and look at the results. EA don't make the best and most popular games anymore. If anything, people are starting to hate the company and the rehashes
no worries - encryption is a deep hole and I still havent seen the bottom of it yet after 10 years securing platforms for people (including MS at one point) but re reading my response does make me look like an arse! and I'm sure I know what you meant :)

saying that this is MS - expect patching on a grand scale with 3 OS's (wave goodbye to patch Tuesdays) as its going to need to be on overnight to get the daily updates!
So what do you all think about media playback?
as it stands xbox 360 doesn't play back a lot of files without conversion, same with PS3.
Do you think the Xbox one will support files like .mkv from hardrives/stream?

I think in the same way they are effectively DRM'ing games - they arent going to allow mkv files. I imagine its going to be the mainstream formats that at some point they can also DRM the hell out of
EA And activision wont stop selling games on the PS4, that would just be stupid.

What we will see though is them throwing full weight behind the XBone. Much like EA taking like a quarter of MS's launch show for their XBone.

Rather than pay for exclusive or timed exclusive content on probably all their games, they will do it for the DRM that MS are putting on. Maps for CoD will be year long exclusives etc. This could also be why MS shuttered a whole load of their inhouse studios over the past couple of years, yet Sony are expanding theirs.

There is also a third factor involved in this, the retailers. Places like Gamestop make millions in used games and well games in general, so much so even amazon are doing it now. If sony get them onside with used games etc, give them much much more exposure whilst relegating the xbox, that will also have big implications.

It's all great to say oh we will have digital distribution. One question, how many people on here have bought an xbox game digitally off the dashboard, that hasn't been an XBLA game? Console makers have no ****ing clue how to price games digitally, so it is completely unfeasible! There are games you buy on their stores at 50 quid and more you can get for 30 something online, it's insane.
So what do you all think about media playback?
as it stands xbox 360 doesn't play back a lot of files without conversion, same with PS3.
Do you think the Xbox one will support files like .mkv from hardrives/stream?



There is zero incentive for them to do that.
I can see why this move to internet based authentication and much more stringent DRM is happening; including the restrictions on used sales and loans.

If this step-change meant that new games would be priced more keenly, come down in price much quicker and parallel with regular sales, as demonstrated by the steam 'PC gaming model', then this could be good for the consumer.
Why do people continually point to Steam when they refer to what they expect to happen when (Online) DRM meets Consoles - its a poor comparison. Many of the qualities you talk about happened on the PC platform before Steam, its just how its always been for PC gaming and why Steam adopted it to be so successful despite the additional hoops to go through.

Dont get your hopes up that Consoles+(Online) DRM = cheaper RRPs and quicker price drops. The addition of just DRM doesnt predict this...

If this console actually replaces the home PC and does everything a PC will, including all the office/authoring/cad/business software etc then it would be a win-win. I get the impression they may have been aiming for this, ran out of time and have missed the mark on so much at this stage.

Should they manage to launch this as an all in one PC/Console then they could wrap this generation up regardless of the DRM position.
Eh? How/Why did you come up with this? :confused:
ha, Sorry if I sounded like I was being patronising. Sounds like you know more about it than I do, and I've been playing about with this stuff for years :p

I'm glad you agree with the Windows 8 kernel point, Definitely going to be the weak leg I think.
Surely though they having the W8 Kernal wrapped up in a hypervisor helps as its running 2 W8 Kernal OSes as VMs, hell I thought that was the main benefit of using a hypervisor when it comes to consoles OSes (though it helps if the keys arent static :cough: :cough: ). Sure someone with more knowledge on security can clear that up for me...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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I'm not sure how detrimental EA losses would be these days to a console. yes they are still a huge company, and a loss of COD and sports franchises would hurt. But for instance, take a look at the OCUK Games 2012 thread. and look at the results. EA don't make the best and most popular games anymore. If anything, people are starting to hate the company and the rehashes

Fifa or cod would be a huge loss to any console, there the most online played games at the moment. deffo a huge loss. cant see sony not doing DRM to be honest. I just think if they are going to do it then tell people they are, the longer they leave it the worse it will be for them when they tell everybody, at the moment Microsoft look bad because they have came out and said what they machine will do reguarding DRM and online 24hr checks. Nobody knows what sony are going to do reguarding this and that aint a good thing, just get it out there
It would be to MS' advantage if Sony end up doing a similar thing. I have little doubt that Sony have been watching the backlash very carefully, and re-thinking their approach as a result though.

In a few days, we'll find out.
I can guarantee one thing at this minute.

The pubs and developers who have gone exclusive to Xbone will be the only ones whos ass is twitching at the minute.
I can guarantee one thing at this minute.

The pubs and developers who have gone exclusive to Xbone will be the only ones whos ass is twitching at the minute.

yeah I can see that but both machine's well sell no matter what, even with all the negativity bout the X1 it will sell realy well. sony are staying very tight lipped about there console is this good or bad?
I would have been happy if when you bought a game and installed it, it went to the cloud to check it was legit - end of. A one time check its not a dodgy copy or one that has been cloned and redistributed on the Internet. Until then it wouldnt run but once it was "registered" it would run without the need to be connected to the Internet ever again

If the console hasn't been hacked everything it runs will be legit, no need for the infinite powers of the clouds.
yeah I can see that but both machine's well sell no matter what, even with all the negativity bout the X1 it will sell realy well. sony are staying very tight lipped about there console is this good or bad?

It could mean two things.

They either have an agreement with Microsoft that they will do the same thing or they don't and they are preparing an entire marketing campaign around Microsofts woes to stick the boot in and instructed no one to talk to the press until they feel that they can do massive damage.

Saying that E3 is on Monday, they know that everyone will ask them about it so they will tackle it then.

My guess is that they will leave up to the pubs, which wouldn't be so bad as consumers can make a decision on a game by game basis.
Im not sure Sony are staying tight lipped, they have said no online connection required for single player games, no block on used games unless the publisher wants too (same as this gen). The Camera is not a requirement, but remote play is for games that dont use the camera. We also have heard that online gaming will be still free, but it looks like there will be a 3 level service with two pay options.
If this console actually replaces the home PC and does everything a PC will, including all the office/authoring/cad/business software etc then it would be a win-win.

Why are you on this forum then ?? :confused:

Having choice over software and hardware is what makes the PC community and allows for greater freedoms at the same time

I m actually amazed no newspaper has had this news out there about the Orwellian Surveillance possibility the kinect offers US and UK governments. Your privacy to not be spammed by adverts is one thing, but you wont feel safe even speaking in your own house should you put one of these in !?
saw this posted elsewhere but i do believe this may just happen,

All Sony has to do at E3 to win the next-gen war, is walk onto stage, no games, no controller, no nothing.

And just state, PS4 will work just like the PS3 and just like the PS2 did, same offline, same online, same used or new.

Have a nice day, see you this holiday with lots of games to buy, new or used, in any country, stable or unstable 'net.

2 minutes, short, and over. -- Bang

xbox one dead
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