**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

£429 for an NSA spy box, no thanks.

No No,

MS have promised they won't do that.

Apparently we should believe them so, shush.

Go on then, highlight exactly where your "straight doubling of pixels" occurs somewhere in the following resolutions you mentioned:


Which res has pretty much half the pixels of the other? Might be a good place to start. Saying that using a res like 1280x1080 would be better than 720p, horizontal scaling with no vertical scaling just looks better.
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Can only reiterate what others have said, I'm in no way spending £400+ on a console, when the games are released at £45-£55+. that is absolutely silly money.

This is where Nintendo's sales figures go up, hopefully.

People paying more to play last gen games? I'd rather stick with 360/PS3
Just had another look and there were xbox controller prompts on screen so much more likely they were using xbox and just haven't updated the battlelog graphic to individual consoles yet.


They were using a 360 pad to play the game so the pc version will give you the 360 button prompts to press, but still give you the backspace key to enter battle log because it hasn't been remapped.

This was the PC version.
£430, now I know there is inflation, but this much?

The PS3 was £425 new and that had the crazy priced Blu-ray included.

Your paying for Kinect it seems with gimped next gen hardware.
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Well, not only do I quite fancy the X1, but I NEED a next gen console for the new UFC game.

Going to need the Sony press con so I can make a lucid decision.....

Excited though :)
They were using a 360 pad to play the game so the pc version will give you the 360 button prompts to press, but still give you the backspace key to enter battle log because it hasn't been remapped.

This was the PC version.
Thats what I would expect from a WfL title, but I guess you can debate if they would have organised that already for promo version of a game. They just showed the MP using PCs it seems, but I expect that was expected...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I hate the idea of being forced into buying Kinect, I have no interest in it at all. Microsoft should have revealed a basic model without the Kinect sensor at around £350 or something.

That's my thoughts as well. I have literally 0% interest in Kinect. So i'm not happy that I'd have to pay more for something i'd never use. I wonder how much the X1 would be without Kinect?

As for the games.
Titanfall looks awesome. Probably the best of the games they showed.
MGS5 is stunning to look at.
The rest of the games are a bit meh. Insomniac's game could be interesting.
why is 429 to expensive? same as an ipad

If you spend over £400 for a tablet I guess you deserve to be ripped-off. I'm not going to consider an XBone until it's at least under £299 with a bundle deal. So I guess late 2014/early 2015 for me then
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Xbox console = £300
Kinect = £130

XBONE = £430


Thats why it now costs £430 not £300. If it were just the console alone it would be £300. Thats going on when I bought the 360 and kinect.
Microsoft can effectively name their price, people will always find a way to afford something they really want.
I'm thinking less buy a Xbox One now and spending the money (plus a bit) on a shiney 780 for my PC instead :)

pity as out of the Wii, 360, and PS3, the 360 currently gets the most usage
I thought the same Craterloads - I'm not sure what I was expecting from the "next gen" -but this so far is not it

I suspect in part the difference will be sharpness on a TV with games running at 1080p on both platforms. That wouldn't come over particularly well on the stream I suspect
I suspect in part the difference will be sharpness on a TV with games running at 1080p on both platforms. That wouldn't come over particularly well on the stream I suspect

true - I'm perhaps thinking less graphics wise -and more overall gameplay

you'd think with all that grunt - we'd begin to see more dynamic gameplay - yet we get to QT events - and QT events ..
Microsoft can effectively name their price, people will always find a way to afford something they really want.
I vaguely remember that both companies were much less likely to subsidise the hardware price with this generation but for the life of me I can't remember where I read it.

It wouldn't surprise me if PS4 came in at £399 although in reality a lot will depend on bundles etc at the time.
true - I'm perhaps thinking less graphics wise -and more overall gameplay

you'd think with all that grunt - we'd begin to see more dynamic gameplay - yet we get to QT events - and QT events ..
I suppose we're used to the current gen having every trick and ounce of power wrung out of them at 720p where the new games will up the resolution and take a few years for devs to get the best out of.

I agree though, nothing to make you stop in your tracks yet although the Titan title looked interesting.
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