**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Probably late to the party but just read the XO won't be released in some Asian markets (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and India) for almost a whole year after this years November release! This is despite Microsoft stating they are now the best selling console in Asia.
Feeling like I won't be buying any of the new gen consoles, at least for a while after they release. £429 is just ridiculous for the Xbox - £109 dearer than the yanks have to pay for it! And the games will likely be £50 a pop. I'd rather save ~£600 and spend it on PC parts or other things I'd like.
America prices won't include taxes though but still I'm not paying £429 for what 'appears' to be an inferior console compared to the PS4. After my next GFX card purchase and GTA V on the PC I think I will switch to the PS4 or XO if things improve, upgrading my PC is becoming a financial chore.
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As I said a couple of weeks back - popping round you mates and logging in there to show him the latest game might involve a 15-20Gb download first. Cloud stuff is good but when the source material size is >10Gb not exactly as handy as they make it out to be

The thing is, if you trust your friends (and why wouldn't you?), you could easily change your account password, give them the details, and have them download the game while you're on your way to their house. I've done similar in the past with my profile while my mate got a Guitar Hero 2 achievement for me while I was driving to his. Certainly not ideal, but not awful either, and still better than now where if you forget your disc, you're screwed.
Feeling like I won't be buying any of the new gen consoles, at least for a while after they release. £429 is just ridiculous for the Xbox - £109 dearer than the yanks have to pay for it! And the games will likely be £50 a pop. I'd rather save ~£600 and spend it on PC parts or other things I'd like.

20% of that price is down to VAT, the PS 4 or your computer is no different in this regard.

If you'd rather save money for upgrading your PC than playing console games why are you posting in a console thread?
Im afraid they've lost a battle in a major bad way.. Such a shame since i've been a Xbox vet for the last 6 years and stood up for the 360 to no end. Certainly a more inferior console with a higher price tag not to mention the restrictions they've included. PS4 for me, ill miss the controller.
Im afraid they've lost a battle in a major bad way.. Such a shame since i've been a Xbox vet for the last 6 years and stood up for the 360 to no end. Certainly a more inferior console with a higher price tag not to mention the restrictions they've included. PS4 for me, ill miss the controller.

I'm sure they'll be some decent third party controllers that are similar to the Xbox Ones controller.
I'm sure they'll be some decent third party controllers that are similar to the Xbox Ones controller.

People said that all the way through the PS3 era and it didn't really happen. You rarely get 3rd party controllers that are as good as the main ones (I have no idea why, how hard can it be?)
I would be interested in the new Xbox if it didn't come with Kinnect. I have zero interest in it and I'm not prepared to pay nearly £100 more for a glorified webcam and inferior specs. Add the no used games crap and it's an easy decision.
People said that all the way through the PS3 era and it didn't really happen. You rarely get 3rd party controllers that are as good as the main ones (I have no idea why, how hard can it be?)

I bought one from Argos a few years ago and it works well. Also their was a few usb dongles that allowed you to use your 360 controller on the PS3.
Now We have more details, They'll do we'll enough from normal gamers, we are a vocal bunch on here. But I think we can safely say that ps4 is going to win the top stand this generation for several reasons.
So basically its:
Better confirmed exclusives (though could change if FFXV and KH3 are exclusive)
Better non-gaming features

£70 Cheaper + marginally cheaper subscription
Less restrictive
More powerful
Indie games

If Xbox can sway enough gamers early on through its exclusives, then it will still be a very close race later on as the casuals start buying. PS4 has pretty much won the hardcore already.
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That does make for interesting reading. I'm definitely leaning towards thinking this is true - the Xbox One launch isn't going smoothly, but much of what has been revealed points to a bigger picture, much grander in scale that what Sony are playing for.

This is kind of why I'm disappointed in the Xbox One to be honest. The muddle around online requirement and used games, Kinect and privacy, is overshadowing what is potentially a really exciting, redefining console.
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