**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

I'm trying to decide which console I'm more excited for and having a hard time. Seeing a lot of mentions of the Xbox One having more/better exclusives, but I can't see where? This is the Wikipedia list:

Fantasia: Music Evolved (Not for me)
LocoCycle (Not for me)
Zoo Tycoon (Not for me)
Below (Looks great, loved Sword and Sworcery, but not a console seller)
Crimson Dragon (Not for me)
Dead Rising 3 (Not for me but it's a big win admittedly)
D4 (Not for me)
Forza Motorsport 5 (Yep, all over this)
Halo 5 (Yep, all over this, but it's not out until 6 months to a year after launch)
Killer Instinct (Not for me but a lot of people going crazy over this)
Kinect Sports Rivals (Not for me)
Minecraft: Xbox One Edition (Not for me)
Quantum Break (Yep, all over this, but another 2014 title)
Ryse: Son of Rome (Was on board until I saw QTE galore)
Sunset Overdrive (Maybe, but all they showed was CG)
Titanfall (Yes please)
Project Spark (Could be good, but not my cup of tea)

Now admittedly that's personal preference, but I consider myself a "core gamer". So that's Forza, Halo, Quantum Break and Titanfall that could get me to buy the console. And three of those aren't available at launch. Looking at the PS4 list, I have Infamous, Killzone, Driveclub and Warframe at launch, with The Order: 1886 at some point. I won't list all the other game's I'm not that interested in (Although I could be persuaded by Knack), though the list is equally as long.

Of course I love the look of Battlefield 4, CoD:Ghosts, Watch_Dogs, AC4: Black Flag, Destiny, The Directive, The Crew and can't wait to play them, but they're cross platform.

So from an exclusives standpoint, for me it's a really tough call. Can't decide! :confused:

Titan isn't a true exclusive- it's getting a PC release too.
Infamous is going to be Q1 2014.
Also consider what the other MS/Sony teams will be delivering in the future. For instance Naughty Dog, or when The Last Guardian finally arrives if considering the PS4. Likewise think about what other first party MS studios there are who haven't announced titles yet.

PS4 ticks many more boxes for me, and the lack of DRM just tops it. There's no need to decide now though surely? There's Gamescom and the Tokyo Game Show to come yet- much more to be discussed there!
I will get an Xbone when a Gears title is announced unless it's multi platform, also benefiting from the huge price cut this will have when it's slashed after 6 months of poor sales and bad PR.

I'm confident this 24 hours max offline and DRM will all go away.

Battlefront is the only other game that interests me and I take it that's multi platform?
I think when you get past the DRM marketing and look at the facts there's unlikely to be a lot of difference in practice between the consoles. I am pretty convinced both will lock down digital downloads in the same way Steam does however.

What like the always online / 24hr check ups, to the mandatory game installations and linking to account? That's not marketing, there's a clear distinction between the two.
I will get an Xbone when a Gears title is announced unless it's multi platform, also benefiting from the huge price cut this will have when it's slashed after 6 months of poor sales and bad PR.

I'm confident this 24 hours max offline and DRM will all go away.

Battlefront is the only other game that interests me and I take it that's multi platform?

dont think EA will be happy with that
Dude, I'm pretty sure Forza is launching alongside the XBOX ONE. Why do you think they have a pre-order incentive on the console. By pre-ordering the console, you get 4 exclusive car tunes to use on Forza 5. I highly doubt they'd offer that if the game was coming 6 months later.

is that 4 in game tunes that will play during the game? Seriously theres incentives and there are things that just dont matter
like the day 1 promotion which MS seriously need to beef up to get back to an even keel - they have highlighted "an achievement" and "a hdmi cable" as features - FFS
What like the always online / 24hr check ups, to the mandatory game installations and linking to account? That's not marketing, there's a clear distinction between the two.
Don't see madetory install as a bad thing, I did that on this gen anyway. It doesn't have to be always on, just once every 24hours and I'm hard pushed to think of anyone who doesn't have their console perm attached to the internet anyway. Linking to the account doesn't worry me as I wasn't planning on copying it anyway so if I sell it it gets deactivated on my Xbox *shrug*. It would be nice to lend a copy to a friend I agree, MS said pre E3 that although it doesn't support that on release they are looking into it.

Sony have only said no DRM on first party titles, and third party publishers can make their own minds up so i'm inclined to think the results will be the same on both consoles in practice.

That's not a massive deal breaker for me tbh but then I'm mainly a PC gamer with most of my stuff on Steam.

Being £80 more expensive was a bit of a "duh" moment for MS although despite what is written here plenty of people do use Kinect. I quite like the media stuff as well, I'd love to see SkyGo on Xbox expanded to a full service on Xbox One.

Sony clearly marketed the pants off of MS this time round. I'm still intrigued by what cloud compute could offer over the 7 year life span of the consoles, it could die into nothing or be quite key in a few years time when the inbox hardware is stretched.

I also quite like the idea of dedicated servers for multiplayer and a few other bits.

I may not be in the majority but for me this time I'm not really bothered by the DRM, I prefer the game line up on Xbox so far and although £80 more expensive that's not a big deal for me for something that will last 7 years. I quite like the media/TV stuff as well, the cherry on the icing would be if they tie up a deal with F1/FIFA/Premier League/6 nations similar to the NFL stuff in the US.

I'll wait and see but despite MS screwing it's message up royally I don't think it's anywhere near the train wreck it's made out to be.

Oh, and TitanFalls looked interesting, and of course there Marcus Fenix :)
ive just seen the xbox one controller on a proper screen,

both the console and the controller have gone down a couple of notches on the aesthetics side!
Sony clearly marketed the pants off of MS this time round. I'm still intrigued by what cloud compute could offer over the 7 year life span of the consoles, it could die into nothing or be quite key in a few years time when the inbox hardware is stretched.

Irritating that the marketing fud of cloud computing is working. It won't affect 99% of the games and cannot contribute anything to the processing rendering of games.
Just got the below in an email. I do wonder if they will reasses the DRM and online stuff.

Features and requirements are under development and may change prior to release. Available features and content may vary by country. Broadband Internet (ISP fees apply) and high-definition TV hardware required. Games and media content sold separately. Xbox Live Gold membership, paid subscription and other requirements apply for some Xbox Live features.
Just got the below in an email. I do wonder if they will reasses the DRM and online stuff.

Features and requirements are under development and may change prior to release. Available features and content may vary by country. Broadband Internet (ISP fees apply) and high-definition TV hardware required. Games and media content sold separately. Xbox Live Gold membership, paid subscription and other requirements apply for some Xbox Live features.

if they aren't its because they can't, or they are insane.
Will the xbox one has an external PSU? If so any pictures of it~? Google is failing me.

Yes the naked shots of the XdOne clearly shows no PSU within the unit unlike the PS4 which has an internal PSU. Provided the PSU inside the PS4 is of good quality this is another + point for Sony imho.
Simple logic.

Even the Forza 5 implementation is just uploading and downloading of driver telemetry pretty much.
It's hardly simple logic and if you don't believe that cloud compute is significant and will only get more significant over the next 5 years you're sadly mistaken. I've already said it's likely to have more effect in the years to come as in box hardware is stretched.
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Based on what pretty much all experts, gaming sites etc are saying. It's pretty much marketing to try and cover the specification disparity.
All experts? Hmmm. **Edit** whilst I agree there are challenges around using cloud compute I think the interesting things will be a few years from now rather than today. Cloud compete is beginning to be used more and more in enterprises powered by Amazon and Microsoft, the idea of offloading non latency sensitive tasks to remote servers presents an interesting possibility.
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