**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

All experts? Hmmm. **Edit** whilst I agree there are challenges around using cloud compute I think the interesting things will be a few years from now rather than today. Cloud compete is beginning to be used more and more in enterprises powered by Amazon and Microsoft, the idea of offloading non latency sensitive tasks to remote servers presents an interesting possibility.

Even in 5 years time, it will still be a pipe dream *for what MS has been feeding to gullible viewers.
All experts? Hmmm. **Edit** whilst I agree there are challenges around using cloud compute I think the interesting things will be a few years from now rather than today. Cloud compete is beginning to be used more and more in enterprises powered by Amazon and Microsoft, the idea of offloading non latency sensitive tasks to remote servers presents an interesting possibility.
Even if it works like you suggest theres still quite a bit to be done when just purely dealing with the scenario of seamlessly moving between something thats being cloud computed then something that needs to be done locally. Theres a lot of head scratching and its probably because of that people can feel so dismissive.

I said a while back, the way I see it is, as soon as you interact you have to pull that back locally and to me when you talk about gaming theres quite a fair bit of variable interaction both by frequency and depth, so its vital to get that scenario tied up...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Even if it works like you suggest theres still quite a bit to be done when just purely dealing with the scenario of seamlessly moving between something thats being cloud computed then something that needs to be done locally. Theres a lot of head scratching and its probably because of that people can feel so dismissive.

I said a while back, the way I see it is, as soon as you interact you have to pull that back locally and to me when you talk about gaming theres quite a fair bit of variable interaction both by frequency and depth, so its vital to get that scenario tied up...

ps3ud0 :cool:
True, but I guess the opportunity is to pre render/calculate a bunch of stuff and in the case of AI allow the cloud compute to worry about what everything is doing out of your sight leaving local hardware to only worry about what you're interacting with or close to interacting with (i.e. in line of sight). I wonder if a it could be used for a Physx type application to pre calculate real world physics effects and behaviour for example.

Now whether I care if there's 100 virtual monster, soldiers and other AI outside my line of site doing stuff intelligently without the local CPU having to worry about it or not is another matter.

It'll take some working out and I don't think it will be a short term thing, I do know that cloud compute for general computing is increasingly applicable and used for everything from transcoding to massive number crunching. To write it off as "a pipe dream for gullible viewers" seems a little naïve, particularly as local in box hardware hits it's limits and developers have a few years to wrap their brains around how they can use what is in effect free compute power.

I love that this brings something different to console gaming beyond the same old incremental stuff that just sees the same variations on games we have now but is "amazing 1080p" this time. It's like buying Star Wars on VHS, then DVD, then re-mastered, then Blue ray, then 3d etc... I'll bet a pound to a penny people are hard pushed to notice much difference between the latest 360/ps3 titles and early One/PS4 titles (perhaps with the exception of being crisper at 1080p).

Cloud compute would have piqued my interest whether it was MS, Sony, Nintendo or Steam, I think to underestimate it would be a mistake. It's not something that would change the mind of someone adamant they are buying a PS4 and MS are the devil though. :) Still, as I say, could prove to be significant in the future (or be disregarded completely, dunno)
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A tidy way to put this is that cloud computing is the 'Cell' of the XO

EDIT: I do think the term 'cloud computing' evokes something geekily intangible and I appreciate the positivity coming from something thats just trying to be different.

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Sony have only said no DRM on first party titles, and third party publishers can make their own minds up so i'm inclined to think the results will be the same on both consoles in practice.

"The DRM decision is going to have to be answered by the third parties, it's not something we're going to control, or dictate, or mandate, or implement," said Tretton, essentially describing the system already in place for the PlayStation 3.
Are those two quotes not the same thing? DRM is up to the third party publishers? (granted MS have a method to do so "in the box" and Sony will just let the publishers use their own DRM). In effect it's what we have now although I agree MS have made it easier for third party publishers to implement.

**Edit** Perhaps it just that I'm primarily a PC gamer so am used to Steam, but on 360 I buy a game, play it and then sometimes either sell it or give it to a friend, I can't see anything in the Xbox One stuff that would effect me but perhaps that's unusual *shrug*.
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Are those two quotes not the same thing? DRM is up to the third party publishers? (granted MS have a method to do so "in the box" and Sony will just let the publishers use their own DRM). In effect it's what we have now although I agree MS have made it easier for third party publishers to implement.

Considering Sony is not implementing an always online system OR a daily check in system, it's going to be difficult for any 3rd party publishers to force a similar solution as they are doing on XB1. The PS4 can be used in its entirety offline, aka nothing like what’s being implemented on XB1 is possible. At most we are looking at online passes, as it is in the current gen.
I can honestly say that the PS4 vs XBOX1 choice is one of the hardest purchasing decisions I have had to make so far.
its so tough,
The PS4 has everthing going for it:
Price, Spec, Looks, Policy, The attitude of the company that make it.

But there are two things that stop it form being a done deal,
The controller for me, Is just wrong. It is effectively the same design in basic form as a PS1 Dualshock, A controller I didn't like when it was new around 17 years ago....
Now I know its a subject that divides opinion, Certainly I can understand it had its fans (In the PS2 era I can get it anyway). But beyond then, to me, its dated and motion capture or no its the only way you actually interact with the console.
This is something which is compounded by the fact that to me the XBOX1 pad looks fantastic

Secondly the other thing in its way is Forza. I spent at least 50% of the xbox 360's lifecycle playing a Forza title. So to ignore it is stupid? How can I NOT buy one of my favourite titles again?
I would like to settle for GT but ultimately Forza IS my favourite racing game.

The above points make it seem like its the XBOX1 then, But I honestly feel like I cannot give MS my money, The way they are treating the consumer is just moronic. But really, I just feel bad for Turn 10.
If Forza was on the PS4 I could get over the controller thing.


I apoligise for the brain dump but seriously. MS. WTF?

And there is no way i'm buying both. Just No.
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Xbox One line up of games is more interesting for me.
The 24hr DRM doesnt bother me.
Only concern is the trade in\used games issue.

Definitely swaying towards Xbox One at launch, with PS4 following.
Are those two quotes not the same thing? DRM is up to the third party publishers? (granted MS have a method to do so "in the box" and Sony will just let the publishers use their own DRM). In effect it's what we have now although I agree MS have made it easier for third party publishers to implement.

**Edit** Perhaps it just that I'm primarily a PC gamer so am used to Steam, but on 360 I buy a game, play it and then sometimes either sell it or give it to a friend, I can't see anything in the Xbox One stuff that would effect me but perhaps that's unusual *shrug*.

Sony have basically said that publishers will only be able to employ some sort of online pass for the MP part of games much like happens now. Whereas MS have said publishers could lock a full game to a system and not allow you to sell it on at all.
It doesn't bother me a whole lot either, Its more the fact they feel the need to make things overly complicated for seemingly no reason that bothers me.

The only non multi platform game I want on the xbox one is Forza.
Was this rubbish about the Kinect blocking play or forcing licencing upgrades when it detects so many people or more in the room substantiated?

Does the Kinect have to be operational with clear line of sight for the X1 to work?
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