You can't even change the face plate.
In what way?Damn looks like Microsoft skimped on the specs this time around. It's looking like a bigger gap between One/PS4 than 360/PS3.
Wired reports that the system will require users to install games to the system's hard drive, effectively linking one game with one account. Each additional account will require users to pay a fee.
This practice will make renting games, borrowing games from friends, buying used games or even sharing a game between family members much more expensive than it used to be, if not impossible. Microsoft has also confirmed that the Xbox One will not be compatible with original Xbox or Xbox 360 titles.
PS4 everyone?
The Wired article notes that games can be installed to the system, and may have to be. For games that have been previously installed, second players would be prompted with a note saying they could pay a fee to add their account to the game and install it. However, Microsoft wouldn't make a complete declaration about whether or not other players would ever be able to ever play a used game without having to install/pay an additional fee.
UPDATE: Microsoft Support has officially denied Wired's report regarding potential fees for used games via Twitter, and stated that it has sent a correction to them. Wired's report currently still mentions the fees.
UPDATE 2: Eurogamer was able to get Microsoft's Phil Harrison to confirm the original fees report. Sort of. The example mentioned in the Wired article was confirmed by Harrison, though he mentioned that the ability for multiple users to share the same game would be possible, and that a "solution" for the used market was in place. He did not, however, specify what that solution may entail.
Wired reports that the system will require users to install games to the system's hard drive, effectively linking one game with one account. Each additional account will require users to pay a fee.
This practice will make renting games, borrowing games from friends, buying used games or even sharing a game between family members much more expensive than it used to be, if not impossible. Microsoft has also confirmed that the Xbox One will not be compatible with original Xbox or Xbox 360 titles.
PS4 everyone?
You missed it.It looks boring and the presentation was very underwhelming. I'll be waiting on the PS4 presentation and see if that's any better.
So if the fee is 10c will that be a problem? Do you know the fee? They've specifically said reselling / buying second hand games will be allowed. Granted it looks like sharing games with friends will be more difficult but then it has said that as long as you log on with your account you should be able to play the game anywhere so no problem going around to a mates to play.This practice will make renting games, borrowing games from friends, buying used games or even sharing a game between family members much more expensive than it used to be, if not impossible. Microsoft has also confirmed that the Xbox One will not be compatible with original Xbox or Xbox 360 titles.
PS4 everyone?
It's notIf true, M$ = Greed