**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

X posting here and the "which console will you buy" thread as it's fresh news...

Interesting to see another update from Microsoft today via PAX Australia - unlimited and diversified cloud storage.

Xbox Live offers Xbox One unlimited storage space in the cloud for all Xbox Live members to store numerous types of Xbox Live content, including your profile, games, Achievements and entertainment. This content is stored and saved in the cloud so you can automatically access it anywhere, anytime, no matter where you are.

Previous generation Xbox users had to subscribe to an Xbox Live Gold account to be able to make use of this feature (limited on 360 to 512mb), Microsoft has now stated that this service will now be available for all users whether Gold or Silver.
Well that's a better way to use the cloud, I'm looking forward to getting this slightly more now, but there's still only one release game that I want! :p
Sorry not been keeping up with this thread as am getting the ps4 on day 1 but plan to pick this up after first price drop.

Has there been any clips of the os running?
Sorry not been keeping up with this thread as am getting the ps4 on day 1 but plan to pick this up after first price drop.

Has there been any clips of the os running?

Apart from the original reveal where they showed it running? I don't think so.
Although based on speculation and an "industry analyst" it's interesting to see XO may have recovered somewhat from the initial bad start after the reveal. I assume the 2-3x number talked about is available stock in retail rather than a prediction for numbers actually sold.

(Red) sauce: http://server4.neowin.net/news/analyst-xbox-one-could-outship-ps4-three-to-one-in-2013
Microsoft's move to reverse its plans for restrictive DRM policies in its upcoming Xbox One console may be having the desired effect. A new note from Baird analyst Colin Sebastian claims that, according to his firm's research, orders for the Xbox One are "regaining some momentum" compared to previous weeks.

The note, as posted on Gamesindustry International, also claims that when the Xbox One launches later this year, it could have a big advantage over Sony's rival PlayStation 4. Sebastian states, "Importantly, our supply chain checks suggest Microsoft may have the benefit of a 2-3x unit advantage at launch compared to Sony's PS4."

Even if that turns out to be true, it's also likely that there will be shortages of both consoles when they launch this fall. Microsoft has already stated that pre-orders for the Xbox One are ahead of the Xbox 360 during the same time period. Neither Microsoft nor Sony have offered any concrete sales or shipment numbers for their next generation consoles.

Sebastian adds that the higher price of the Xbox One ($499.99 versus $399.99 for the PS4) won't matter that much in the short term, because of the fact that buyers of both consoles will be technology early adopters who won't mind the price difference. However, Sebastian claims that Microsoft is "working with channel partners to lessen the gap" in price, which suggests that Microsoft could reveal a lower price for the Xbox One sooner rather than later.

There's also a quote that both the XO and PS4 preorders are double the numbers for 360 and PS3 in the same time scales which also suggests XO has recovered somewhat, anyone remember how PS3 and 360 preorder numbers compared if next gen are roughly double for both it could give a view of how well they are selling? All a bit of conjecture and suppposition but it's a bit of fun :)

(Brown) Sauce -http://www.vg247.com/2013/07/18/guillemot-ps4-and-xbox-one-pre-orders-two-times-predecessors/ & http://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-xbox-one-pre-orders-are-ahead-of-xbox-360-in-same-time-period
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I've just cleaned up some of the arguing in here and deleted some posts. I don't mind people disagreeing with each other, but there's a line that the arguing went beyond. Glad to see it ended up back on topic anyway ;)
This close to cancelling my PS4 preorder.

Me 2, I think it’s the games, Forza/DR3/Ryse, all good Xbox only launch day titles, the only exclusives that attract me to the PS4 is Driveclub which won’t be a patch on Forza and MGS which I doubt we'll see on launch day, Killzone does nothing for me never has.
The only reason I'll be buying next gen is for the games, it won’t be for the hardware or graphics, I have a PC for that and neither console will be as good, no doubt the PS4 will be the better console out the two, but for now the Xbox seems to have the better games and that seals it for me.
Me 2, I think it’s the games, Forza/DR3/Ryse, all good Xbox only launch day titles, the only exclusives that attract me to the PS4 is Driveclub which won’t be a patch on Forza and MGS which I doubt we'll see on launch day, Killzone does nothing for me never has.

MGS isn't a PS4 exclusive, it's coming to both consoles :)
I was teetering towards PS4 for a while there but now I'm on the verge of cancelling my PS4 pre-order, I'll wait until after Gamescon first though.

Its all about the software for me and only things on PS4 that I actually wanted to play were Planetside 2 and Warframe, and now the later looks like it will come to Xbox anyway. I can't really justify £350 for one exclusive title. Xbox however I do want to play its exclusives, both at launch and the future titles already announced.
Planetside 2 is the only PS4 exclusive im intrested in and I am playing that on PC rather than buying both consoles a GCard upgrade and a XBox was the obvious choice for me, Im just hoping for some clear data from gamescom regarding headsets, day one digital purchases and some other niggley stuff.

I will probally have to buy a second Xbox before i buy a PS4 to keep the wife happy and give us our Xbox time back.
Was swinging towards a PS4 but really like the look of Ryse.. :(

Just noticed the 'day one' edition of the Xbox as well, does anyone know how this differs to a 'standard' edition? (I assume a standard edition exists for pre-orders?)
What's swaying you back towards Xbox? :)

The XB1 exclusives just look better to be honest. And I don't see there being much if any difference in the multiplats. Keeping my gamerscore is a (albeit small) plus. And as I've mentioned before, I think kinect voice commands are great.

Part of me is worried about the PS4 over heating. It just looks way to small for adequate cooling.

I will end up with both but the xb1 is in the lead now. Will have to see what the coming months bring.
Was swinging towards a PS4 but really like the look of Ryse.. :(

Just noticed the 'day one' edition of the Xbox as well, does anyone know how this differs to a 'standard' edition? (I assume a standard edition exists for pre-orders?)

Minor differences. "Day one edition" on the controller and a 0gs achievement.
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