There are millions of potential customers in the console market, compared to maybe hundreds of thousands in the PC gamer market
You're way off, PC games regularly sell millions of copies alone.
There are millions of potential customers in the console market, compared to maybe hundreds of thousands in the PC gamer market
Of course it does - not sure why you're surprised by that?
There are millions of potential customers in the console market, compared to maybe hundreds of thousands in the PC gamer market, and even then only a percentage of those will have a PC capable of running a game at a graphical level above a console anyway.
Of course it does - not sure why you're surprised by that?
There are millions of potential customers in the console market, compared to maybe hundreds of thousands in the PC gamer market, and even then only a percentage of those will have a PC capable of running a game at a graphical level above a console anyway.
You're way off, PC games regularly sell millions of copies alone.
Yeah when they're £1.99 in the Steam sales.
But fair enough. I guess we'll see which OS makes the most out of the hardware. Remember, Microsoft will be able to offload a reputedly unlimited amount of processing to the cloud.
looks like ill be giving it a miss, I always use pre-owned games from ebay/GAME or rent them from blockbuster so that also means GAME and Blockbuster will be losing a customer
First world problems...The worst part of it all?
That ****ing sensor will have to be always in front of my nice slim TV.
First world problems...
I tend to agree, the Architect panel has some interesting thoughts on it, but it does seem to hinge on latency-independent code which is just going to end up being stuff that you arent directly interacting with. So as an example AI code for NPCs could be moved to the cloud until those NPCs are interacted with or are within a certain distance of your character to be moved to local processing.This in particular is just marketing hype.
How can you have a game offload its workload 'to the cloud'? I can't even begin to imagine what useful work 'the cloud' could do, and get the results back to the console quick enough such that it could affect gameplay in any meaningful way.
Unless, that is, they plan to make single player games run like MP games, calculating the position of all objects, doing the AI, etc, on a server somewhere. In which case you're going to have some nice lag in your SP games.
Even then AI, etc, doesn't account for as much CPU stress as chucking all the geometry around, which still has to be done locally.
The only final way I can see this happening is an OnLive type service, where some parts of games are streamed rather than rendered.
I can see it now - rogue Xbox auto uploads saucy video of couple having sex.
-Apparently no games besides CODG,
The worst part of it all?
That ****ing sensor will have to be always in front of my nice slim TV.
Just move it behind something? Unless you're using the gestures of course. Voice will work behind the tv, or unit, or whatever