**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Wow that is a very unattractive looking bit of kit.

Don't get me wrong, if it has the game lineup and the performance, then I will probably pick one up at some point, but I can't see it tempting me away from doing my gaming predominantly on PC.
I just hope they keep in mind it's a games console first and an av box second. I know the conference wasn't about games, but they could have shower some engine videos that showed off the hardwear instead of TV stuff.
I just hope they keep in mind it's a games console first and an av box second. I know the conference wasn't about games, but they could have shower some engine videos that showed off the hardwear instead of TV stuff.
That's what E3 is for. This way a unveiling of the features.

Besides, they showed the in game engines of Forza 5 and COD:G (with varying amounts of salt applied)
It's commonly used, particularly in the modern era of 'safe' endless sequels that are guaranteed to be profitable. People are crying out for 'new IP' all the time, but they are a bigger risk for the studios.
Only just checked out the xbox one this morning , and also wonder how the kinect will work in a small sized room with only certain places for the console to go, seen as its integrated.
I'm presuming much like Kinect for Windows it will cope with smaller rooms. Kinect for Windows can handle being as close as 40cm and it's based on last gen Kinect tech.
I really don't think it looks that bad, with windows 8 and all that shabang, Microsoft are going for the simple blocky feel.

I wouldn't say its a crime against the retinas, but I would still buy it and love it and bathe it and hold it. I personally think the white xbox 360 looks like a failed Norfolk jamboree, but i still bought one from the start and im still playing on the same heaping pile of crap quite successfully.

The features could be a bit better, yes. But it still covers more than everything i require to play a game, so i'm a happy little coconut. Im still probably going to get an xbox over a PS3, because i like the xbox community more, so im not that easily Patrick swayzed by beefier parts. Unless the PS3 can download food, im probably going xbox.
Reminds me of the Commodore CDTV.

I know I almost certainly won't be getting one because a) don't especially feel the need to have two consoles, never bought a 360 cos of this, b)no space under telly to put it, what with AV amp, Sky and PS3.

On the vertical/flat thing, do all Jonnys in their bedrooms now have a proper AV units on which to assemble a TV/Hifi/Xbox stack? My nephew has his 360 on his desk, vertically next to his TV. Does removing the option to stand it on its end scupper this arrangement? Can it support a TV on top of the console? No Sky in his room either, so HDMI thru will not be used. Is this not really targeting the bedroom market any more?
Unsure whether a Xbox One would benefit over a dedicated gaming HTPC... Prodigy would look better + running W8, where would the difference lie, besides being a little bit more powerful and using a more preferred K&B.

Question: With yesterday they've upped their game engines and achieved more stunning visual effects and game play, surely this could have been done 2 years ago with PC's?

It seems that the gaming industry has it's focal point on consoles rather than more powerful PC's?
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Of course it does - not sure why you're surprised by that?

There are millions of potential customers in the console market, compared to maybe hundreds of thousands in the PC gamer market, and even then only a percentage of those will have a PC capable of running a game at a graphical level above a console anyway.
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