I can't say I was particularly looking forward to the new Xbox anyway, but there is zero - ZERO - there that excites me.
-More TV machine than games machine.
-No used games.
-Looks like a black NES.
-Apparently no games besides CODG, which looks terrible (is that really a new engine?).
No thanks. Think I'll be buying PS4 instead.
So much wrong in one post... What is it with the Sony Defence Force and FUD around here today?
-It's no more of a TV machine first than the current 360 and PS4 are with Netflix, Love Film, SkyGo, music, photos, IE etc now, it's just taken those services to next gen as well. People seem to keep conveniently forgetting the current consoles do all this stuff as well and no one says they're not gaming machines.
-It's already been specifically said in dozens of posts that it does allow used games and trading. They also clarified that anyone will be able to play the game on the xbox even if they have different accounts (i.e. a family with different accounts and one Xbox under the TV) and you'll be able to take your game elsewhere and install and play it it as long as you log in with your account.
-Kinect. You don't have to use it but it seems to have the potential to work quite nicely for a bunch of stuff outside of dance games.
-It's a black box - if that is the deciding criteria then of course that's your choice
-Games. they showed Forza 5, COD: Ghosts, Quantum Break, Fifa 14, NFL, NBA, UFC and promised 15 new Xbox exclusives in the first year of release including 8 new IPs, and separately announced Battlefield 4, Watchdogs, Assassins Creed IV: Black flag, as well as all EA DLC to be on Xbox first. This was in conjunction with saying that the main gaming announcements will be at E3 in two weeks...