**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

The console is out in like what 3 and a bit weeks? I'm sure the final cod version is pretty much finished.

But where does the blame lie, is it Microsofts fault for not offering the support and tools to get one of the most important games looking and running just as well as it does on the PS4 or is it EA's fault?

I just sit and wonder what all these high brass execs must being pondering in their offices all day.

It is finished. Some people have physical copies already. Nothing to stop them patching it for months like most cod games though
The console is out in like what 3 and a bit weeks? I'm sure the final cod version is pretty much finished.

Yup, and if indeed it is 720p then it's unfortunate for the Xbox COD fans.

But where does the blame lie, is it Microsofts fault for not offering the support and tools to get one of the most important games looking and running just as well as it does on the PS4 or is it EA's fault?

Well, considering other games are running just fine at 1080p, it's obviously not a problem with the console itself. The blame is probably split between MS and the developer, depending on what the actual issue is. Without anyone saying what is causing the problem, I think it's a little harsh on everyone blaming MS when it could be down to the developers (considering other developers have their games running at 1080p).
"definitive version" Of a yet to be released game on a console that isn't out yet .... might be just a tad too early to say don't you think?

Well I think one version running at 1080p 60 compared to 720p 60 yeah I'd go out on a limb and say it will be the definitive version. Especially to all the guys who play cod pretty much constantly, they aren't gonna settle for an inferior port.
Some of the reactions in here really are funny. "I'm not buying an underpowered console that can't even run games at 1080p". Actually, it can run games at 1080p. Forza, NBA 2K14 and Fifa 14 are all confirmed as 1080p and 60 FPS. Just because one particular developer is finding it easier to get the game running at 1080p on the PS4 doesn't mean the Xbox One isn't capable of doing the same. It just looks like it's going to take a bit more work. I find it really amusing how some people can't even see that.

The question should be is how come infinity ward cant get one of the biggest games of the year running at 1080P on the XB1? It doesn't look that amazing and other companies seem to get far better looking games running at 1080P/60FPS, how come they cant? The power difference between the two consoles is well documented but i cant see how COD Ghost is pushing the XB1 that hard. I get the point that BF4 on the XB1 is 720P and PS4 is between 900/1080P as that game looks impressive COD Ghosts doesnt :confused:
Some of the reactions in here really are funny. "I'm not buying an underpowered console that can't even run games at 1080p". Actually, it can run games at 1080p. Forza, NBA 2K14 and Fifa 14 are all confirmed as 1080p and 60 FPS. Just because one particular developer is finding it easier to get the game running at 1080p on the PS4 doesn't mean the Xbox One isn't capable of doing the same. It just looks like it's going to take a bit more work. I find it really amusing how some people can't even see that.

Completely different games.

NBA and Fifa are all in limited environments, and Forza doesn't have a lot going on in it effects wise. It was like they designed the game to 1080p
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There's no point in trying to convince these people, no matter what you, media or dev's say they will still buy it, they just come out with little excuses to justify their purchase. You would think the console price's would be the other way round with the PS4 being £430 and xbox one £350 with the tech spec's. It must hurt knowing your paying £80 more for a inferior console.

both of these next gen consoles should be hitting 1080p 60fps, it is just that MS have screwed up big time.
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Its not that MS have screwed up big time, they just havent targetted that with the XO - they needed 8Gb of RAM to allow them to provide the ability to have multiple features running in the background and for some reason were forced to adopt DDR3 with eSRAM.

With regards to the cost, well Kinect isnt cheap so to get a powerful console would have meant an even higher end cost (and probably why they went for DDR3+eSRAM over GDDR5) which I doubt consumers would have accepted (well more the price difference to the PS4).

The concerns they are having today with the hardware/pricing are due to design decisions they made when they were realising the XO. Im sure theyll help developers get their head around it sooner than later (faster than the PS3 IMO, but that eSRAM looks as bad an idea as the Cell, but with virtually no advantages) but conversely its not like the PS4 is going to be a static set of goal posts itself.

There was never going to be performance parity, so resolution drop with effects bump is a good way to hide most things (well thats what consoles have always done compared to PCs). Id rather that than a high fidelity world that doesnt do much in it (waves at next gen FIFA)...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Really couldn't of said it better! if 720p means consistent frame rate with equal graphical richness then I'm happy. I'm buying both but the Xbox will still be my primary system for all titles.

Well said, some here are completely over the top with their stupid knee-jerk responses!
Makes me wonder if a few "that's it I'm out, this is an outrage I'm cancelling my pre-order" lot ever had a pre-order in in the first place! :rolleyes:

For me it is all about multi-player gameplay, Xbox One is going to be sublime.
Yup, and if indeed it is 720p then it's unfortunate for the Xbox COD fans.

Im sure the first thing that army of 13-15 years old are going to scream down their mics is about how they can barely see the texture rendering as clearly.
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There's no point in trying to convince these people, no matter what you, media or dev's say they will still buy it, they just come out with little excuses to justify their purchase. You would think the console price's would be the other way round with the PS4 being £430 and xbox one £350 with the tech spec's. It must hurt knowing your paying £80 more for a inferior console.

both of these next gen consoles should be hitting 1080p 60fps, it is just that MS have screwed up big time.

lol...oh dear.
There's no point in trying to convince these people, no matter what you, media or dev's say they will still buy it, they just come out with little excuses to justify their purchase. You would think the console price's would be the other way round with the PS4 being £430 and xbox one £350 with the tech spec's. It must hurt knowing your paying £80 more for a inferior console.

I don't have to justify my purchase. I'm buying the console with the better games on it (for me) at launch. Nothing more, nothing less.
I don't have to justify my purchase. I'm buying the console with the better games on it (for me) at launch. Nothing more, nothing less.

If its the launch games you want are what you purchase a system for only, then none of the lower res/framerate/dog detail mean a thing and TBH nor should it.
If its the launch games you want are what you purchase a system for only, then none of the lower res/framerate/dog detail mean a thing and TBH nor should it.
I've said several times I'm not bothered by the whole res/detail/power thing. It doesn't bother me that the PS4 games may look or run a little better, just like it doesn't bother me that some PC gamers have far superior systems to me. I just want to play great games. The Xbox has better games at launch in my opinion. That's good enough for me.
I've said several times I'm not bothered by the whole res/detail/power thing. It doesn't bother me that the PS4 games may look or run a little better, just like it doesn't bother me that some PC gamers have far superior systems to me. I just want to play great games. The Xbox has better games at launch in my opinion. That's good enough for me.

Thats what i said if you prefer the XB1 launch line up why would anyone consider cancelling a pre-order? Surely looking back at the previous gen and comparing specs you kinda think that stuff like the COD difference would off been expected. As it was with plenty of multiplats last gen for the PS3 people overlooked the differences in multi platform games and concentrated on the exclusives they wanted to play.
Well I think one version running at 1080p 60 compared to 720p 60 yeah I'd go out on a limb and say it will be the definitive version. Especially to all the guys who play cod pretty much constantly, they aren't gonna settle for an inferior port.

You missed the point entirely. It is all rumour. Nothing more, nothing less.
I think it has to be more than rumour at this point, but maybe the silence is an indication it's something they're still trying to fix, rather than something they've settled on.

I do hate rumours like these that drag on though. I'd rather they just came out and said what was going on. I think gamers would appreciate the honesty.
I think it has to be more than rumour at this point, but maybe the silence is an indication it's something they're still trying to fix, rather than something they've settled on.

I do hate rumours like these that drag on though. I'd rather they just came out and said what was going on. I think gamers would appreciate the honesty.

I think a problem may be that even if the problem lies with IW and not the XB1's hardware, IW/Activision could do major damage to the XB1 reputation. It could literlary be the only game the XB1 ever sees running at just 720p but if IW blame the hardware or the tools, the casuals will believe it.

Of course that is if the problem is with the game, and not the hardware/tools. But the difference in hardware isn't really all that much.
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