**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

That's the worse of the worse from what I've read. Killer Instinct won't even allow snapping of other apps when it's running.
Oh behave :p
Dead rising 3 t use some kind of active resolution thingy so when it gets busy it drops the res not the frame rate, sounds a good idea rather a moment drop in res than stuttery gameplay.
Sounds interesting - like Wipeout on the PS3 where it was 1080p just not a static vertical resolution? Not got any details what they are using as Id be interested how theyll apply AA to that

ps3ud0 :cool:
Dead rising 3 t use some kind of active resolution thingy so when it gets busy it drops the res not the frame rate, sounds a good idea rather a moment drop in res than stuttery gameplay.
Any info on that? I thought DR3 was just 720p, which isn't very surprising considering it started as a 360 game.
I was exagerating for effect there :rolleyes:

The fact is other games are running at 1080p at 60fps,
Its called hyperbole luvvie :p

I would suggest people just check those comparisons though as next gen FIFA is as bad as an example as XO COD. Forza 5 on the other hand isnt, just a shame theyve cut quite a bit of the effects to hit that res/frame target

ps3ud0 :cool:
Sounds interesting - like Wipeout on the PS3 where it was 1080p just not a static vertical resolution?

They should do this on all games. During high paced scenes you can't see the detail anyway, but I guess it must come with some overhead/lag otherwise it would be the standard.
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This whole 1080p debate doesn't bother me personally, although I'm buying both I'm still getting the likes of BF4 on Xbone for the simple reason that my mates will have it on that platform. As long as it's fun that's all that bothers me.
This whole 1080p debate doesn't bother me personally, although I'm buying both I'm still getting the likes of BF4 on Xbone for the simple reason that my mates will have it on that platform. As long as it's fun that's all that bothers me.

Then why don't people get it on 360 instead as it would be near enough the same as the xbone? Are people really gonna spend 400+ on a console that might as well be called xbox 360 with kinetic till they sort out there dev issues with shoddy hardware support.

Before I get called names etc I have both a xbox 360 and ps3 and use them both but I've been playing games for 22 years and this is the worst launch I've seen bar the dream cast with rumours going around. And people buying it for the games come on they could have brought them out on current consoles at 720p what's the point in a refresh if your not gonna be 1080p for all games, it the min everything should be this day and age with the tech available.
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Then why don't people get it on 360 instead as it would be near enough the same as the xbone? Are people really gonna spend 400+ on a console that might as well be called xbox 360 with kinetic till they sort out there dev issues with shoddy hardware support.

Before I get called names etc I have both a xbox 360 and ps3 and use them both but I've been playing games for 22 years and this is the worst launch I've seen bar the dream cast with rumours going around. And people buying it for the games come on they could have brought them out on current consoles at 720p what's the point in a refresh if your not gonna be 1080p for all games, it the min everything should be this day and age with the tech available.

This is a valid point. If I'm going next gen I want truly next gen. Otherwise I may as well stick with the current generation and continue to get excellent games for that whilst not forking out lots of money for what looks to be a .5 upgrade.
Yes, because there's a lot more to the console than just one game.

It's not one game it's all of them if you took the only games than run in 1080p and put them on the 360 bet they would look near the same and run near 1080p if not that Rez, FIFA and NBA isn't hard or taxing and forza well does it look next gen compared to 4 as it bloody should do when your spending money for a new machine and it's a launch title I love forza but I'm not gonna pay 430 to play that one game.
If regular Joe on the street start to associate 1080p only with next generation games then games developers will be encouraged to lower texture quality etc just so they can run their game at 1080p and it will be worse than running at 720p with higher quality textures IMO.
1080p has been that way for a very long time with blue ray and home cinema so it isn't a stretch to think people expect that in 2013 though with the kinda games that can be made these days! As what I said earlier forza does look very good but it's the only wow game they have and even crytek couldn't manage the same and they have been wowing the gaming for world for years and has been paid very well to have a exclusive game and with xbox hardware can only manage 900p come on.........
Anyone else doing one of the GAME lockins?

A friend and I have places for the Bristol one at cabot, if anyone is else happens to be going let me know! :)
1080p has been that way for a very long time with blue ray and home cinema so it isn't a stretch to think people expect that in 2013 though with the kinda games that can be made these days! As what I said earlier forza does look very good but it's the only wow game they have and even crytek couldn't manage the same and they have been wowing the gaming for world for years and has been paid very well to have a exclusive game and with xbox hardware can only manage 900p come on.........

Crytek? The Cryengine is THE biggest resource hog in gaming. It looks beautiful true, but you will not run it well at 1080p on £430 worth of hardware.
It's not one game it's all of them if you took the only games than run in 1080p and put them on the 360 bet they would look near the same and run near 1080p if not that Rez, FIFA and NBA isn't hard or taxing and forza well does it look next gen compared to 4 as it bloody should do when your spending money for a new machine and it's a launch title I love forza but I'm not gonna pay 430 to play that one game.
Nice way to contradict yourself in the same sentence, saying that it's all of the games, then naming 3 that actually do run at 1080p.

Yes, Fifa, NBA and Forza might not be as graphically demanding as some other games. That's a fair point and I accept that. However, they ARE running at 1080p and 60 FPS, something some people in here seem to be saying the Xbox One can't manage. It obviously can.

I'll be the first to admit that this launch hasn't gone anywhere near as smooth as MS would have liked. They've had to backtrack on policies. They've had to try and deal with the fact that Sony have built a more powerful console. They've tried pushing the hardware, and are probably doing the same software wise, which could be why they're running into issues now. It still doesn't change the fact that they have (in my eyes at least) the best launch line up when it comes to games.

I could cancel my pre-order, and wait 6 months for MS to iron things out (which let's face it, we all know they will), but how does that benefit me? I'll lose out on my free copy of Fifa, a game I'll play regularly for the next year. I'll lose 6 months of play time on games that won't actually look or run any better in 6 months time. I won't be saving any money, as I am pretty damn sure there won't be a price drop for at least a year. I could get the PS4 instead, but there are no exclusive games at launch that I want to play, so I'd be paying £350+ for a console that I won't use as much as I would the Xbox One.

I'd imagine the people who have pre-ordered an Xbox One and are happy to stick with it feel the same way.
I hold nothing against those who have ordered a One.. as I'll get one eventually for Halo.

Perhaps some people wanted a change from the PS3?

One main reason I'm going to PS4 is that I fancy a change.. new games by different developers and a different feel to the way the games may play.
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