**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

originally posted by famousmortimer

The short story is that Xbox Live and the OS, especially in functions that involve XBL, are a complete ****ing mess. One source says we aren’t talking weeks until it works correctly but “months.” Things like parties dropping people when moving from one thing to another. Connectivity issues. Missed invites. Friend requests not working, etc.

“Let me get into some technical detail regarding it – on 360, the OS handles all of the party and chat functionality. All you do is hook up the XBL VOiP OS API into your game, and it does most of the work for you. With it results in is a shared experience across multiple entertainment. If you’re watching movies or playing games, you can do it together. However, this system is entirely different on Xbox One. So, lets say me, you, and Thuway have xbox one’s that are online. We are signed in our profiles. Sitting at the home screen, we are considered to be in a “Xbox Party” on the server. There are no more ‘party leaders’. With that said if any one of us decide to start a game, the party is shifted over to that game’s party system. Each game now has their custom written VOIP.” (Pete note: shoutout to thuway!)

I asked if could be fixed soon. He said that anything is possible and Microsoft is obviously working on it but he thinks it will be months, not weeks. Getting online launch games certified is taking so long that it’s pushing games after launch back.


Oh boy. I know it could get fixed quickly and months could be sensationalist but FFS. It really is one thing after another. Let's all pray it's wrong.
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Well seems both consoles now have their rumours, PS4 apparently overheating on review builds.

If the PS4 is overheating, I seem to be correct, as I expected the thing to run hot. That is a huge pain with the PS3 in my opinion, and even with all of the new 'huge vents' I don't expect it to stay cool for long. Plus, with the added power you are going to need a bit extra over the Xbone anyway.
If the PS4 is overheating, I seem to be correct, as I expected the thing to run hot. That is a huge pain with the PS3 in my opinion, and even with all of the new 'huge vents' I don't expect it to stay cool for long. Plus, with the added power you are going to need a bit extra over the Xbone anyway.

Is this referring to that one off where (as expected really) - a PS4 stuck inside a plastic box with no ventilation, switched off due to heat? - or are there further claims.......
Then why don't people get it on 360 instead as it would be near enough the same as the xbone? Are people really gonna spend 400+ on a console that might as well be called xbox 360 with kinetic till they sort out there dev issues with shoddy hardware support.

Before I get called names etc I have both a xbox 360 and ps3 and use them both but I've been playing games for 22 years and this is the worst launch I've seen bar the dream cast with rumours going around. And people buying it for the games come on they could have brought them out on current consoles at 720p what's the point in a refresh if your not gonna be 1080p for all games, it the min everything should be this day and age with the tech available.

How is BF4 nearly the same on Xbox 360? It's only 24 players for a start, it looks horrendous on the 360 need I go on?
Is this referring to that one off where (as expected really) - a PS4 stuck inside a plastic box with no ventilation, switched off due to heat? - or are there further claims.......

There's that One which we can right off, and there's another more recent one however there's been a update that again it overheated when placed in a closed cabinet under the TV, was fine again when taken out.
If the PS4 is overheating, I seem to be correct, as I expected the thing to run hot. That is a huge pain with the PS3 in my opinion, and even with all of the new 'huge vents' I don't expect it to stay cool for long. Plus, with the added power you are going to need a bit extra over the Xbone anyway.

It ran in a sealed box for hours before overheating protection kicked in. The box was opened for a few seconds and the ps4 continued to chug along.

If anything that bodes well for consumers if it works for hours on end Ina sealed box if anything.

(That is if guys are referring to the same incident)


Oh boy. I know it could get fixed quickly and months could be sensationalist but FFS. It really is one thing after another. Let's all pray it's wrong.

The hits keep coming, why bother to rush out the release to match the ps4 if you are going to churn out a barely functioning underpowered console. Rather them wait 6 months or so and put out a functioning product of similar specification.
Excellent news. I can't wait to get mine..... And sell it on a week later when I get my ps4.

The hits keep coming, why bother to rush out the release to match the ps4 if you are going to churn out a barely functioning underpowered console. Rather them wait 6 months or so and put out a functioning product of similar specification.

You believed that?
Sounds hugely unlikely and sensationalist to me, I think a lot of people are underestimating how bloody good MS are at software. Similarly with the devtools, if there's one thing MS know it's how to make API's & SDK's.
I expect it will be buggy out of the box but then software always is. So long as the games function I can put up with the system updates along the way.

Be interesting to see how big that day 1 patch will be at launch.
Quite small then..

anti are you going with your preorder or bailing out?

At the moment I still have it, I will probably end up just sticking with it, as I really want Dead rising 3 (and the fact I have a Forza bundle makes it hard to cancel, as that to me is a real value add).
Yeah it's a good deal with Forza free.

Really people are just freaking out as its getting so close and it is a decent amount of cash to part with. The scaremongering doesn't bother me that much. I think it's going to be a great machine. Just might need a bit of patching!
I'm dubious about the supposed software issues, especially the ones I've heard about stability problems, as surely they wouldn't take the console on tour all across America and Europe if it had serious issues. People would come along, see the console crashing regularly, and walk out knowing they would cancel their order. MS aren't stupid enough to do that. If the console had the stability issues people have mentioned I can't see them taking it out to the public.

I do expect there to be some issues at launch, as there always is. The PS4 will have issues at launch as well. As long as the games play properly, and the console is stable and not crashing every 30 minutes, I'll be happy.

Edit: I'm also dubious about the PS4 overheating problem as well. Sony will have learned from their mistakes from the PS3, and even with a powerful console in a smaller space, I can't imagine they won't have enough cooling in the box to stop it from overheating in virtually every normal household environment.
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