**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Anyone else got first hand experiences at the Xbox One Tour event thats currently going on? Nice to hear from normal people who have actually had a play on some of the consoles than a lot of the scaring that is going about!

I'm due to go on Wednesday night to the one in London but my mate just had to cancel so not sure if I'll go now.
Aye played Forza 5 on the one in Northumberland Street. Was pleased with the game, excellent graphics and framerate. Controller felt pretty much identical to the 360, except I would say it was a tiny bit smaller. Rumble triggers are ok, they didn't really add that much immersion for me to be honest, it felt a bit 'digital' as to when they give you feedback. It was either fully there or not at all.

WOAH?! Where on Northumberland Street?! :eek:

Missed it, bugger. :( - Get me to London and i'll go with you Monster ;)
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Surely if the Xbox One was crashing we would have heard of it before this leak,, like think on the amount of them that have been on demo,, with lockin's and tour displays etc.
and no crashing reported by all the people that have had a go on them.
Surely if the Xbox One was crashing we would have heard of it before this leak,, like think on the amount of them that have been on demo,, with lockin's and tour displays etc.
and no crashing reported by all the people that have had a go on them.

It's running a special demo version of the OS. Hardly any of the expected features are available.
It's running a special demo version of the OS. Hardly any of the expected features are available.

One of my work colleagues went to the Xbox One lock in the Metro Centre and the MS rep said game builds were months old (I'm sure he mentioned they were prior E3 builds!)

Looks like the build of Forza 5 I was playing on today was much newer because the one my work colleague played didn't allow external camera views or allowed you to turn the assists off. Looks fantastic.
And it's just someone claiming to have insider knowledge.

I might as well say I know a bloke down the pub that knows a guy whose a friend of someone who designs the OS for the Xbox. He says it's powerful enough to run skynet. 'cloud' is skynet!

It has about the same amount of substance.
I went to the shoreditch one today, and it was very quiet(either due to trains or they may of had a more limited day as there were celebrities being interviewed and such). We didn't need to wait for any game, here's a rough list of what they had:

Zoo Tycoon (only 1 SP machine): Surprisingly fun for what it is, the whole demo is about 10-15 minutes.
FIFA 14 (8-10 2 Player machines): Not much to say it's FIFA.
Forza 5 (8-10 SP machines): One track with a choice of about 6 cars, selecting a car itself takes ages as it has to pan around the car 5 times before you can select it! Gameplay wise the AI was a bit rubbish (crashing into you) but if it’s meant to mimic an online race then it’s pretty accurate. Graphics weren't spectacular either.
Kinect Rivals (4 SP Machines): only played the wave race mini game (not sure if you can play the others).The new Kinect is defiantly an improvement but that game was a bit meh.

Killer instinct (4-6 2P machines, not sure if it has bots): Good visuals and fun to play even if you just button mash :P
Battlefield 4(12-16 machines 8v8 MP): Forgot the name of the map but it’s a small, no vehicle Domination game with every weapon unlocked. An improvement but I did notice some frame drops.
Ryze (6-8 SP machines): 4 wave arena battle, looks nice but the gameplay was average. Maybe if you take a look at the controls first it may be better.
Dead Rising 3 (Around 8 machines): You have around 10 minutes to kill zombies in a small part of the map (still a good size), you can combine vehicles together which is cool but I couldn't find where to combine weapons (you start with some premade combo-weapons which are cool).

Overall I had a great time it's worth it to go with someone else.
Hi Guys

Just read this....now don't bite me for posting it.


I know its just a rumor.......but....

Its clickbaiting bull. We know full well the chat is done by Skype.

The sheer number of unsourced, and usually ridiculous claims is just getting silly now. We have seen far more of the XB1 UI than the PS4 ... yet its the XB1 that has a buggy OS?

Sony are being more tightlipped than MS are (when are the PS4 lock-ins btw?), but its just easier, and more fashionable to attack the XB1 right now.

Until an actual developer stands up and tells us whats-what, I am not interested and its not reliable. "Our sources", "we have been told", are about as reliable as Mystic Meg.
What sources?

My sources tell me that the snap feature trips the houses circuit breaker and crashes your grans hearing aid :S
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