**XBOX ONE** Official Thread


His vision, his fault.

Don't get to run away from this fallout.

The issues comes from facts. If you don't want to hear what I present, can't help you.

Focus your ire to the people who made these decisions regarding hardware. When messager is right you get mad, but I warn because I don't like what I've seen over the last 20 months.

Plan never not for gamers. Xbox One or PS4 or Wii U. All of Us. When directive are apps first, power second, this is not for gamers. When questions about DRM/online policy are floated internally and then disregarded... [that's not for gamers.]

Because monetization is job one for Executives, this is not for gamers. When you are lied to directly about features, that's not for gamers.
Today, Snap is broke. Fact. Maybe (and probably) fix for launch. Today connectivity and party is broken. Fact. And Maybe fix before launch.

ESRam is problem and tools will help down the road. Hardware will always be gimped in comparison. This can never change without new hardware. Fact. Get mad at who you should be getting mad at.

Not the forum.
Not the posters.
Not people who know what's right and wrong and want to help gamers.

See you after launch!

His vision, his fault.

Don't get to run away from this fallout.

The issues comes from facts. If you don't want to hear what I present, can't help you.

Focus your ire to the people who made these decisions regarding hardware. When messager is right you get mad, but I warn because I don't like what I've seen over the last 20 months.

Plan never not for gamers. Xbox One or PS4 or Wii U. All of Us. When directive are apps first, power second, this is not for gamers. When questions about DRM/online policy are floated internally and then disregarded... [that's not for gamers.]

Because monetization is job one for Executives, this is not for gamers. When you are lied to directly about features, that's not for gamers.
Today, Snap is broke. Fact. Maybe (and probably) fix for launch. Today connectivity and party is broken. Fact. And Maybe fix before launch.

ESRam is problem and tools will help down the road. Hardware will always be gimped in comparison. This can never change without new hardware. Fact. Get mad at who you should be getting mad at.

Not the forum.
Not the posters.
Not people who know what's right and wrong and want to help gamers.

See you after launch!

SO now he's saying stuff will more than likely maybe possibly be working at launch..well I never.

MS are out to make money...complete shocker!?!?

How about he tells about if Sony mess the PS4 up they are dead in the water financially!?...but you would think they are giving them away for free, beucase they LOVE gamers THAT MUCH!

Also, who the F writes in this manner, what the does he think he is...bloody Neo in the Matrix or something!?...Jesus.

ultimately, theirs something odd about all of this if Forza, comes in at 1080p at 60fps looking as good as it does ( and to me its looking better than ANYTHIGN I have seen from the PS4), then some questions from Devs would have to be asked.
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With all these rumours and stuff I think I'm just going to live under a rock until the 22nd, then eagerly await for DPD to ring my door bell.

But seriously reading some forums and sites and most PS4 fans are just so arrogant and co**y. Thinking about it why is there no PS4 lock-ins?
With all these rumours and stuff I think I'm just going to live under a rock until the 22nd, then eagerly await for DPD to ring my door bell.

But seriously reading some forums and sites and most PS4 fans are just so arrogant and co**y. Thinking about it why is there no PS4 lock-ins?

Best thing to do on all accounts I think. The number of rumours and gossip makes it so confusing.

Fanboys of both companies are just as bad as one another too. What there is to be cocky about I don't know. I don't quite understand it to be honest. I think it suggests more about someone's mental state more than anything.

Hopefully for the sake of developers, MS are right and there is a bit more power as a 50% differential in GPU power means a lot of extra effort to push both platforms.

Although I agree with Mull3t that the XB1 videos and images actually look better to me which is strange given the amount of upscaling that is taking place. Maybe a difference between hardware vs software upscaling, who knows.
I went to the shoreditch one today, and it was very quiet(either due to trains or they may of had a more limited day as there were celebrities being interviewed and such). We didn't need to wait for any game, here's a rough list of what they had:

Zoo Tycoon (only 1 SP machine): Surprisingly fun for what it is, the whole demo is about 10-15 minutes.
FIFA 14 (8-10 2 Player machines): Not much to say it's FIFA.
Forza 5 (8-10 SP machines): One track with a choice of about 6 cars, selecting a car itself takes ages as it has to pan around the car 5 times before you can select it! Gameplay wise the AI was a bit rubbish (crashing into you) but if it’s meant to mimic an online race then it’s pretty accurate. Graphics weren't spectacular either.
Kinect Rivals (4 SP Machines): only played the wave race mini game (not sure if you can play the others).The new Kinect is defiantly an improvement but that game was a bit meh.

Killer instinct (4-6 2P machines, not sure if it has bots): Good visuals and fun to play even if you just button mash :P
Battlefield 4(12-16 machines 8v8 MP): Forgot the name of the map but it’s a small, no vehicle Domination game with every weapon unlocked. An improvement but I did notice some frame drops.
Ryze (6-8 SP machines): 4 wave arena battle, looks nice but the gameplay was average. Maybe if you take a look at the controls first it may be better.
Dead Rising 3 (Around 8 machines): You have around 10 minutes to kill zombies in a small part of the map (still a good size), you can combine vehicles together which is cool but I couldn't find where to combine weapons (you start with some premade combo-weapons which are cool).

Overall I had a great time it's worth it to go with someone else.

Thank you for your thoughts, nice to hear from someone who has actually used one.
How did the controller feel?

Unfortunately many here seem to busy bickering over nothing to even notice this post.

Thanks 16 bit for posting your thoughts on the console and games. I appreciate it :) Sadly it was ignored due to twitter ;)

Console wars...

So many fun moments to come still. :D

I'll probably end up getting a Xbox one over a PS4 based on what I've seen so far but not for at least a year, probably longer. So lots of time to see what one works best for what I want out of the system.
In the screen shots I have seen so far, xbucks looks better, even with the lower res. Tho the reviewers weren't allowed to hook up there own capture gear, I'm hearing the capture didn't turn out well for ps4, funny thing is the videos seem to be diff quality for diff sites, I think jack frags are the clearest I've seen yet, and Xbox single player looks fine. The df comparison video with frame rate counter in, well I actually think Xbox looks better
Not even close to the same.
PS4 renders 56% more total pixels.
Xbox renders at 720p (aka, same as the 360/PS3 versions)
PS4 has anti-aliasing
Xbox is missing motion blur in MP
PS4 has HBAO (ambient occlusion)
Even after all those advantages, PS4 runs at a higher/more stable framerate

There may be more, but that covers it for the most part, I believe.

The Digitalfoundry guys have posted at GAF to say they weren't given chance to properly calibrate their equipment hence in their comparison one version (Xbox.) of the comparison has crushed blacks and is oversharpened. These were the settings provided to them and they were set as such to try to hide some of the issues.

It should be pointed out all the videos are hugely compressed so us sat at home can't really see anything. All the people who have seen the two for themselvessay the PS4 is very close to the PC version and the Xbox is nowhere near.
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PS4 renders 56% more total pixels @ 900p
Xbone renders at 720p (aka, same as the 360/PS3 versions)
PS4 has anti-aliasing
Xbone is missing motion blur in MP
PS4 has HBAO (ambient occlusion)
Even after all those advantages, PS4 runs at a higher/more stable framerate

So I guess the fire and smoke was real after all, and the leakers were genuine.

On a side note my eyes are not seeing much difference to be honest, but that's probably due to the fact viewing on my phone on compressed YouTube video. Will wait for some direct feed uncompressed stuff on watch on my tv before making any judgements.
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