**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

...Why can't we all just get along :(

Because whatever MAN X gets, MAN Z will claim his is better :p

Makes for much entertaining forum fights about things that don't matter :p

Personally I like Both sony/PS and MS/Xbox so nothing to fight over, just can't afford both so have to make a choice of what is best for me eventually.

Both will be awesome, so all the fighting is just entertainment :cool:
So fairly standard they look fairly similar to me , if I had to pick one it would be the Xbox.

Either way neither console will fail , I remember the comparisons between GTA IV years ago they was little or no difference.

PS4 might be doing all of what they guy said above me but my eyes can't tell the difference so I'm not bothered.

Both will be good enjoy them for what they are.

Me I'm getting an xbox as I only really play FIFA although I am going to miss Uncharted which I thought was awesome.
Would not worry about all that rez crap about BF4. Most important thing is 64 players!! give them a good base to improve on BF5.
From a Ps3 owner from day one I remember all the flack ps users used to get early on. Just the shoe is on the other foot.

(Cheesy) new trailer with some UI/Kinect and gameplay in it... Allow for overly earnest sounding americans in the vid :)

Cant see myself using half that but the bit where he said xbox record seems really really good to records those omg moments. quite impressive!!
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Nice to see some of our readers in here are quick to post info debunking the previous rumours. Oh wait.....

Yesterday it was rumored all around the internet that the Xbox One Operating System and Xbox Live are currently in shambles. However it seems all those rumors were being made up. A confirmed Xbox One developer has debunked this rumor whilst comparing the console launch to a paparazzi.
“It’s like Xbox One has become Britney Spears back when every part of her life was under constant surveillance by the media\paparazzi. Every detail, relevant or not, could be taken, fed, digested through social media, and emerge as a complete new beast over the span of a day. A console launch is huge and intricate. Every product has bugs and will have bugs throughout the entire product lifetime. I suppose media outlets need to dig for straws to create “content” for their readers,” he said on Reddit.
He also confirmed that the “QFE5 is several weeks old” and they have “improved the OS even more since then.”
A journalist has also confirmed the Xbox One OS is stable and the rumors are simply false. “To all the friendly redditers, I have a very reliable source who has used the QFE 5 version of Xbox One’s OS and it’s perfectly fine,” he said on Twitter.

Read more at http://gamingbolt.com/xbox-one-dev-...een-improved-even-further#MEr2Fv6qcgw14hRC.99

From http://gamingbolt.com/xbox-one-dev-...l-weeks-old-os-has-been-improved-even-further

To all the friendly redditers, I have a very reliable source who has used the QFE 5 version of Xbox One's OS and it's perfectly fine

From https://twitter.com/twitgera/status/394884712549711873

Of course, this could be as much rumour as the ones that state the OS is going to explode and take your house with it, but as this rumour doesn't actually cause controversy, I can see why some people didn't think to post it.
Love me a bit of console war drama. It's going to go into hyper drive once they are released, its going to be immense
I have to say, I'm surprised by the video. I think the Xbox easily produces the better looking graphics, but I see little to no difference in motion.
Interesting to see the Eurogamers comparison review between the two console versions of BF4. Indeed it sounds as if XO is running at 720p and PS4 900p with the PS4 clearly the more powerful console when it comes to crunching numbers. Oddly though there's an interesting statement half way through which, for people actualy wanting to play a game rather than wave numbers at each other is interesting.

As you may notice in our screengrabs, the actual results on PS4 lack the corresponding level of crystal clarity we'd expect of such a significant resolution boost. This should surely be a home run for Sony's console, but what is likely to be a software-based upscale to 1080p delivers less-than-stellar returns, and for better or worse leaves the Xbox One with an often crisper looking, albeit much more aliased image.

What is curious is the level of "pop" given to the Xbox One's textures, where - bizarrely - artwork often seems to be more detailed than on PlayStation 4.

Despite what the raw numbers would have you believe it seems unless you ran the games side by side you're unlikely to notice the difference between the two versions. Yes, the PS4 version has been able to use the extra power but not, on the builds tested, enough to make it a no brainer. It's certainly not the night and day 50% better landslide the number jockeys would have you believe. Xbox version uses Kinect to allow voice commands in game as well as watching your body to control how you lean around corners in game which could be interesting - one less key combo I have to try to remember.

Sure, if you have no console preference why not buy the more powerful one, that makes complete sense. But if you prefer the games, functionality and have friends on Live I think you can go Xbox without worry unless your PS4 wielding mate comes round with a magnifying glass and forces you to count pixels.

In conclusion - meh. Unless you're a fanboy or clickbait blogger you're unlikely to be unhappy with either version/console.
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Well, I've read the Digital Foundry article which says that the PS4 is clearly ahead of the Xbox One when it comes to BF4, yet when I watch the videos I actually find myself preferring the way the Xbox One version looks. I guess if you're someone who pixel-creeps then you'll prefer the PS4 version, but from the looks of it, both versions of the game look fantastic compared to what we're used to with current gen BF, and that's what I was after all along.
Nice to see some of our readers in here are quick to post info debunking the previous rumours. Oh wait.....

From http://gamingbolt.com/xbox-one-dev-...l-weeks-old-os-has-been-improved-even-further

From https://twitter.com/twitgera/status/394884712549711873

Of course, this could be as much rumour as the ones that state the OS is going to explode and take your house with it, but as this rumour doesn't actually cause controversy, I can see why some people didn't think to post it.

The rumors came from a verified developer on Neogaf and Cboat is saying the same.

Saying that, a few short weeks and all will be clear.

Well, I've read the Digital Foundry article which says that the PS4 is clearly ahead of the Xbox One when it comes to BF4, yet when I watch the videos I actually find myself preferring the way the Xbox One version looks. I guess if you're someone who pixel-creeps then you'll prefer the PS4 version, but from the looks of it, both versions of the game look fantastic compared to what we're used to with current gen BF, and that's what I was after all along.

DF have posted on Gaf apologising as they couldn't correctly calibrate their equipment and all the other sites just used equipment provided by DICE.

The Xbox video on their site has ended up with crushed blacks and oversharpened which may look ok in middle of the road scenes but the dark scenes lose detail and the high contrast scenes will be a jaggy fest.
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Well, I've read the Digital Foundry article which says that the PS4 is clearly ahead of the Xbox One when it comes to BF4, yet when I watch the videos I actually find myself preferring the way the Xbox One version looks. I guess if you're someone who pixel-creeps then you'll prefer the PS4 version, but from the looks of it, both versions of the game look fantastic compared to what we're used to with current gen BF, and that's what I was after all along.

Apparently the DF footage was not captured correctly as makes the ps4 footage looked washed out. All other footage from IGN and likes does not show this.

Just watched the Xbox one multiplayer footage and it looks bloody awful, like COD last gen?!
Nice to see some of our readers in here are quick to post info debunking the previous rumours. Oh wait.....

From http://gamingbolt.com/xbox-one-dev-...l-weeks-old-os-has-been-improved-even-further

From https://twitter.com/twitgera/status/394884712549711873

Of course, this could be as much rumour as the ones that state the OS is going to explode and take your house with it, but as this rumour doesn't actually cause controversy, I can see why some people didn't think to post it.

Lol you never really gave any1 a chance. That article came out today, its 8.30am and bf4 nextgen gameplay got released a few hours ago.
Nice to see some of our readers in here are quick to post info debunking the previous rumours. Oh wait.....

From http://gamingbolt.com/xbox-one-dev-...l-weeks-old-os-has-been-improved-even-further

From https://twitter.com/twitgera/status/394884712549711873

Of course, this could be as much rumour as the ones that state the OS is going to explode and take your house with it, but as this rumour doesn't actually cause controversy, I can see why some people didn't think to post it.

I hadn't even seen that.

But Davey, why do you put so much stock in that being true, yet are so dismissive of people saying the opposite?

They both amount to the same thing, MS has not confirmed anything. That 'dev' is from Reddit.
I'm saving judgement on BF4 comparisons until I see both in person before my very eyes, rather than on my laptop on a compressed youtube video.
I hadn't even seen that.

But Davey, why do you put so much stock in that being true, yet are so dismissive of people saying the opposite?

They both amount to the same thing, MS has not confirmed anything. That 'dev' is from Reddit.

That 'XBOX Dev' account on reddit is a very obvious PR account who only pipes up when floods of bad news comes out for the XB1.
Yeah, which is why I really wanted to see if Forza really is as good as it looks on screenshots and trailers.

Also ignoring all of this about an unstable OS. More chance they'd have a few online bugs.
But Davey, why do you put so much stock in that being true, yet are so dismissive of people saying the opposite?

I'm not, I even acknowledge that in my post. It just seems that a lot of people are incredibly quick to post the rumours that suggest the Xbox One is going to be a huge mess on launch, yet they're not as quick to post the rumours that counter the previous ones. Just seems a little (very) one sided from the people who seem to want the Xbox to fail.
I'm personally not bothered by all the **** storm now, I just want the damn things to be out and the games to be playable.

I'm not, I even acknowledge that in my post. It just seems that a lot of people are incredibly quick to post the rumours that suggest the Xbox One is going to be a huge mess on launch, yet they're not as quick to post the rumours that counter the previous ones. Just seems a little (very) one sided from the people who seem to want the Xbox to fail.

Give people chance, that article only went live today.

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