Yesterday it was rumored all around the internet that the Xbox One Operating System and Xbox Live are currently in shambles. However it seems all those rumors were being made up. A confirmed Xbox One developer has debunked this rumor whilst comparing the console launch to a paparazzi.
“It’s like Xbox One has become Britney Spears back when every part of her life was under constant surveillance by the media\paparazzi. Every detail, relevant or not, could be taken, fed, digested through social media, and emerge as a complete new beast over the span of a day. A console launch is huge and intricate. Every product has bugs and will have bugs throughout the entire product lifetime. I suppose media outlets need to dig for straws to create “content” for their readers,” he said on Reddit.
He also confirmed that the “QFE5 is several weeks old” and they have “improved the OS even more since then.”
A journalist has also confirmed the Xbox One OS is stable and the rumors are simply false. “To all the friendly redditers, I have a very reliable source who has used the QFE 5 version of Xbox One’s OS and it’s perfectly fine,” he said on Twitter.