**XBOX ONE** Official Thread


(not embedding due to sweary)

That's the best image at showing the differences. Slightly 'washed' out on PS4 version, noticeable jaggies and lack of dark detail on XB1 version

The important point to take away in that whole comparison is that the PS4 player is wearing British PCS where as the XO player is wearing what appears to be the old style US army/current Iraqi uniform :p PS4 wins in that respect :p
Umm did that site say the got the xBox footage wrong in the capture and that the blacks where all off?

Lots of discussion about this, either they messed up when capturing the images, or they have specifically sharpened them and messed with the contrast to try and hide some of the faults, either way other sources aren't having this issue.
TBH, all I'm seeing with this BF4 stuff is the same that happened with the 360 and PS3. Multi-platform games looking slightly different to each other due to the development tools, but essentially, unless you micro-analyse each frame like these fan-boy "experts/insiders" are, the same.

I don't see how purchasers of either console will be disappointed. 5 years down the line the gap will be bigger, just like it is now with PS3 exclusives generally looking exceptional, but that will be some way off.

I'm just glad I'm getting both :p
Couldn't agree more. It's funny how the PS4 fans are so adamant on how much better their version looks. Does it actually matter? Does it make them feel better about their purchase if they spend their time belittling the Xbox One? I really don't get it.

(not embedding due to sweary)

That's the best image at showing the differences. Slightly 'washed' out on PS4 version, noticeable jaggies and lack of dark detail on XB1 version

Yet some parts in that look better on the XO. Take the steering wheel for example, it looks cleaner on the XO while other parts look different.

When I'm running around on bf4 I'm not going to be caring about minor differences, I care about gameplay, and for me the XO pad is going to feel more natural to play on

Comfort+Gameplay > noticing a spot on someones forhead


Do you disagree? Perhaps it will be closer when we get calibrated footage, but there's no doubt the HDMI levels have been set wrong in that comparison footage. The only other differences I see are less jaggies on the PS4 probably because of the higher res and also what looks like a general sharpness filter/luma upscale on the X1 footage which might be down to a superior hardware upscaler in the X1?
When I'm running around on bf4 I'm not going to be caring about minor differences, I care about gameplay, and for me the XO pad is going to feel more natural to play on

That's the difference, PC gamers sorry PS4 gamers will be stopping at every second to admire the extra detail their version of the game has, so they can post about it on the internet and feel better about themselves.

Better get used to it, they'll be doing it all generation.
Couldn't agree more. It's funny how the PS4 fans are so adamant on how much better their version looks. Does it actually matter? Does it make them feel better about their purchase if they spend their time belittling the Xbox One? I really don't get it.

What confuses me even more is why the ones that are so bothered about the differences in graphics or resolutions claim to be hardcore gamers, and therefore the only ones whose opinion should be heard or considered. Apparently not giving a flying turd about the graphics or resolution makes me a casual player :p

But yeah, God knows why they feel the need to try and convince themselves they have the "best" version. It's like they need some kind of claim to superiority to justify their purchase instead of just enjoying the games (unless they're those kinds of people who can only find enjoyment if they play what they think is the superior version).
Sorry but that's just a ridiculous gif. Any of us could mess with an image and do what ever the hell we wanted to do with it to make it look sharper/blurry. It's pointless posting that.

Jesus the next few weeks are going to be mental. I guess it's all kind of funny though :p
Does it actually matter? Does it make them feel better about their purchase if they spend their time belittling the Xbox One?


On a separate not this image pretty much nails what's going on

I hope for Xbox One's sake this isn't a hardware thing but something Dice have implemented (and can be turned off). I can remember a couple years ago when I got a new Samsung TV for my PS3 playing COD I was wondering why everything was so crushed and dark, as it was effecting my performance. For example you couldn't see people hiding in shadows or dark areas and would get pounced on. Its a setting on Samsung TV's (probably on most TVs) where the contrast is super boosted and it gives everything a edge/lip and things stand out more and are more defined. But as a results colours/blacks are crushed and the picture looks very unnatural. Once I turned it off started to play much better again. Ill check on my old (well its old now) Samsung TV and see what the setting is called.
Sorry but that's just a ridiculous gif. Any of us could mess with an image and do what ever the hell we wanted to do with it to make it look sharper/blurry. It's pointless posting that.

Jesus the next few weeks are going to be mental. I guess it's all kind of funny though :p

I think that was the point, it was done to show the DF images are messed up :)
So funny to see the Sony Defence force flooding into the Xbox thread trying to come up with excuses as to why anyone who has actually compared BF4 on both consoles and actually likes the XO version is wrong because of errrm... some cheating... errrm.... the calibration was off.... umm.. there was a fire... a flood.... there was a jack knifed waterbuffalo on the trail... the wind was out of the west.... ;) :)

Xenon89 must be on the verge of a frothing fit locking himself away in a dark room sobbing whilst caressing his DS3 telling it it'll all be alright, those DICE people are obviously MS Shills... :D
So funny to see the Sony Defence force flooding into the Xbox thread trying to come up with excuses as to why anyone who has actually compared BF4 on both consoles and actually likes the XO version is wrong because of errrm... some cheating... errrm.... the calibration was off.... umm.. there was a fire... a flood.... there was a jack knifed waterbuffalo on the trail... the wind was out of the west.... ;) :)

inb4 "Microsoft paid EA to make the XO look better" :p
In every screenshot and video so far I actually prefer the looks of the XO version to the PS4.
I prefer the high contrast-y nature, vibrant colours and sharper details on textures, at least on BF4, compared to less aliasing but more washed out look on the PS4.
Does this make me odd :x
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