**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Frankly as far as I'm concerned I'm just pleased to see that console gamers will be able to choose either next gen console as their platform without having to worry about "backing the wrong horse" and making a bad decision.

The only people whining are the PS4 fans who have continually set their store on having to feel their choice is better buy trying to put XO down as being pants. They are now desperately scrabbling to find a single screen shot from somewhere that they can use to pick holes in "black doesn't look quite as black as black" and anyone who says otherwise made a mistake with something. In the mean time most people on both sides of the choices are just pleased to see what looks like a stunningly good new FPS on next gen platforms giving them the freedom to choose the console they prefer based on titles and platform rather than counting pixels with a magnifying glass.
No it's more fun in here and no drama in the other. Xbox fans rampantly defending their beloved "inferior" Xbox with Sony fans crying publicly due to the fact Xbox fans cant see/wont admit that they see what they are seeing. Still got a month of this to go and further drama with COD comparisons to come.

I don't care if it's more "fun" in here. Anyone who is in this thread simply to troll and post negativity will be banned. Simples.
Is comparing versions of games trolling? Don't see anyone being negative for the sake of being negative.
I see plenty of people who only appear in this thread when they have something negative to say. When things are going smoothly, or as smooth as it gets for MS lately, they are nowhere to be seen.

Also, comparing versions of games should technically be done in the threads for those games. I really should have cut off the discussions straight away this morning and told everyone to go into the BF4 thread instead.
Do you honestly think the XO version looks better on this?


Please tell me you don't prefer the worse textures, lighting etc of the XO version?

To people who prefer the high contrast, over sharpened and crushed blacks of the XO captures on digital foundry it makes me wonder what your TV's are set to in regards to sharpness and contrast, maxed out on both?

Also ambient occlusion will be in the XO build at release, will this tank the framerate even more?


You honestly think a next gen console can't even get a sharp HUD overlay? It looks like the whole image has been deliberately blurred. All these comparisons are laughable.
I see plenty of people who only appear in this thread when they have something negative to say. When things are going smoothly, or as smooth as it gets for MS lately, they are nowhere to be seen.

Unfortunately there has been a lot a negative news surrounding the Xbox with most of it turning out to be true. Surely people can pick and choose what they are interested in discussing as long as it's has some credibility to it or do you simply want people to say nice things about the Xbox One?

Also, comparing versions of games should technically be done in the threads for those games. I really should have cut off the discussions straight away this morning and told everyone to go into the BF4 thread instead.

Not sure that would be correct either as comparing differences in titles across competing platforms will allow for interested parties to make an informed decision. It highlights the strengths and weaknesses of competing platforms and confirms and denies various rumours which have not been addressed officially.
How are people even posting these comparison videos? That means they would have both consoles and the game for both consoles. Is it media/journo versions they are using? Dont they end up in hot water posting this stuff, especially DF.
What people don't seem to be getting is if a launch game is already giving the PS4 a 50% advantage in resolution, with more effects at a higher framerate what's going to happen when the likes of Naughty Dog or Sony Santa Monica get their hands on the system, I can't see updated tools and proper ESRAM usage making up that difference.
50% advantage in resolution seems to make very little difference if any though. It's just a number, it doesn't translate to 50% better.

Also I noticed after the outrage that some One launch titles can't manage 1080p that there doesn't seem to be much outrage that BF4 can't manage 1080p on PS4?
50% advantage in resolution seems to make very little difference if any though. It's just a number, it doesn't translate to 50% better.

Also I noticed after the outrage that some One launch titles can't manage 1080p that there doesn't seem to be much outrage that BF4 can't manage 1080p on PS4?

We have no direct capture uncompressed images, it will make a difference when watched on your TV.
Unfortunately there has been a lot a negative news surrounding the Xbox with most of it turning out to be true. Surely people can pick and choose what they are interested in discussing as long as it's has some credibility to it or do you simply want people to say nice things about the Xbox One?

People are free to say what they like, I just don't want people to only appear when they have something negative to say. As I said, discussion is always encouraged, but people popping into the thread to say something negative is bordering on trolling. I wouldn't tolerate it anywhere else, so I won't tolerate it here either.

Not sure that would be correct either as comparing differences in titles across competing platforms will allow for interested parties to make an informed decision. It highlights the strengths and weaknesses of competing platforms and confirms and denies various rumours which have not been addressed officially.

Fair point, but I think generally speaking I'd rather see game comparisons done in the game threads, just makes more sense to me to put it in there. After all, this thread just like the PS4 thread will eventually die away, so we'll just be left with individual game threads, just like we had before.
What people don't seem to be getting is if a launch game is already giving the PS4 a 50% advantage in resolution, with more effects at a higher framerate what's going to happen when the likes of Naughty Dog or Sony Santa Monica get their hands on the system, I can't see updated tools and proper ESRAM usage making up that difference.

What's going to happen when Naughty Dog or Sony Santa Monica get their hands on the system? They'll release a Sony exclusive game, just like they always have done, and it'll look great. Won't impact the Xbox One at all as the game won't be available for it. Not sure what point you're trying to make.
I think IGN got some multiplayer footage

Looks worse than Cod4 on last gen, hope that they accidently used 360 footage.

here is an actual cod4 screen on 360. No way are the a gen apart!

Umm wasnt their a video that I jsut watched with them side by side and the both looked a lot better than that!
This look slike utter troll baiting to try and damage the XO ...AGAIN!
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