**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Yes, the PS4 is definitely doing more computationally, no-one can argue with that. No-one can argue that the 2 versions don't like pretty damn good, and pretty damn similar as well.

Oh, and it's not 50% less pixels, it's more like 36% less pixels.

Depends which way you do the calculations. ;)
So are you buying a Xbox One or did you just cover your bases and have no intention of buying it?

Having a pre-order doesnt make your comments in this thread about BF4 any less pathetic than they already are with your umpteen comparison videos\stills that show very little difference between both systems.

Yea because everybody has the time and are sad enough to pre-order a console months ago paying a deposit, so they can have moral superiority in flame wars! lol

I'm sorry but the IGN video is ALL we have to go off in regards to multiplayer and it looks crap. The same IGN source and video people were claiming above as the best example and comparison of both consoles (just scroll back a few posts) So its good enough a source to compare campaigns but all of a sudden its horrific and cant be used for multiplayer?
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I'm sorry but pretty much all the videos, commentary and articles ive seen/read say the opposite. Either they are similar or the PS4 version being superior.

Its not something I've "come up" with, its the only available multiplayer screen. What do you want me to do, fly out to dice and get a better screen grab for you.

It's not doctored! looks better than my version from the same source.
Your desperation to try to prove the PS4 version is superior is funny. At best it's borderline PS4 and others have said they prefer the look of the XO version. The only people struggling with these comparisons are the fanboys who have been crowing for months that the XO is a bag of used underwear and the PS4 versions of everything will be 50% better.

In any case it's not the slam "XO version looks pants the PS4 is infinitely better" result you were looking for.

Whatever way you write it up they both look great and the only genuine independent comparative evidence so far suggests there's not a bad console choice this gen and both produce great results.

Why is it that some PS4 buying folks feel the need to try to troll the XO thread and can only be happy if they prove their choice is the bestest? You don't see XO pre order folks trolling the PS4 thread. All very childish...
Ahh now there's your problem and your bias, I never mentioned anything about the PS4 multiplayer looking better. You automatically assumed by me referring to the Xbox multilayer looking like crap from the 1080p screen grab, to me insinuating the PS4 version would be or is so much better. I never said that and didn't mention it because this is a Xbox thread. Its looks like crap in that IGN video, what more can I say.
Ah, so what you're actually saying is that next gen BF4 multiplayer (on both systems) looks no better than current gen Call of Duty? Is that right? If that's the case, why did you only highlight how poor the Xbox One version looks? Why didn't you show both sides of the video and say how poor both of them looked? Why didn't you say "I hope they used PS3 footage by accident"?
Lunch time is over, I have to say this thread has been entertaining :D What I find odd is that the PS4 thread is amazingly quiet.

I just can't believe the amount of graphics are not good enough malarky. IT'S A CONSOLE !!!! As long as I can put the disc in and it plays without crashing all is good.

The only thing I can see the PS4 has over the XO is them nice blue control pads (the white one looks pretty nice too) :p
You can keep thise directly oppose Sticks away from me please.

Also, funny how NO ONE else has ever copied the PS pad layout, its always a 360 look a like.
Ah, so what you're actually saying is that next gen BF4 multiplayer (on both systems) looks no better than current gen Call of Duty? Is that right?

No I said the Xbox version looks like crap and no better than the 360 cod4 game.

If that's the case, why did you only highlight how poor the Xbox One version looks? Why didn't you show both sides of the video and say how poor both of them looked? Why didn't you say "I hope they used PS3 footage by accident"?

A) I used a screen grab from GAF which was only of the Xbox version, how could I comment on the PS4 version when it wasn't included.
B)Weren't you the one saying we should keep ps4/xbox game comparisons away from this thread only a few short posts away?
C)Both sides of the video were not synced, whats the point of comparing two different frames? And the fact I couldn't bother making my own and quite frankly don't know how to without messing up the quality of the image.

Man the conspiracy theories, are you guys always so defensive? I am a fellow Xbox One brother, don't be so mean :p
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No I said the Xbox version looks like crap and no better than the 360 cod4 game.

Ah, so now you're saying the PS4 footage does looks vastly superior to the Xbox One version?

Here's something for you. Ignore the screencaps. Go and watch the video again. Put it in 1080p and watch it, then watch it again. Can you honestly say that after watching the video that the Xbox One version looks significantly inferior to the PS4 version?
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