**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

I refuse to answer as it not a statement I ever made, plus following rules boss :D

By refusing to answer you're just making me think that you cannot honestly say the PS4 version looks significantly better than the Xbox One version. Thanks, my point is proven. Next.

UI and OS should not be a factor when choosing which console to play a game on, as once its loaded both will be the same.

Yes, that's true, but if the OS has better features that integrate with the game (such as Xbox Snap), then that might influence your decision making. I was also including the online side of the console in this though.

So that leaves us with performance, which I think from the above is the most important. Would I rather have a game that runs natively to my expensive TV's resolution or an upscaled version? Do I want a game that constantly sticks to 50-60fps or one that dips from 40-60fps? etc. Do I want a game that applies a drastic contrast/sharpness filter to my games to hide imperfections, the same super contrast/sharpness that people turn off on the TV settings? It's a no brainer for me.

I just want my games to run well and play well. I think the BF4 video proves that at this point, there isn't a significant difference between the two systems. That will likely change over time (in one way or the other), but if there aren't significant differences between the two versions visually, then how it looks won't be a deciding factor for me. That's my preference and choice though. Others are free to decide how they wish.

I've said all along though, if all you want is the best looking version, don't buy the Xbox One OR the PS4. Upgrade your PC instead.
You've done it again! Counting the words in a post.....seriously :o
Please stop making yourself seem so insecure that you have to try and put other people/things down

Oh I'm sorry, I've let my insecurities get the best of me whilst attempting to have a rational and adult conversation!! Thanks for showing me the errors of my way and I shall hang my head in shame :D
I think its interesting after all the hoo ha off the last few days off the xbox not being 1080p in everything, the PS4 version of battlefield only being 900p seems to have sneaked under the radar without too much fuss.
I think its interesting after all the hoo ha off the last few days off the xbox not being 1080p in everything, the PS4 version of battlefield only being 900p seems to have sneaked under the radar without too much fuss.

I think it's simply because 900p was already rumoured for PS4, and 720p is worse so it's being overlooked.
I must say, all things considered I'm not particularly impressed with the graphics on either platform. It's gonna be a long time before we get high-quality third party titles I reckon, the cost of development is just huge compared to the install base now.
So that leaves us with performance, which I think from the above is the most important. Would I rather have a game that runs natively to my expensive TV's resolution or an upscaled version? Do I want a game that constantly sticks to 50-60fps or one that dips from 40-60fps? etc. Do I want a game that applies a drastic contrast/sharpness filter to my games to hide imperfections, the same super contrast/sharpness that people turn off on the TV settings? It's a no brainer for me.

Here is an interview I conducted with myself :D

Did you pre-order a PS4 - yes
Did you pre-order a XO - yes
Did you then cancel any pre-orders - yes
What did you cancel - PS4
Why - not enough games that I want on release
Did anything else impact your choice - no
Not even performance issues - no
Are you sure - If I cared about performance issues I would have bought a PC.
But surely in this day and age graphics should be better - Don't care a gaming console is for one thing and one thing alone, playing exclusive games that are not released on the PC.
Are you not worried that FPS will drop or sharpeners are used to hide imperfections - no
Are you serious - See answer two rows up. If I cared about graphics I would play it on a fracking PC using a fracking 1440p monitor, then play a game at a native res of 1440 then you can take your console graphics and shove it.
But you are paying almost £400 for this console ?! - yea and for that money you could buy a pretty darn good graphics card and play games at 1440 which would blow away anything a console can do.
So why get a console then ? - because I can put disc in kick back on the sofa and play games on my TV. Oh and did I mention console exclusives ? oh and Fifa, love me a bit of Fifa.
What about First Person Shooters ? - Mouse and Keyboard all the way so PC.
What about these videos and screenshots about BF4 ? - meh, PC will look better in every way shape and form, also Mouse and Keyboard f t w.
So you’re a PC fanboi ? - no but if you want to argue about raw power a PC will always win and can always be upgraded.
So you’re a M$ fanboi then ? - no the only reason I am only getting a XO on release is because Watch Dogs and Drive club got delayed on the PS4. Next year when Sony start bringing their exclusives out (I'm look at you Second Son) I will be all over PS4.
Thank you for your time - No Thank you :)

TLDR: I dunno I thought it was funny.
Even if people aren't seeing a great deal of difference visually, you can't say there isn't a fairly large frame rate difference, which will affect how the game plays.

I must say, all things considered I'm not particularly impressed with the graphics on either platform. It's gonna be a long time before we get high-quality third party titles I reckon, the cost of development is just huge compared to the install base now.
I think that's still down to developing for current gen as well. Also, considering that neither the PS4 or Xbox One are more powerful than the PCs we have now, I don't think we're ever going to be blown away graphically. I think it's more what they can do with the extra power in terms of the game world that will be the defining part of this next gen, rather than simply how good it looks.
I must say, all things considered I'm not particularly impressed with the graphics on either platform. It's gonna be a long time before we get high-quality third party titles I reckon, the cost of development is just huge compared to the install base now.

The big differences will be when we start getting the games developed for next gen from the ground up. Anything that's cross gen is going to be behind from the start.
Here is an interview I conducted with myself :D

Did you pre-order a PS4 - yes
Did you pre-order a XO - yes
Did you then cancel any pre-orders - yes
What did you cancel - PS4
Why - not enough games that I want on release
Did anything else impact your choice - no
Not even performance issues - no
Are you sure - If I cared about performance issues I would have bought a PC.
But surely in this day and age graphics should be better - Don't care a gaming console is for one thing and one thing alone, playing exclusive games that are not released on the PC.
Are you not worried that FPS will drop or sharpeners are used to hide imperfections - no
Are you serious - See answer two rows up. If I cared about graphics I would play it on a fracking PC using a fracking 1440p monitor, then play a game at a native res of 1440 then you can take your console graphics and shove it.
But you are paying almost £400 for this console ?! - yea and for that money you could buy a pretty darn good graphics card and play games at 1440 which would blow away anything a console can do.
So why get a console then ? - because I can put disc in kick back on the sofa and play games on my TV. Oh and did I mention console exclusives ? oh and Fifa, love me a bit of Fifa.
What about First Person Shooters ? - Mouse and Keyboard all the way so PC.
What about these videos and screenshots about BF4 ? - meh, PC will look better in every way shape and form, also Mouse and Keyboard f t w.
So you’re a PC fanboi ? - no but if you want to argue about raw power a PC will always win and can always be upgraded.
So you’re a M$ fanboi then ? - no the only reason I am only getting a XO on release is because Watch Dogs and Drive club got delayed on the PS4. Next year when Sony start bringing their exclusives out (I'm look at you Second Son) I will be all over PS4.
Thank you for your time - No Thank you :)

TLDR: I dunno I thought it was funny.

I think had EA brought out next gen Fifa on the PC this year then a lot of people would not have bought a next gen machine.
Oh I'm sorry, I've let my insecurities get the best of me whilst attempting to have a rational and adult conversation!! Thanks for showing me the errors of my way and I shall hang my head in shame :D

Hardly rational when you blatantly only refer to the Xbox being poor whilst never even mentioning the the PS4 even though from your own evidence (a screen capture I might add) they both look equally awful. But your welcome :)
The dont look equally awful, they look equally good, and this thread is going to Kack, can we please drop all this now?
By refusing to answer you're just making me think that you cannot honestly say the PS4 version looks significantly better than the Xbox One version. Thanks, my point is proven. Next.

It's nothing I claimed or suggested, it's something you assumed!

Fair enough but I don't thinking snapping in and out of a game has any relevance to how you enjoy a game. Unless of course you are one of them gamers that likes to watch TV in-between intervals of gaming. So instead of pausing your game and pressing source on your remote, you snap it, it wont really be that big of a deal.

It really depends what is insignificant to said person, is 50fps vs. 36fps drops insignificant? Like I said earlier I don't think judgement can be passed on the current source material we currently have, and a genuinely think the differences will be larger once blown up onto a larger screen rather than looking on our monitors or phones.

Why would I buy the PC version when deciding to pick up a game on either next gen consoles? Why if its a console exclusive like GTA5? Because A is better than B but C is better than both doesn't equal automatically buy on C. Some people don't like gaming on PC's or using K&M or using a monitor or having instability issues involved with PC gaming etc.
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Hardly rational when you blatantly only refer to the Xbox being poor whilst never even mentioning the the PS4 even though from your own evidence (a screen capture I might add) they both look equally awful. But your welcome :)

This is a Xbox thread? yes

Did I make the screen capture? no

Was the PS4 image included in the premade screen grab? no

Why would any sane person mention a PS4 version given the above? Mind blown...
The dont look equally awful, they look equally good, and this thread is going to Kack, can we please drop all this now?

I was referring to the screen capture of a video comparison that was posted, thats what looked awful. But agreed this is no longer the 'Xbox One thread' its the 'Bf4 comparsion thread' with 50% more pixels :P
I was referring to the screen capture of a video comparison that was posted, thats what looked awful. But agreed this is no longer the 'Xbox One thread' its the 'Bf4 comparsion thread' with 50% more pixels :P

Ahh sorry, I mis-interpreted the post.

To help put it back, do you think this has helped anyone with any insecurities..ahem...about how the XBO will perform.

I still think that if Forza comes in at something like 1080p and 60fps looking as good as we have seen, then Devs will have a lo to answer for.

IM prety much settled on getting one though wont pre order, will hopefully still be able to buy off the shelf.
It's nothing I claimed or suggested, it's something you assumed!

And yet you're still avoiding the question ;)

Fair enough but I don't thinking snapping in and out of a game has any relevance to how you enjoy a game. Unless of course you are one of them gamers that likes to watch TV in-between intervals of gaming. So instead of pausing your game and pressing source on your remote, you snap it, it wont really be that big of a deal.

That's me to a tee actually, I do that quite often, especially during longer game sessions.

It really depends what is insignificant to said person, is 50fps vs. 36fps drops insignificant? Like I said earlier I don't think jusgment can be passed on the current source material we currently have, and a genuinely thins the differences will be larger once blown up onto a larger screen rather than looking on our monitors or phones.

Well for one, that screenshot above shows both versions drop into the 30s at times. I know the PS4 performs better overall, but the Xbox One version isn't the only one that drops into the 30s.

Also, just because one game has gamerate dips it doesn't mean they all will does it? Of course, if one version runs considerably more stable than the other, that is something to consider, but if it's only in a couple of spots here and there, it's not a big problem.

Why would I buy the PC version when deciding to pick up a game on either next gen consoles? Why if its a console exclusive like GTA5? Because A is better than B but C is better than bother doesn't equal automatically buy on C. Some people don't like gaming on PC's or using K&M or using a monitor or having instability issues involved with PC gaming etc.

Well, you're the one mentioning that you'd want the version of the game that runs better. Assuming the game is on the PC, then that's the version you'd want. Saying you'd rather get the console version because you don't like KB&M just proves my point that some people will prefer the Xbox version of games because they prefer the controller.
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