**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Ok that confuses me :confused: but I'll answer anyway by saying "ergonomics"

Indeed, the ergonomics of the controller dictate what is comfortable, not the location of the sticks, hence the comment I was originally quoting was ridiculous considering he hasn't touched a PS4 controller:)
Indeed, the ergonomics of the controller dictate what is comfortable, not the location of the sticks, hence the comment I was originally quoting was ridiculous considering he hasn't touched a PS4 controller:)

But the location of the sticks are part of the ergonomics of the controller. Ergonomics doesn't just mean shape
Indeed, the ergonomics of the controller dictate what is comfortable, not the location of the sticks, hence the comment I was originally quoting was ridiculous considering he hasn't touched a PS4 controller:)
I've never found the DS3 to be uncomfortable myself, so looking forward to trying the DS4. I've always preferred the Xbox controller layout (it just "feels" more natural for some reason), but I've never had a problem using the DS3, even during 10-hour long sessions of Demon's Souls.
Your desperation to try to prove the PS4 version is superior is funny. At best it's borderline PS4 and others have said they prefer the look of the XO version. The only people struggling with these comparisons are the fanboys who have been crowing for months that the XO is a bag of used underwear and the PS4 versions of everything will be 50% better.

Oh really :o

I do find it amusing seeing people trying to impose their opinions on others as to which version looks better. The disbelief is odd, as I can completely understand why some prefer the super contrast look.

Seems you missed this little tidbit! How does that fit it your theory?

In any case it's not the slam "XO version looks pants the PS4 is infinitely better" result you were looking for.

Well I depends on who you ask, pushing 56% more pixels, with added effects and less jaggies whilst looking similar enough, is pretty much a slam dunk to most.

Whatever way you write it up they both look great and the only genuine independent comparative evidence so far suggests there's not a bad console choice this gen and both produce great results.

Well if you want to pay a £80 more for similar results the yes, although I think the independent comparative evidence strongly suggests the PS4 versions of mutliplats will be the superior ones and probably best picked up on that console if you have the choice. The difference is I don't have an issue with that statement and it seems you do. I'm happy to pay my hard earned cash on the XB One for the exclusives alone.

Why is it that some PS4 buying folks feel the need to try to troll the XO thread and can only be happy if they prove their choice is the bestest? You don't see XO pre order folks trolling the PS4 thread. All very childish...

You seem to take anything negative as a direct attack to yourself, you need to relax as it's simply just a games console. It's ironic you lambast PS4 fan boys when in fact you are one of the biggest Xbox fan boys going, and have on numerous occasion intentionally attempted to wind others up.
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I've never found the DS3 to be uncomfortable myself, so looking forward to trying the DS4. I've always preferred the Xbox controller layout (it just "feels" more natural for some reason), but I've never had a problem using the DS3, even during 10-hour long sessions of Demon's Souls.
Yeah, from all of the impressions of the DS4 it seems that the issue people had with the DS3 etc was the shape rather than the stick placement, which lots of people thought, probably because it was the most obvious difference.
Ah, so now you're saying the PS4 footage does looks vastly superior to the Xbox One version?

Here's something for you. Ignore the screencaps. Go and watch the video again. Put it in 1080p and watch it, then watch it again. Can you honestly say that after watching the video that the Xbox One version looks significantly inferior to the PS4 version?

No, its not something I ever said :(
Well if you want to pay a £80 more for similar results the yes, although I think the independent comparative evidence strongly suggests the PS4 versions of mutliplats will be the superior ones and probably best picked up on that console if you have the choice. The difference is I don't have an issue with that statement and it seems you do. I'm happy to pay my hard earned cash on the XB One for the exclusives alone.

I think it'll come down to more than power though. Maybe the UI and OS will be far better on the Xbox, or the controller just feel a lot better to people. Even though I know I'll have both console pretty soon, I won't base my decision to buy multiplats purely on the fact the PS4 is more powerful. If I greatly prefer the controller of the Xbox One for example, I'd likely stick to that console for multiplats unless there is a significant difference between versions.
Yeah, from all of the impressions of the DS4 it seems that the issue people had with the DS3 etc was the shape rather than the stick placement, which lots of people thought, probably because it was the most obvious difference.

Apparently when they took the DS4 ideas to developers, a lot of them wanted the sticks to be moved in similar positions to the Xbox layout, but Sony thought the leveled analog sticks are part of the DualShock DNA so they stuck with it.
Oh really :o

Seems you missed this little tidbit! How does that fit it your theory?

Well I depends on who you ask, pushing 56% more pixels, with added effects and less jaggies whilst looking similar enough, is pretty much a slam dunk to most.

Well if you want to pay a £80 more for similar results the yes, although I think the independent comparative evidence strongly suggests the PS4 versions of mutliplats will be the superior ones and probably best picked up on that console if you have the choice. The difference is I don't have an issue with that statement and it seems you do. I'm happy to pay my hard earned cash on the XB One for the exclusives alone.

You seem to take anything negative as a direct attack to yourself, you need to relax as it's simply just a games console. It's ironic you lambast PS4 fan boys when in fact you are one of the biggest Xbox fan boys going, and have on numerous occasion intentionally attempted to wind others up.

WOW! the amount of time you most have put into that post, picking out each individual quote that has been made against you, really shows some weird sort of desperation to have your opinion vindicated
Apparently when they took the DS4 ideas to developers, a lot of them wanted the sticks to be moved in similar positions to the Xbox layout, but Sony thought the leveled analog sticks are part of the DualShock DNA so they stuck with it.
That seems odd, as surely the developers shouldn't really care where the sticks are, unless they were speaking more as gamers than developers.
Apparently when they took the DS4 ideas to developers, a lot of them wanted the sticks to be moved in similar positions to the Xbox layout, but Sony thought the leveled analog sticks are part of the DualShock DNA so they stuck with it.
That's true, but doesn't really change my point, again it was only requested because that's what people thought they preferred due to DS3 vs 360 controllers
That seems odd, as surely the developers shouldn't really care where the sticks are, unless they were speaking more as gamers than developers.

yes it was actually a guy named Toshimasa Aoki who said this. He goes into detail about how they had lots of different experimental layouts before sticking with the current one. They even tried one like the wii u gamepad with the 2 sticks at the top
That seems odd, as surely the developers shouldn't really care where the sticks are, unless they were speaking more as gamers than developers.

I think it was more their opinions as gamers, yeah. It was in an article about just how much developers helped to create the new controller since they were the ones who got to play around with them behind the scenes and feed back about what they liked, disliked, or what they wanted added, etc. Looks like they took a lot of that onboard (the changing of triggers, moving the X and O buttons closer together, etc.) but decided to stick with the analog stick positions to keep in theme with the DS1.
Which question are you answering? :p

I refuse to answer as it not a statement I ever made, plus following rules boss :D

I think it'll come down to more than power though. Maybe the UI and OS will be far better on the Xbox, or the controller just feel a lot better to people. Even though I know I'll have both console pretty soon, I won't base my decision to buy multiplats purely on the fact the PS4 is more powerful. If I greatly prefer the controller of the Xbox One for example, I'd likely stick to that console for multiplats unless there is a significant difference between versions.

UI and OS should not be a factor when choosing which console to play a game on, as once its loaded both will be the same.

Controller, fair enough. Whilst I didn't mind the DS3 as I could get used to it the 360 pad was far superior. I think controller will be far less divisive (or is it decisive?) this time round given the improvements to the DS4.

Online could prove influencing as it probably likely live will be better again, again as above smaller though this time round.

So that leaves us with performance, which I think from the above is the most important. Would I rather have a game that runs natively to my expensive TV's resolution or an upscaled version? Do I want a game that constantly sticks to 50-60fps or one that dips from 40-60fps? etc. Do I want a game that applies a drastic contrast/sharpness filter to my games to hide imperfections, the same super contrast/sharpness that people turn off on the TV settings? It's a no brainer for me.
WOW! the amount of time you most have put into that post, picking out each individual quote that has been made against you, really shows some weird sort of desperation to have your opinion vindicated

My post is only slightly longer than his :(

In fact I only used 10 more words.

Are you inventing scenarios that don't exist in an effort to make me look absurd when taking the time to answer/reply to points made by someone else on a forum section that I am highly interested in?
Dear lord, ya say one thing.

Any ways, I have both, and given the chance I Would take a 360 Pad over a DS3 or directly opposable sticks any time, that IS part of ergonomics, but that encompasses a lot of things.

Theirs a few reasons, where the (your left) stick is is easier to navigate to the d-pad. Not moving Back ( outward) and up), thumbs like to move inward by nature.
If you are right handed, think of a boxers stance, having the left hand places forward a little with the right hand back and on the trigger makes it preferable for that stance in a FPS.

Purly..ALL of MY opinion, like I said, all the other small devices coming out from other small companies, never seen them copy the PlayStation style of controller, which seems odd.
My post is only slightly longer than his :(

In fact I only used 10 more words.

Are you inventing scenarios that don't exist in an effort to make me look absurd when taking the time to answer/reply to points made by someone else on a forum section that I am highly interested in?

You've done it again! Counting the words in a post.....seriously :o
Please stop making yourself seem so insecure that you have to try and put other people/things down
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