**XBOX ONE** Official Thread


"Always MS exclusive at launch, great partner and focus is good for a startup. EA made a deal for the rest, we only found out recently =("

This doesn't sit well with me, we're not talking about a Microsoft studio here.. basically EA getting into bed with MS. $$ talking here.

Its nothing different to Sony and the PS2/Dreamcast era. Just be glad that MS haven't enough cash to make EA Sports exclusive like Sony pretty much did.
I'm stoked for Destiny, Titanfall doesn't really tickle my fancy.

Yeah Destiny is what I'm looking forward to, not really that interested in Titanfall.

On a related note, I think I've been spending too much time in here because last night I had a dream that I was actually in Titanfall :eek:

I blame work for being so quiet at the moment, just end up looking at next gen stuff and posting on here :o
While ive always enjoyed playing Halo games, i dont like the mechanics of how it plays so I have my concerns about destiny. That said i love Borderlands for loot hoarding so it could be good and RPG/FPS games have been a long time coming.
I like the look of The Division better on that front but its a UBIsoft game so it will have lots of issues, Bungie however do online well in the most.

Titanfall is the evolution of COD into a future game with mechs and a diffrent name and publisher, however it is the the evolution that intrests me, AI in MP a change in set up and some intersting ideas. i just hope its not all TDM and conquest type game play, a good set of objectives would be nice like RTCW back in the day (or even brink /shudder). Something thats diffrent.
While ive always enjoyed playing Halo games, i dont like the mechanics of how it plays so I have my concerns about destiny. That said i love Borderlands for loot hoarding so it could be good and RPG/FPS games have been a long time coming.
I like the look of The Division better on that front but its a UBIsoft game so it will have lots of issues, Bungie however do online well in the most.

Titanfall is the evolution of COD into a future game with mechs and a diffrent name and publisher, however it is the the evolution that intrests me, AI in MP a change in set up and some intersting ideas. i just hope its not all TDM and conquest type game play, a good set of objectives would be nice like RTCW back in the day (or even brink /shudder). Something thats diffrent.

Titanfall would work well with the old assault mode from Unreal Tournament or Rush type from BF.

The Division is still my most anticipated game, as it looks like a truly next gen experience. Shame it's so far away.

I never really expected the first batch of games to feel next gen, just look it. The really good stuff will coem when developers can stop making games for 2 generations of consoles.
Oh, I don't know if anyone posted this before, but ShopTo confirmed to me in an email that everything that you've pre-ordered for the Xbox One (before November 9th, when processing starts) will arrive in the same box. Handy if like me you've ordered more than just a console bundle and you have a few other bits arriving as well.
The Division is still my most anticipated game, as it looks like a truly next gen experience. Shame it's so far away.

The Division does look really good I just don't know enough about it to be my most anticipated game. Destiny however is the game I'm most looking forward to, an FPS with loot from Bungie can't go wrong :)
Actually, I think my most anticipated game is something that hasn't even been announced yet, but one we all know is coming - Fallout 4. I don't care if it's Xbox, PS4 or PC exclusive, I will have that game!
Imagine next-gen game-breaking bugs :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
I think I must have touched lucky, as I never encountered any game breaking bugs in either Fallout game (or Oblivion/Slyrim). I know others did, but they thankfully never seemed to hit me. Fingers crossed the same continues whenever Fallout 4 hits ;)
That's a close 2nd. I'm still sad to be leaving Shepard and the Normandy behind for a new storyline.

Edit: How did your interview go? Have you had it yet?

I wont miss Shepard ... But Tali's voice on the other hand...
The ME games have such a huge world they can dip into. Litrally an entire galaxy.

Interview is at 14:30, I now know theres 17 applicants for 4 places. All internal so there is the usual "they already know whoes getting it" flying around the shop floor. Doubt very much it is that simple though.
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