**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Comes back to this, Forza is running as good as it looks at 1080p at 60fps, and people actually looking to the like of COD as some kind of graphics yard stick, it badly scraps a good gaming yard stick now.
CoD Ghosts is just badly optimised. 15 year old engine modded for 4 consoles and PC. That can never end well, something has to suffer. Especially with a cashcow title.
Without wanting to sound elitist I think the worst thing about most of the launch titles is that they're multi-platform titles which are also out for the ps3/360. Because of that the devs are inherently limited to simply tweaking the graphics slightly rather than utilising the extra power/memory to actually move things forward and improve AI/gameplay.
It's not elitist, it's just the truth. Look at the games that were developed purely for the next gen, like Forza 5 and Killzone, and that's an indication of the kind of game we can expect when something isn't developed across multiple platforms. I'm hugely looking forward to seeing what developers do with the power of the consoles in the future.

I've had this thought in my head about how developers could use the power of the cloud to really improve how the world feels in certain games. Look at games like Skyrim and Fallout 3. When you're not in a particular city/settlement, things just don't seem to happen. It's only when you're around that things seem to occur. Using the cloud, when you're away from an area, the cloud could still be processing the AI, having them interact with each other, creating a much more believable world so that when you return, it's not just the same way you left it.

I don't know, maybe that's a bad example, but it's one way I thought that both consoles could use their cloud servers to create more believable game worlds.
Irrespective of the power of the Cloud(TM), you still need developers to make additional AI routines and the like to populate such a world outside of the normal game capabilities - as has been adequately shown by cross gen games, most developers dont have the resources/time to do that. As always is going to be up to first/second tier developers to showcase such features...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Not really. The AI routines are generally there, but they only run properly when you're in say a settlement or town. When you leave things never seem to actually happen. With the Cloud, couldn't they simply move those AI routines there and have them continuing to run when you're not there?

I know I'm simplifying things, but that was just one example that popped into my head earlier today.
Actually thats a fair point, I assumed your idea wasnt to replicate existing NPC AI code, but basically make another lower level variant for non-interaction. Only caveat I guess would be needing to run the code both locally and on the cloud dependent if its player interaction or not and how to ensure thats not duplicated.

ps3ud0 :cool:
Kinda reminds me of the AI in the Stalker series, while you're away from town a bunch of bandits invaded and kill the quest giver >:(
So good xD

Defo think that'd be a good way to use the cloud I guess though to save up resources locally, I'm still struggling to think of ways how I would use it xD
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Comes back to this, Forza is running as good as it looks at 1080p at 60fps, and people actually looking to the like of COD as some kind of graphics yard stick, it badly scraps a good gaming yard stick now.

Forza isn't using deferred rendering or lighting, it's pretty much using 'last gen' rendering techniques which is why it's 1080P and 60 fps, don't get me wrong I'm not saying it looks bad, but it's not really doing anything advanced. There's a reason why Driveclub on the PS4 is 30 fps, it's doing a lot more with the day/night cycle etc.
I don't suppose if anyone knows what kind of connections will be available at launch, as in will there be a vga cable for those with no hdmi etc?
It's not elitist, it's just the truth. Look at the games that were developed purely for the next gen, like Forza 5 and Killzone, and that's an indication of the kind of game we can expect when something isn't developed across multiple platforms. I'm hugely looking forward to seeing what developers do with the power of the consoles in the future.

I've had this thought in my head about how developers could use the power of the cloud to really improve how the world feels in certain games. Look at games like Skyrim and Fallout 3. When you're not in a particular city/settlement, things just don't seem to happen. It's only when you're around that things seem to occur. Using the cloud, when you're away from an area, the cloud could still be processing the AI, having them interact with each other, creating a much more believable world so that when you return, it's not just the same way you left it.

I don't know, maybe that's a bad example, but it's one way I thought that both consoles could use their cloud servers to create more believable game worlds.

You could do that way cheaper and easier on the console. They both have eight cores and enough memory, they could do all that in the background. Why even do that anyway, you could just pretend that things are happening while you are away the same as in GTA 5.

I cant believe people still believe this nonsense about the cloud. It wont be used for anything like this because of cost for one thing and just the complexity. They would probably have to have more resources on their backend than it costs for each console. Then they have to deal with latency and the uncertainty of a dynamic environment.

These arent just some insurmountable problem where if they work hard enough they can solve them. The economics of it doesnt add up.
The PS4 ones will be probably be ready at US launch so that's a two-week information "advantage" for us. The Xbone ones will also come out on the same day as launch but that's the same date everywhere.
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