**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

I don't really propose to go back and forth on this if you're going to be defensive about Sony, I do think but you're missing my point. If indeed the XO is less powerful (and I think that's a fair assumption) and that means the game doesn't run well it absolutely makes sense to drop the res. My point is if the reviews are to be believed PS4 is also having similar performance problems but has elected to remain at 1080p so why not drop it to 720p and get (even more) smooth gameplay?

It's not like one reviewer mentioned it, it's 3 or 4 reviewers from well respected sites.

Point being, perhaps in this case gameplay > resolution and COD being 720P on XO isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Perhaps on the PS4 the frame rate drops were so few and far between the devs decided the 1080p image quality and crispness was worth keeping.

Perhaps on the XBone the frame rate drops were so many and at regular intervals the devs decided that dropping to 720p was worth doing to maintain a playable frame rate.
I've made my point to you several times but you're seemingly reading words that aren't there, so I don't see where else there is to go. You seem to think I'm defending Sony for some reason, whereas any rational person would see I'm blaming IW for their apparent inability to release a game that runs acceptably based on their own admission of rushing development. Given the hardware itself isn't on the market though, there doesn't seem to be a right or wrong choice to make just yet.

Evidently Ghosts being in 720p isn't a bad thing on the Xbox, but that doesn't necessarily mean it being in 1080p on the PS4 is, unless IW are unable to get the game running smoothly in time for launch. Either way, the fault is with the developer, not the hardware. If the game was stuttering at 720p on the Xbox, I'd still be blaming the developer even if everyone else chooses to use it as a free shot against MS.

The irony of you accusing others of being defensive is laughable.
Perhaps on the PS4 the frame rate drops were so few and far between the devs decided the 1080p image quality and crispness was worth keeping.

Perhaps on the XBone the frame rate drops were so many and at regular intervals the devs decided that dropping to 720p was worth doing to maintain a playable frame rate.
Entirely possible I agree, it does seem from the reviews that the frame drops were consistently noticeable to multiple reviewers on PS4 though even compared to PS3 and 360 so why not drop the res for better game play? Point being that to have done so for XO may actually be a "good thing" rather than "bad thing". If it allowed PS4 to be even smoother in 720p from a gameplay perspective surely that would be a good thing as there clearly seems to be a problem.

Hence my pure conjecture that perhaps Sony added influence to keep COD at 1080p as it would be quite a blow to them to have to admit it runs better at 720p given the mas marketing lead they have taken advantage of by being perceived as the most powerful next gen console.

Not a big deal but interesting bit of conjecture non the less.
Hence my pure conjecture that perhaps Sony added influence to keep COD at 1080p as it would be quite a blow to them to have to admit it runs better at 720p given the mas marketing lead they have taken advantage of by being perceived as the most powerful next gen console.

It's entirely possible that Sony did tell IW that COD has to be 1080p, especially with some of the adverts they're been running. However, if it does have framerate issues, the blame still lies with IW as the PS4 is easily capable of running the game at a stable FPS. It'll just be, as mentioned above, that they've rushed it out (probably for the 5th November date) rather than give it the extra couple of weeks it probably needs to iron out any technical issues.
drops were consistently noticeable to multiple reviewers on PS4 though even compared to PS3 and 360

Consistently where? at the same stages of the game or consistently throughout the game? If the latter you would have a point, if it's at certain set pieces or at unusually loaded scenes then no.

Considering BF4 is running at 900p and not 1080p I doubt Sony had anything to do with the developers choosing to go 1080p on the PS4. Just looks like the devs having more leg room on the PS4 due to the 50% power advantage over the XBone and deciding to use it to run at 1080p. Not sure Sony are in a position to dictate resolutions to one the biggest publishers on the planet either.
I honestly can't see that Sony would have said to IW "We want it in 1080p, nothing less. As for the framerate? Meh, whatever."

But why, sure, they get bragging rights in the "Ha, ours runs at 1080p" but the backlash for a consistently terrible FPS would be really REALLY bad. Sony wouldn't want that.
I honestly can't see that Sony would have said to IW "We want it in 1080p, nothing less. As for the framerate? Meh, whatever."
Probably not, but it does beg that question that if the Xbox One version wasn't completely stable at 1080p, and IW dropped the res to make it stable, why they wouldn't do the same for the PS4 version, IF it turns out to be true and also suffering from FPS issues? I honestly don't know if the PS4 version of COD has issues, and nor do I care as I don't really like COD any more, but it's an interesting question nonetheless.
It's a cross gen game. IW admitted that they struggled to find the resourses to pull it off. It's got nothing to do with MS or Sony.

Edit: To add, I wouldn't touch the game on any platform.
I've made my point to you several times but you're seemingly reading words that aren't there, so I don't see where else there is to go. You seem to think I'm defending Sony for some reason, whereas any rational person would see I'm blaming IW for their apparent inability to release a game that runs acceptably based on their own admission of rushing development. Given the hardware itself isn't on the market though, there doesn't seem to be a right or wrong choice to make just yet..
I don't think anyone has disputed the responsibility for coding the game is with IW, the same applies across all 5 platforms so I really don't follow your point as that applies to XO as well as PS4. The difference being discussed was for XO MS & IW decided at the last minute (within the last month) to drop the res to 720p for better gameplay whereas IW & Sony decided to stick with 1080p which seems to have noticeable and consistent frame rate problems.

All of which brings me back to my original point that you seem to have taken exception to that dropping to 720p may have been a good thing rather than bad thing for XO and sticking with 1080p for PS4 may have been a mistake in terms of gameplay. this would be irrespective of XO/360/PS3 performance as presumably there would have been no gameplay/frame rate chugging through the campaign on PS4 at 720p which arguably could be better for gamers rather than a "1080p" headline.
Consistently where? at the same stages of the game or consistently throughout the game? If the latter you would have a point, if it's at certain set pieces or at unusually loaded scenes then no.

Considering BF4 is running at 900p and not 1080p I doubt Sony had anything to do with the developers choosing to go 1080p on the PS4. Just looks like the devs having more leg room on the PS4 due to the 50% power advantage over the XBone and deciding to use it to run at 1080p. Not sure Sony are in a position to dictate resolutions to one the biggest publishers on the planet either.

The key here is the developers and this title is a good show of how I think the Xbox one will suffer. In order for it to 'keep up' (if i can use such a phrase here without being jumped on) with the PS4's performance at 1080p - it will require extra coding (as to what many people here are alluding to).

Developers are not going to waste time (time = money!) putting in the extra code just so one console can catch up with another (We only have to look back at the PS3 v's Xbox 360 here to see the Cell CPU was always under-utilised by developers). ESRAM development will only give so much of an increase in performance, but the lack of GPU grunt will always mean the XB1 will struggle to perform as well as the PS4 - its a hardware thing that no amount of coding will be able to change.
Probably not, but it does beg that question that if the Xbox One version wasn't completely stable at 1080p, and IW dropped the res to make it stable, why they wouldn't do the same for the PS4 version, IF it turns out to be true and also suffering from FPS issues? I honestly don't know if the PS4 version of COD has issues, and nor do I care as I don't really like COD any more, but it's an interesting question nonetheless.

Like I said perhaps the drops were much more occurring on the XBone and few and far between on the PS4.
The key here is the developers and this title is a good show of how I think the Xbox one will suffer. In order for it to 'keep up' (if i can use such a phrase here without being jumped on) with the PS4's performance at 1080p - it will require extra coding (as to what many people here are alluding to).

Developers are not going to waste time (time = money!) putting in the extra code just so one console can catch up with another (We only have to look back at the PS3 v's Xbox 360 here to see the Cell CPU was always under-utilised by developers). ESRAM development will only give so much of an increase in performance, but the lack of GPU grunt will always mean the XB1 will struggle to perform as well as the PS4 - its a hardware thing that no amount of coding will be able to change.


I think mods should just start to move all you guys into a new thread called 'Next Gen Childish Fight Thread'
Entirely possible. If I were a developer though I would aim for no drops at all, rather than sporadic ones I thought the gamer could live with. That's just me though.

I think the developers are in a better position to judge and I'm sure they weighed the pros and cons of either scenario. Clearly they thought the benefits of 1080p in 2013 were more worthy of the odd frame rate hit.

Personally I'm happy accept the odd frame rate drop in unusually high demanding scenes than run at 720p, but that's just me.
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