**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

As suspected I got the email from the place I pre-ordered my One from saying I wouldn't get it on release, despite the person telling me they had been allocated 120 Xbox's and there were only 20 on order !!

First week of December is the ETA, I'm not the bothered really and at least it will come near about my birthday when I would have been getting the games I wanted.
Xbox One•Killer Instinct = 1280x720 (60fps)
•Battlefield 4 = 1280x720 (60fps)
•Ryse: Son of Rome = 1600x900 (30fps)
•Call of Duty: GHOSTS = 1280x720 (60fps)
•Titanfall = 1280x720 (to be confirmed)
•Forza 5 = 1920x1080 (60fps)
•Need for Speed: Rivals = 1920x1080 (30fps)
•Kinect Sports Rivals = 1920x1080 (30fps)
•FIFA = 1920x1080
•EA Sports UFC = 1920x1080 (30fps)
•Thief = ????x??? (30fps)
•NBA 2K14 = 1920x1080 (60fps)
•Dead Rising 3 = 1280x720 (30fps)

Pre-order cancelled, will wait until devs get to grips with the hardware as don't want to have to play 720p games ever again. Plus it's still too expensive at £530, will wait till it's sub £350 with a game and extra pad.

Why is it that the people who claim not to be fanboys always end up in page after page of endless debate.

anyhow has there been any gameplay videos of Quantum Break? Can only spot the E3 Trailer on search
Argos seem to still have non day one editions as "home delivery from the 22nd". Dunno how you'd check if you could get it day of release though. Looks like best chance at this point is in store at somewhere like Tesco or asda on the day.
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ign have put up all these game preview vidshttp://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/11/06/all-of-todays-xbox-one-preview-coverage-in-1-place have to say that golf game was not on my radar but it is now :cool: looks fun and i like the online stuff there doing. on a side not i don't get this whole resolution debate its not that big of a deal honestly :roll eyes: right I'm off to cancel my tv licence from now on I'm watching blu ray only
honstly cant see the big deal between 720p and 1080p, i run my pc through my tv and played marvel heroes half way through without realising it was on 720p, with fancy filters it makes nit much difference. on the plus side now, craterloads has lost his get out of troll free card by cancelling his pre order.
honstly cant see the big deal between 720p and 1080p, i run my pc through my tv and played marvel heroes half way through without realising it was on 720p, with fancy filters it makes nit much difference. on the plus side now, craterloads has lost his get out of troll free card by cancelling his pre order.

Dammit :p

I tried the Witcher 2 today @ 720p sat fairly close to my 50" Plasma and I got eye strain. Felt like my eyes were trying to focus but couldn't, not exactly super blurry but just not sharp/focussed.

I guess everyone is different, but I refuse to damage my eyes playing 720p games.
honstly cant see the big deal between 720p and 1080p, i run my pc through my tv and played marvel heroes half way through without realising it was on 720p, with fancy filters it makes nit much difference. on the plus side now, craterloads has lost his get out of troll free card by cancelling his pre order.

Your using a pc and honestly telling me you can't tell the difference between 1280x720 and 1920x1080 thats utterly crazy its twice the detail and my opinion as i have been playing games at 1920x1080 for 5-6 years on my pc can tell the difference its not something you can just not notice on a 42" tv!

Im not talking about the xbox one or trolling here just it really is noticeable on a pc when 1980x1080 is a minimum for pc gamers, not so much on my ps3/xbox 360 when playing gtav as compared to my pc it looks shocking but i play it cos its fun (and its not out on pc yet) :)
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Had a play on one last night. I do like the new pad, but that's about it. I had a go on Forza 5 demo and watched some beat em up game, whatever it's called.
Visually I couldn't really tell any difference between XBO and 360. They were on kinda small TVs though... maybe 27".

I certainly didn't look at the visuals and go "WOW!". They didn't look any better than what my 360 can do.

New pad felt VERY nice though, although the sticks had a lot less resistance in them, which was a good thing - more fine control.
Had a play on one last night. I do like the new pad, but that's about it. I had a go on Forza 5 demo and watched some beat em up game, whatever it's called.
Visually I couldn't really tell any difference between XBO and 360. They were on kinda small TVs though... maybe 27".

I certainly didn't look at the visuals and go "WOW!". They didn't look any better than what my 360 can do.

New pad felt VERY nice though, although the sticks had a lot less resistance in them, which was a good thing - more fine control.
wooah hold on here is someone with damaged eyes:D
Your using a pc and honestly telling me you can't tell the difference between 1280x720 and 1920x1080 thats utterly crazy its twice the detail and my opinion as i have been playing games at 1920x1080 for 5-6 years on my pc can tell the difference its not something you can just not notice on a 42" tv!

Im not talking about the xbox one or trolling here just it really is noticeable on a pc when 1980x1080 is a minimum for pc gamers, not so much on my ps3/xbox 360 when playing gtav as compared to my pc it looks shocking but i play it cos its fun (and its not out on pc yet) :)
To be fair (again, that's twice in a day for me) the result on the screen is still 1080p through XO's very capable hardware scalar.

People will argue about sharpness and "crushed blacks" etc but all but the most churlish would admit that the comparative videos and reports on BF4 puts XOs 720p upscaled to 1080p on a pretty much on a par with PS4 version and some even prefer it. Of course going for 720p potentially gives you the option to use more effective AA/Anio filtering etc but let's not get into that nit picking argument.

So yes, "native" 1080p textures are preferable all other things being equal, but 720 upscaled to 1080p is not quite the same as directly running a game at 1280x720 on a PC.
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My eyes are used to 1080p crispness where they can just gaze into the screen, when playing 720p you cant do that and your eyes try to focus automatically but never can because it's displayed like that.

Honestly after an hour eyes were strained and red, felt sick too.
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