**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

How long are the PS4 trolls going to be allowed to run rampant in this thread? Maybe the threads should be locked for a few weeks because they are just 98% stupidity at the moment :(


You probably need to take a step away from the PC and calm down. Of course native 1080p may be better than 720p upscaled to 1080p all other things being equal, but then all other things aren't always equal and there's more to image quality than pure resolution. Everything from texture quality, Anti Aliasing methods, anisotropic filtering, tessellation and a bunch of other filtering, make a difference and it can be that the GPU load released by stepping down from 1080p to 720p can produce better all up results of image quality if it allows improved filtering and enhancements elsewhere.

The BF4 videos aren't suspect just because you wish they were, people that have played the games say pretty much similar things. 1080p I'm afraid is not automatically better than 720p unscaled to 1080p unless all other things are equal.

I'm afraid this is just like the entire "mega Pixel" thing on cameras with manufacturers insisting 16Mp must be better than 12MP because it has more detail and is a higher number irrespective of other contributing factors. It's image quality 101 I'm afraid, no one element should be taken in isolation however convenient it is to latch onto a big number and assume moar mean betterer. :)

Well said.
If I dealt with them I'd get accused of being a fan boy again :(

Not a good excuse Davey, your the mod here and if the PS4 troll boys are coming in here and vice versa xbox troll boys are going into the PS4 thread then you really need to do something about it. Regardless if you are accused of being a fanboy of either console.

Anyhow looking forward to next Tues so i can take my 360 in with a few bits and bobs and find out how much in total ill have to pay for my Xbox one with an extra controller, Forza5 and COD Ghosts will cost my poor wallet:p. Missus is definitely not happy but she will just have to put up and shut up, she spends enough of my money on shoes and handbags.
I was toying with the idea of getting an XB1 for Ryse, but the general opinion seems to be that it's utter garbage!
That does seem the popular opinion, but I have to admit I'm tempted for two reasons...

1) I'm a fan of hack n slash games in general, so it could be right up my alley.
2) It looks beautiful, and I'd really quite like to see it up close and personal.

At least if I get it and don't like it I can always trade it in now :D
The PS4 trolls are in force woooo! I don't mind the resolution for each game for me it's all about the launch games and exclusives.

Glad I didn't order Ryse not looking very good for me, the girlfriend is all excited about Zumba and Zoo Tycoon so I'm going to be kicked off the X1 quite often.. fun times.
Had a play on one last night. I do like the new pad, but that's about it. I had a go on Forza 5 demo and watched some beat em up game, whatever it's called.
Visually I couldn't really tell any difference between XBO and 360. They were on kinda small TVs though... maybe 27".

I certainly didn't look at the visuals and go "WOW!". They didn't look any better than what my 360 can do.

New pad felt VERY nice though, although the sticks had a lot less resistance in them, which was a good thing - more fine control.

Forza 5 just looks like 4 with more reflective car bonnets to me. I'm not really seeing the big difference tbh.
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