**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Heres a good comparison between the two events

"Tonight’s event was almost exclusively about games. Why not spend more time talking about the larger entertainment picture, about the PS4 as a family media device?"

Sony's Jack Tretton
If you wanna have an event to talk about multimedia capabilities, we’ll proudly stand up and list all the media partners that we have, and the fact that we’re the number one most used Netflix device around the world. But the 3.1 million people that streamed [Wednesday's event] and that stayed up at all hours depending on what country they were in, they were there to see games. People that want to hear about multimedia applications don’t stay up until 4:00 in the morning to see presentations. We know that the people who were watching were gamers. We know that the people that are the primary purchasers of our boxes are gamers, and that is the audience that we cater to first and foremost.
No longer need to leave my chair to boot games. In my eyes this is good (And given the choice I would choose to do this and lose resell-ability)

I'll wait till e3 to see some good game footage however (too much tv stuff I'm not interested in)
Saw a great quote last night from a games jerno can't remember the name but it sums up the Xbox one reveal quite nicely IMO
"it's called Xbox one because they just took 359 steps backwards"
Unless they have a superb showing at E3 Microsoft have lost a lot of gamers with this focus on multi-media, gamers are the early adopters in the games console market (strange but true) not people looking for a media centre.
It also puts EA's announcement that they were dropping season passes into a bit more light, they were not doing it because of consumer views they were doing it because they knew MS were going to implement second user fees for second hand games.
All Sony have to do now to get a massive lead on the next gen is not take up a similar scheme, I know a few 360 owners who have already decided to switch camps to PS4 instead of X1.
No longer need to leave my chair to boot games. In my eyes this is good (And given the choice I would choose to do this and lose resell-ability)

Have they confirmed that this is how it will work? I'm imagining it being like a boxed PC game where you need a unique code and the disc at the same time. That's why I stopped buying buying boxed PC games and went with Steam.
The problem I see here with the X1 is that when the 360 launched exclusive titles were much more prevalent.

There are very few exclusives these days, relative to the last generation launch and certainly good content on both consoles which kills off one leading advantage.

MS seem to be pricing this console, including all the additional fees (XBL, Trading/Loan Activation etc) like they have a dominant market position and will be the premium console.

The X1 is not as powerful as the PS4, it will cost more to buy, it will needan internet connection of sorts even infrequently, it will cost more to run in fees and its looks are pretty subjective.

The only saving grace I can see here is the possibility a subscription based service which allows unlimited access to the whole games catalog but maybe a restriction of total games installed at any one time and how many launch titles you can get in a month.
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How do you know the X1 will cost more? I imagine it being the cheaper of the two mainly down to the RAM, price difference between 8gb of DDR3 & 8gb of GDDR5 is humungous regardless of volume discount.
Have they confirmed that this is how it will work? I'm imagining it being like a boxed PC game where you need a unique code and the disc at the same time. That's why I stopped buying buying boxed PC games and went with Steam.

it said so on kotaku, however I think it'll work similar to steam model and current DLC works on xbox (both one tie to your console, so all users can play and a tie to your account so you can use the DLC on your account anywhere)

Also I'd imagine the price of the X1 to be less...? Why does anyone think otherwise? (I suppose kinect will increase cost.... which Im not interested in)
I think Sony know they have to keep their price competitive, the launch price of the PS3 taught them a valuable lesson and they have admitted that.
How do you know the X1 will cost more? I imagine it being the cheaper of the two mainly down to the RAM, price difference between 8gb of DDR3 & 8gb of GDDR5 is humungous regardless of volume discount.
But the Kinetic being bundled in with the console will make the X1 more expensive IMO unless they take a hit on price to garner more sales.
I'm moving towards an XO for myself and a PS4 for the kids. I'm not a full on gamer as I used to be but the kids are and as of right now it looks like the PS4 might be closer to what they would prefer.

We brought a kinect when they first came out, I used it a lot for the fitness stuff but that's all. kids hardly used it at all so that's not a priority for them.
There's a lot of assumptions being made in this thread, and you know what they say about assumptions. Why not just do what all sane gamers are doing and wait until after E3 and we (hopefully) know the full details of both consoles before writing one off?
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