**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

In the press release from EA for the new need for speed it said the PS4 and XB1 versions would be released in November, and then that part suddenly disappeared... Oops :)
Hmmm, i'm pretty sure they said "brand new engine" in their presentation.

Bunch of liars!

Well it's an entirely new 'version' of the engine :D

Essentially all the CoD games are still running on the Quake 3 engine id Tech 3.

CoD was id Tech 3.
CoD2 was IW 2.0 (modified Tech 3)
CoD:MW was IW 3.0
CoD:WaW was IW 3.0 (modified with a few extra bits)
CoD:MW2 was IW 4.0
CoD:BO was IW 3.0 (modified with a few extra bits)
CoD:MW3 was IW 4.0 (modified with a few extra bits)
CoD BO2 was IW 3.0 (modified with a few extra bits)

So CoD:Ghosts is actually IW 5.0 which is a modified CoD MW3 engine.
I just had a thought, with this potential need to activate games online before use, will this also stop people playing games early? Those who use online retailers normally end up getting the game a day or two early, would that mean it would act like steam and you wont be able to unlock game till release day?
I just had a thought, with this potential need to activate games online before use, will this also stop people playing games early? Those who use online retailers normally end up getting the game a day or two early, would that mean it would act like steam and you wont be able to unlock game till release day?

Possibly... but at least if no-one is playing early, nobody can get upset!
I suppose one thing we can assume is that all the engine work will be coded off the PC version. All the PowerPC code for 360 and PS3 is now out of the window.
There's a lot of assumptions being made in this thread, and you know what they say about assumptions. Why not just do what all sane gamers are doing and wait until after E3 and we (hopefully) know the full details of both consoles before writing one off?

This is the most sensible thing I have read in this entire thread yet. Completely agree and I'm really excited to see what is shown from both Sony and MS at E3 this year.
Dedicated handhelds are on the decline. Why do you think games like Angry Birds, Temple Run, Jetpack Joyride, Real Racing are so popular? You talk tosh with saying they pretty much only emulate old games.

You really believe a large proportion of people on here haven't pirated games? Technically minded people, who openly use Newsgroups and magically seem to have played night on every game available? You're kidding yourself.

1. I didnt say they only emulated old games, I have a Samsung Galaxy Note II, I'm well aware of whats available to play. And the games are not even in the same league as what comes to a dedicated device. Apart from the odd game which gets a re release, Vice City, Broken Sword, Final Fantasy. These games are the cream of crop. Yet they're a decade or more old! And the touchscreen controls are horrendous for action orientated games.

Out side of the likes of puzzle games, and point and click style adventures, there's just no way they're going to do away with real gaming devices. So no, I'm not talking tosh.

2. Your pirate chatter, You said 50% of the people on these forums probably pirate 360 games, Well I'm going to argue this point..

How many people here, Have a J-tagged console do you think?

How many people here are willing to risk being banned from Xbox live?

How many people here are willing to void their warranties by opening up the Xbox 360 inorder to J-tag the machine??

If you think it's a large portion of the forum, I'm going to say...You're kidding yourself.
I kinda suspected the new COD wasn't using a "brand new" engine as some of it looks just like previous COD's. There were rumours they'd started using Unreal Engine 4. I wonder what happened to that?
1. I didnt say they only emulated old games, I have a Samsung Galaxy Note II, I'm well aware of whats available to play. And the games are not even in the same league as what comes to a dedicated device. Apart from the odd game which gets a re release, Vice City, Broken Sword, Final Fantasy. These games are the cream of crop. Yet they're a decade or more old! And the touchscreen controls are horrendous for action orientated games.

Out side of the likes of puzzle games, and point and click style adventures, there's just no way they're going to do away with real gaming devices. So no, I'm not talking tosh.

2. Your pirate chatter, You said 50% of the people on these forums probably pirate 360 games, Well I'm going to argue this point..

How many people here, Have a J-tagged console do you think?

How many people here are willing to risk being banned from Xbox live?

How many people here are willing to void their warranties by opening up the Xbox 360 inorder to J-tag the machine??

If you think it's a large portion of the forum, I'm going to say...You're kidding yourself.

The fact that you even know what "J-Tagged" is speaks volumes. Obvious what you've done there.

Lets see, there's plenty of classic games and modern games that graphically rival the best that the Vita puts out already.

Vice City
Sim City
Max Payne
Real Racing 3 - (Better than any racing game on the Vita)
Rage HD
Death Rally
Reckless Racing 2
Temple Run
Monster Dash
Speedball 2
The Walking Dead
Angry Birds
Fruit Ninja
Sonic 1-4
Streets of Rage 2+3
NOVA 3 - (Better graphics than most Vita games)
Infinity Blade 1+2 - (Better graphics than most Vita games)

The only aspect holding back phones is the lack of physical controls. But considering most portable gaming is done in sort "minutes" at a time, a lot of these phone/tablet games are more suited to quick pick up and play anyway!
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