Xbox Scorpio

Oh well can't please everyone. Zelda, MK8 and ARMS have been more than enough for me. I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the Gamecube. These games have reminded me why I loved games in the first place.

If the Switch gets Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 remasters you're in for a massive treat!
True that, all those things you mentioned I would also much rather have over 4k, in fact, if they were all done even better than current top end games then I would likely be a bit more happy with 30 fps over 60 fps. Assassins creed unity is technically one of the best games I have ever played in terms of the details, the game world just feels so alive and makes every other game feel so dead/empty.

That's why channels like Digital Foundry with their obsession with 60FPS are damaging tbh, seems like the industry listens to them and keep patching their games to meet there almost unreasonable demands. There "frame-rate pacing" thing a few months ago when only a hand full of people would have noticed. But they go on and say it makes it "unplayable"
That's why channels like Digital Foundry with their obsession with 60FPS are damaging tbh, seems like the industry listens to them and keep patching their games to meet there almost unreasonable demands. There "frame-rate pacing" thing a few months ago when only a hand full of people would have noticed. But they go on and say it makes it "unplayable"

This is exactly why they're good. For far too long we've been putting up with god awful frame rates and drops in console games. 60fps should be a standard and if that means dropping some of the visuals candy, then so be it. Currently we get games that struggle to maintain 30fps.
30fps is fine by me can't say it bothers me at all tbh. I would rather better visuals tbh I would even rather it was 1080p with vastly improved visuals and effects rather than 4K.
30fps is fine by me can't say it bothers me at all tbh. I would rather better visuals tbh I would even rather it was 1080p with vastly improved visuals and effects rather than 4K.

exactly, i honestly can't tell the different half the time between 30 or 60 unless it's a driving game and i would rather have higher resolutions and better visuals than 60fps locked with variable resolutions
More interesting info at Digital Foundry. It appears that every game as of right now on the Xbox One will only have access to 3TB of GPU power on the X1X. Think of it like the PS4 Pro boost mode. It should be enough to get games to max out their frame rate and resolution but to use all 6TB, the games need to be recompiled (or patched) using the latest Xbox Development Kit.

If games do get the recompile treatment but no extra work, all 1080p titles should hit 4K at the original framerate and 900p titles will be slightly under their framerates so may need a bit of work.
30fps is fine by me can't say it bothers me at all tbh. I would rather better visuals tbh I would even rather it was 1080p with vastly improved visuals and effects rather than 4K.

It's not just visuals - frame rate also effects gameplay. Bayonetta wouldn't have worked at 30fps. FPS or anything involving fast reactions like beat em ups too. I'd also argue a higher frame results in better visuals as everything looks smoother in motion and panning shots, rather than a slightly blurrier, jerkier smudge. Looks better, plays better. Just better.
I was gonna skip this but looks like I'll be getting on now. Uncle is looking for a console to gift to my cous so he can have mine cheap and I'll upgrade.

Win win right? (Trying to convince myself this is a good deal).

Also, when are the preorders coming?
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That's why channels like Digital Foundry with their obsession with 60FPS are damaging tbh, seems like the industry listens to them and keep patching their games to meet there almost unreasonable demands. There "frame-rate pacing" thing a few months ago when only a hand full of people would have noticed. But they go on and say it makes it "unplayable"

They are right, in my view, to make this a talking point. Without a doubt, developers feel more bells and whistles are better than higher framerates - and something like dynamic resolution should not really be a thing in modern games.

To some extent, gamers themselves have to step up and take some responsibility. Visual fidelity seems to be the be all and end all so the developers are just catering to that market. Personally I would much rather have the FPS. True, I can play (and enjoy) 30FPS games and I get used to them relatively quickly but there is simply no getting away from the fact that 60FPS is better and 120FPS is even better.

In 2017 I think the minimum console performance should be 60FPS @ 1080p. I primarily game on a PS4 these days and I much prefer playing Doom to Deus Ex MD. I love both games but Deus Ex is just hard work on my eyes, particulalry when running around the streets of Prague. I feel the fps limitations a lot more in first person games.

Effectively locking @ 30 fps gives a false impression of how far behind consoles really are in terms of performance. 60 FPS should have been the standard since XB1 / PS4 was released. I'd go so far as to say the Pro is the console the PS4 should have been.

Whether 30fps is playable or not is missing the point. Progress. Where is it? Console gamers being short changed again. Stuck with 30 fps for 10 years or more. It just aint cricket!! :)
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