Poll: *** Xbox Series X|S - General Discussion Thread ***

Which will you buy?

  • Series X

    Votes: 535 59.5%
  • Series S

    Votes: 105 11.7%
  • Not interested

    Votes: 234 26.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 25 2.8%

  • Total voters
Microsoft today confirmed there will not be any series x exclusives at launch at all and possibly up to 2 years, erm well where is the incentive to upgrade then.

Seems utterly bonkers of an idea imo
Microsoft today confirmed there will not be any series x exclusives at launch at all and possibly up to 2 years, erm well where is the incentive to upgrade then.

Seems utterly bonkers of an idea imo

What? Senua's Saga Hellblade 2 is being made with Series X in mind and was announced along with the Series X (so somewhat exclusive - no news of it working on Xbox one)? Also, new Halo is going to be on Series X day one but works backwards with Xbox One as a family of consoles....

I am pretty confident that Sony won't have any exclusives on PS5 either and the same principle above applies with games receiving a visual boost.

The new consoles are going to be intended at enthusiasts that want 4k60 visuals and there will be a selection of games that developers have designed the games to work with.

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Desolation and despair...

As our content comes out over the next year, two years, all of our games, sort of like PC, will play up and down that family of devices. We want to make sure that if someone invests in Xbox between now and [Series X] that they feel that they made a good investment and that we’re committed to them with content.

While there won't be Xbox Series X exclusive games at launch, Microsoft will still make sure to showcase the console's power and features with select franchises, like Halo.

Our approach is to pick one or two IP that we’re going to focus on and make sure that they’re there at the launch of the console, taking advantage of all the features. And for us, that’s going to be Halo Infinite, which is a big opportunity.
It’s the first time in over 15 years that we’ll have a Halo title launching in sync with a new console. And that team is definitely going to be doing things to take advantage of [Series X].

I think this pretty much confirms the console's gonna be priced quite highly, and also it casts doubt on a Lockhart release imo. They just don't think they'll move enough consoles, which is probably correct, even the Xbox guys gave up on them as soon as they could (https://twitter.com/Qwik/status/1214385616151990274). Also makes me think GPU launches will be very late as well, which is pretty meh. Why doesn't anyone want my money!

I am pretty confident that Sony won't have any exclusives on PS5 either and the same principle above applies with games receiving a visual boost.

They will, we already know one - Godfall. Launch title, not coming to PS4 or Xbox, only PS5 & PC.
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Microsoft today confirmed there will not be any series x exclusives at launch at all and possibly up to 2 years, erm well where is the incentive to upgrade then.

Seems utterly bonkers of an idea imo

cauee it's cheaper than a pc? I dunno, why did you think there would be exclusives?
There are Microsoft exclusives like Halo but Halo is out on PC too - all Microsoft exclusives now launch on Xbox and PC so technically Xbox exclusives don xiat anymore
Microsoft today confirmed there will not be any series x exclusives at launch at all and possibly up to 2 years, erm well where is the incentive to upgrade then.

Seems utterly bonkers of an idea imo

It would be daft to have such a low installed user base that you can sell to by making your game exclusive to a brand new console.

MS want to sell game pass, not Xboxes.
I get all of your above points and it won't impact me personally as I have a pc anyway but to me exclusive means it's on that consol only and not anything else.

I may also be buying this consol it depends on what happens with ps5 as well though.

So yes I think it's silly as you should have some exclusives, I also think in one part it's great for Xbox one/s/x users that for early part of new gen they will get the same but on the other hand gives them no incentive to upgrade to the newer device
It would be daft to have such a low installed user base that you can sell to by making your game exclusive to a brand new console.

MS want to sell game pass, not Xboxes.

Completely agree, they lose money on every console sold for at least first two years.
I get all of your above points and it won't impact me personally as I have a pc anyway but to me exclusive means it's on that consol only and not anything else.

I may also be buying this consol it depends on what happens with ps5 as well though.

So yes I think it's silly as you should have some exclusives, I also think in one part it's great for Xbox one/s/x users that for early part of new gen they will get the same but on the other hand gives them no incentive to upgrade to the newer device

It's the same incentive to when you upgrade a phone, PC or tablet - you might get some extra functionality but ultimately you're going for the newer faster model. MS just want you to invest into their ecosystem and stay there just like Google and Apple do. The days of new console, game x can only be played here, are gone - at least in this MS family. Forward and backwards compatibility, game pass subs. This is where the revenue comes from. Things are just different than they were for all the past gens.
It's the same incentive to when you upgrade a phone, PC or tablet - you might get some extra functionality but ultimately you're going for the newer faster model. MS just want you to invest into their ecosystem and stay there just like Google and Apple do. The days of new console, game x can only be played here, are gone - at least in this MS family. Forward and backwards compatibility, game pass subs. This is where the revenue comes from. Things are just different than they were for all the past gens.

I prefer it this way because now I can skip a generation and still play the same games. I skipped the one s and one x, and I will get a series x but probably not the X2.
Only thing is you are losing that initial excitement of powering on a new console and playing new games. However as said, the backwards catalogue and game pass means you've probably been overloaded with games to play anyway. Hopefully the Microsoft studios get some decent original and new games released sooner rather than later.
Only thing is you are losing that initial excitement of powering on a new console and playing new games. However as said, the backwards catalogue and game pass means you've probably been overloaded with games to play anyway. Hopefully the Microsoft studios get some decent original and new games released sooner rather than later.

Launch exclusives are very rarely top games, not since the N64 days anyway.
Surely this was a given? I can’t see Sony coming out with more than a handful of PS5 exclusives in the first year either. Publishers won’t want to miss 100 million PS4’s.

I think we will see even more cross gen than we have in the past for the first few years.
Surely this was a given? I can’t see Sony coming out with more than a handful of PS5 exclusives in the first year either. Publishers won’t want to miss 100 million PS4’s.

I think we will see even more cross gen than we have in the past for the first few years.

There was a similar reaction when they announced that all exclusive games were coming to PC.

I think some are stuck in the past, focused on hardware units sold as the metric of success. Hardware is the means, not the end.
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What? Senua's Saga Hellblade 2 is being made with Series X in mind and was announced along with the Series X (so somewhat exclusive - no news of it working on Xbox one)? Also, new Halo is going to be on Series X day one but works backwards with Xbox One as a family of consoles....

I am pretty confident that Sony won't have any exclusives on PS5 either and the same principle above applies with games receiving a visual boost.

The new consoles are going to be intended at enthusiasts that want 4k60 visuals and there will be a selection of games that developers have designed the games to work with.

With 'X series in mind' doesn't make it an exclusive which was the exact point of the poster you've quoted.

I just don't see the point in this at all, aiming it at enthusiasts who want 4k60 visuals just doesn't wash, especially as it'll just be enhanced already released games, except for what, Halo? Another Halo, another... Ugh...

Like I said earlier in the thread I'd love to be dragged back into Xbox world but all they are doing is pushing me further away.
It seems that way doesn't it...

Maybe I'm wrong, perhaps a mind blowing new Halo could tweak my interest and turn my thinking around. It's unlikely, but it would be nice.
I get the financial aspect of having sold X number of current generation systems and games publishers wanting the largest possible install base.

However, when a new system comes out I kind of expect to see games making use of the extra processing power, SSD speed and memory to create games and experiences which weren't previously possible.

If games are cross platform they'll be limited to simply improving the graphics and frame rate. If that's all we're going to get why not just bring out a Xbox X+ or a Playstation 4 Pro+? It defeats the purpose of having a new generation of systems.
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I was disappointed at first but it does make sense when I think about it, higher power is unlikely to result in many genuinely new ideas that wouldn't have been possible with current hardware and as a developer/publisher why would I want to release a game with a smaller potential audience.

Most people chasing the latest console are doing so for resolution/image quality/FPS, no one who bought a PS4 Pro or XB1X did so because they thought they'd get different games but they bought them.

Look at the PC market, you can get the most powerful hardware but you're not going to get to play any games that someone running a low-mid spec machine doesn't also have access to.

I'd absolutely love to see games in the future that use the extra power for better AI, more complex worlds and so forth but the reality is that in the first 1-2 years the main change will be games that look nicer and run smoother on the new consoles but frame rates aside they will play identically.

In that sense, power to MS for being upfront about it rather than telling people they need the latest consoles to get the best games rather than the truth which is you just need them to get the best/prettiest experience.
Most people chasing the latest console are doing so for resolution/image quality/FPS, no one who bought a PS4 Pro or XB1X did so because they thought they'd get different games but they bought them.

Yeah, but it was made very clear at the time the ps4pro xboxX were just mid lifecycle system updates with pretty much the sole purpose of running the same games but in 4K/60fps.

I think we should reasonably expect games to move on somewhat from what a system released in 2013 could deliver. That'll be 8 years when the new systems come out. I expect more progress in nearly a decade than just the game games we already have but in 8k/120fps/etc!

I'd absolutely love to see games in the future that use the extra power for better AI, more complex worlds and so forth .

That's pretty much what i expect as the bare minimum from a next generation system!
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I think we'll get the improved AI and more complex worlds in time but it's much easier to scale graphics up and down and gaming is run (for the most part) by businesses and they work to maximise profit not gamer enjoyment.
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