One big, stonker
of a reason: 30 frames per second of the old Xbox versus 60/100 frames per second for the new one. It is a Marketers worst nightmare.
I totally get what MS/Sony are
doing this generation, the problem is and i am not saying this is you but you can see the problem on twitter right now.
Little timmy pastes static screenshot of horizon dawn zero
and ‘random naughty dog game’ into discussion, points, says new Xbox console is worthless.
There is no understanding at this level of owner that all these games were running at 30fps, sometimes less than that.
Big parts of the console industry are geared to keep timmy on twitter happy with his 30fps screenshot friendly game and PC gamers like myself unable to play.
PC Gamers will
buy the new console and outspend timmy plus, give microsoft a
new foothold in our living rooms that they never had before.
That is is the gamble being made right now. Timmy might grumble on Twitter but there are
only so many like him that can spend £600 on a console and accessories.
60 FPS isnt worth £600.