Surely you expected it? Game is being done as free to play always means one thingHalo Infinite multiplayer update now live it’s 25.90 GB.
Nice to see paid boosts and micro transactions…..
Surely you expected it? Game is being done as free to play always means one thing
I think the only free to play game that isnt all about money is Apex Legends, whilst it has a battle pass it offers no game advantages or xp boosting etc. Purely cosmetic items only + new legends can be unlocked from in game currency you earn.Yeah I suppose just seems pointless to me playing unless you are paying for premium upgrades etc. it seems to be the way games on game pass are heading.
Im not overly interested in the multiplayer tbh. Will have a go every now and again but Halo for me is about the campaign.
It's very bittersweet for the backward compatibility update - this is the FINAL one they're doing.Such a shame about Jet Set Radio Future then.
Celebrate 20 years of Xbox with over 70 new Backward Compatible Games - Xbox Wire
Halo Infinite multiplayer update now live it’s 25.90 GB.
Nice to see paid boosts and micro transactions…..
Who cares about cosmetics other than kids? This should have no impact on any adult.
It’s not just cosmetics it’s XP boosts too. Or that’s what it looked like anyway.
I've just tried Darksiders which got the same enhanced treatment and its amazing on Series X. Load times are incredible and the game feels like it's on steroids now.Is the FPS boost added to the 4K up-res for the BC games that have it (like Assassin's Creed 1) or an alternative option, I wonder.
It’s not just cosmetics it’s XP boosts too. Or that’s what it looked like anyway.
They said the last update was the last one.
And what do you get with XP? GASP! Only cosmetics.
I’ll be playing a lot of halo over the next few days/weeks/months.
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