Poeple are reporting they are playing Online on xbox without Gold membership.
I guess it means you can have total confidence in what you are downloading from Apple's app store, which is a big thing for them.
I get the idea of xCloud, with gaming on the go and the like. However, gaming on some tiny screen is one of the worst things I can think of. Don't think I've ever reached a point of being so desperate to game, that I've wished that I could play something like CoD/Forza/etc.. on a 6.5 inch screen.
In fairness, I had several Nokia Windows Mobile phones, and I much preferred it to both Android and iOS.......the one thing that let it down was app support, and unfortunately, that is the number one thing you need as a smartphone OS!That is likely a sticking point with Apple to be fair.
Having never used Windows mobile, I can't really comment, but I would have thought MS would have managed to make a bit more of an impact than they did. I mean, they make their own surface tablets, so doing something similar to Apple for phones should have worked to me.
Why on earth don't Microsoft just launch their own phone operating system?
They are very clearly interested in hardware as they are about to annouce there new Android phone. There is just no way to break into the market with two OS's for devs to work on that control the market.Microsoft should block iOS and Android from xcloud and launch a new phone on their own OS that has xcloud and game pass - now that's a system seller
However it clear Microsoft is not interested in the hardware business anymore, hence why they are t doing this.